LIVE Q&A 2024 03 12 VIAȚĂ NOUĂ

LIVE Q&A 2024 03 12 VIAȚĂ NOUĂ

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32 thoughts on “LIVE Q&A 2024 03 12 VIAȚĂ NOUĂ

  1. lol I’m almost 40 as well and I’ve been wondering if my profound rage is because of the old man syndrome or just because the world is literally getting much worse

  2. @hoe_math is familiar at all with Dutton? The Jolly Heretic? His explains better than anyone why society is going the way it is going and it boils down to simple evolution

  3. I hate loud noises large groups of people, dancing.
    I started going to salsa class downtown here in Pensacola. Always more girls than guys, great place to learn something and get good at it and have them see you be good at it.
    Instead of asking girls for numbers, I started handing out my number on a sticky note. 😅

  4. Hi HM, just some feedback. Some of us freaks aren’t as bad as you think we are. Mostly we’re just trying to get by and be safe, we aren’t morally corrupt. I’m pretty level-headed and agree with a lot of what you talk about on here, and trust me I’m not the only one who would. I think you’re confusing the “low-level” left leaning folk for all of us. A part of a good society is treating one another with respect, and also seeing things from other’s perspectives… Calling a whole group of people freaks isn’t going to persuade them to join your cause.

  5. I think you should do a collaboration with James Lindsay.

    He gets into the nitty gritty of the neomarxist gobblie goop, but is not that great at explaining it simply to normies.

  6. macken is pandering to the woke bc that’s the mainstream and being a (school) researcher it’s his lifeline. the pushing against them seems no different than comedians who think they’re being brave saying “can’t make any jokes these days 🤭🤭🤭”.
    correct me if i’m wrong, he just comes off slimy in his videos. see: “red pill twerks”

  7. Kratom has helped me soooo much in many ways, socially, bringing me calm, just enhancing my mood and all around sense of well being. It is addictive though so be careful.

  8. hoe_math makes me want to be mad at women but my wife and female friends are pretty great, honestly. So instead I rage at the clouds, too.

  9. Its valid and fair not to trust Trump. He is both a politician and businessman. He is just a good enough option for the terrible world we live in.

  10. I think it would be a better idea to have your girlfriend's content be here as well. You already have the fame here so why not?

  11. All the woke and also the anti woke stuff is a distraction. Toppling statues doesn't do anything. Both sides like to scapegoat.

    Economic issues are actually real. The fact health insurance is tied to your job is a huge disadvantage for workers. People constantly have less buying power and more small businesses get eaten up.

    It doesn't matter if the capitalist exploiting workers is white, black, a man, or a woman. Society doesn't improve if everything stays the same but the demographics of the people at the top changes. I don't care if I'm being exploited by a white man or a black woman who identifies as a Pikachu.

    In my opinion there are only two classes and the vast majority of people from laborers to doctors are working class.

  12. I think the Dorito man was asking about how you could possibly ascend in the Nietzschean sense without an overbearing society to overcome. Basically, could you actually get strong without gravity? Could you actually overcome yourself and society if you were already fully free of all entrenched dogma and social constraints?

    The Overman may only be able to spring out of a society of Last Men.

  13. i paid 9 whole canadian dollars to do your levels check, and i was interested in joining the discord server.. but then…. you, or someone high up banned me?
    i was talking about canadian and UK censorship laws when i got the ban hammer. kinda ironic. please remedy?

  14. Can you be more professional and not eat during your videos kid? If I hear one more bodily function I'm exiting immediately

  15. How do you reconcile telling people they need to stand up and not obey even if it is at a cost to themselves, while at the same time you say that behind a veil of anonymity. It’s very easy to say that but you have a huge platform and don’t seem to be walking the walk. It’s very understandable people don’t want to lose their jobs and livelihood over culture war issues. All the respect in the world to you, but this is quite a large elephant in the room.

  16. I once wanted to get into Warhammer tabletop gaming. The rules were extremely complex to me and at any point GW could come out with rules changes that could ruin the legion that I put so much time and money into..
    I finally decided to just stick to reading the lore and I’m much happier and wealthier..

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