În episodul din această săptămână încheiem aventurile noastre în Insulele Baleare, unde, din păcate, timpul nostru este scurtat din cauza vremii nefavorabile! Navigam apoi spre continentul Spaniei, unde suntem loviți cu 28 de noduri care vin în Port Denia, Jase prinde pești despre care pisicile cred că este cina lor și ne îndreptăm într-un port pentru o furtună de vânt! IUBIRE CONTINUTUL NOSTRU?? Iată numeroasele moduri prin care ne poți sprijini! ️ Sprijină creațiile noastre și obține avantaje exclusive devenind un Patron: ☞ https://www.patreon.com/Leadingtheescapade
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31 thoughts on “SAILING ESPANA – MERGE LA IBIZA! EP-122”
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Been a great time, always nice go somewhere new. Tyvm awesome video
Cosita rica
you guys are so much fun to watch and I love her accent. I did some cruising mostly in the Great Lakes and northern Lake Huron in Canada. Keep on truckin kids
Love the new? Bikini!
Hey guys great video and those cats are doing so good and funny to watch the one try and steal the fish

You should stay in the rough weather as when you're in the Atlantic Ocean you'll have nowhere to hide.
Good episode. Highest Blessings
When did those kittens get so huge! Fighting for the tuna??!! Wow!

Well that was fun
️ See you next time.

Hahahahaaaa I love the footage 2 mins in, Cat
just sitting there taking it all looking Relaxed and Comfortable AF lmfao
I'm sure it was a Sailor in a previous life pmsfl

Now to finish the video
Love from The Land Down Under
Hi, I haven't commented for quite a while but, you're still my favorite channel. I'm still jealous of you. I wish I was smart and sailed when I was young. Happy Anniversary, your friend Ed
The kittens are hard case. Trying to steal the show the pair of them
Another fine tune for my playlist (Our Time) My car sound system has a subwoofer which really did it justice
Going from strength to strength, well done guy's
This part was very nice, you are great
One cat in tug of war, other cat
'you have to worry about humans that still don't know that Fish are for cat food, ONLY' 
Love you two
Love the modeling segment with the slow-motion and music…
Don’t ever give the kitties raw tuna! They will get addicted, take over the boat and force you to fish for them. It’s a tragic tale
I see whatcha did there
Lulu and Nyla are hilarious, they keep you on your toes for sure. Hope you fared the storm well. – Jerry
I like…especially 'dem kitties!!
Another great video!
Our exchange student lives in Gandia! She said she remembers watching Leading the Escape when she lived with us! We will be in Valencia and Gandia April 19-23! If y’all are still there, I’ll buy you a beer
Awesome janay

Love you guys! The cats are good entertainment. Safe travels
Great video. Thanks!