Ventilație pe un iaht cu lilină pe punte în Marea Mediterană – Sirius 40 DS

Ventilație pe un iaht cu lilină pe punte în Marea Mediterană - Sirius 40 DS

Iahturile noastre nu sunt doar construite pentru latitudini înalte, ci se simt la fel de bine ca acasă la tropice. O climă bună la bord este asigurată datorită numeroaselor trape și ferestre de punte care asigură în mod constant o ventilație plăcută. Izolarea eficientă a punții și a salonului de pe punte asigură că căldura rămâne afară. Desigur, putem instala și aer condiționat – dar în majoritatea cazurilor acest lucru nu este necesar. Însoțiți CEO-ul Sirius-Yachts, Torsten Schmidt, într-un tur al unui Sirius 40 DS ancorat în Grecia. Pentru a citi mai multe despre iahturile noastre, vă rugăm să vizitați #Sailingboat #BlueWaterSailing #GoAnywhereCruiser #Swingkeel #OceanSailing #Circumnavigation #DreamYacht #Segeln #SailingLife #SailingLifeStyle #Liveaboard #Boatlife


24 thoughts on “Ventilație pe un iaht cu lilină pe punte în Marea Mediterană – Sirius 40 DS

  1. I’ve been checking your channel regularly for more videos and this popped up in my feed 27 minutes after you posted it ;). My favorite boats. It was nice to see you at the Seattle Boat show. The Sirius 40 there was literally the first sailboat I ever stepped foot on. I loved it. Please post a video of your lifting keel version the next time you make one. Thank you so much.

  2. Quote: “our electric-powered Sirius 40 DS”

    You’re a good contender to be the first to finally have a keel with batteries as ballast. Nothing against catamarans, I just rather monohulls, but carrying lead around makes me a bit embarrassed… It’s borderline nonsense. And it amazes me that nobody ever talks about this.

    Even with off the shelf parts shouldn’t be too hard.

  3. Thank you for another Sirius video. Love your boats! They are so beautifully and efficiently designed. Can you make a video about the construction of the mast? Having never been lucky enough to be on a Sirius, it’s hard to tell from all your great videos where the mast is located on the inside of the boat. Would also love to see more of the electric 40 DS. That’s my dream boat! ⛵️

  4. When are you going to announce a 45DS? If that central cabin was mirrored to the starboard side….wow! I would then maybe sway away from the Moody 45DS. But it would need a flush deck to truly compete

  5. You have to do more videos like that one! don't worry about repeating!

    Wash dishing in a Sirius
    Laundry day in a Sirius
    Engine service in a Sirius
    Cold day in a Sirius

    Thanks for that!

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