În sfârșit Fair Topsides! E timpul pentru următorul pas – Ep. 387 RAN Sailing

În sfârșit Fair Topsides!  E timpul pentru următorul pas - Ep.  387 RAN Sailing

Sprijină producția noastră și alătură-te echipajului RAN Sailing ~ streamuri live, întâlniri și contactează direct cu noi: https://www.patreon.com/ransailing Partea superioară a carenei este în sfârșit corectă! Wihoo! Suntem o familie suedeză care a navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășim aventurile aici pe YouTube. În timp ce încă navigam, obiectivul nostru principal acum este construirea RAN III, o barcă cu pânze de 50 de picioare pe care o construim de la zero. Postăm un episod nou în fiecare vineri, așa că asigurați-vă că vă abonați și apăsați clopoțelul pentru a fi primul care află când există un nou episod! MARFĂ: https://ransailingstore.com/ Cămăși, tricouri, genți și multe altele sustenabile din bumbac 100% organic, concepute de noi! PRODUSE ȘI ECHIPAMENT CAMERA: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ransailing Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și realizarea de videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Site: http://ransailing.se – Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ransailing – Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ransailing Credite muzicale: http://www. epidemicsound.com Dragoste, Malin, Johan și Vera


32 thoughts on “În sfârșit Fair Topsides! E timpul pentru următorul pas – Ep. 387 RAN Sailing

  1. When i see how much efforts there is behind the construction of a sailboat, I am glad i spent 4M for my new Hoyster and i just have to whait 6 months for the delivery..in the meantime i can watch sailng channel on my sofa hahahahah

  2. Great to see the hull is looking fine , and you should start the Oh glorious sanding club along with Mads . Take care and awaiting the first coat of paint . Amazing word .😉👍👍👍

  3. Someone may have told you already but the traditional name is "torture board" or "torture boarding", but I think you have worked that out already!!😅

  4. John. My bride and I go to the gym 2 X a week to work on our upper body and core. I can only imagine the shoulders and arms you have developed with the longboading. OMG 😱 ‼️ Going to look great on the beach this summer…..never mind on the devil of RAN III❤ See you all next time. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  5. I still get mixed up top side, no your on the top, oh no your on the bottom, whats up, oh no that is down 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

  6. Johann, unbelieve job fairing the topsides, your chest size must have really increased after 4 weeks. You both are amazing with optimizing each process on this project. Vera climbing the tree was so special, thank you to the whole family.

  7. Looks great. You are very patient and meticulous. Also though, you do seem rather fatigued, and rightly so. No one would criticize you if you took a little break from the work to recharge.

  8. Congratulations on the change of work scene! 😊

    I hope the new muscles (used for the cramped positioning) grow quickly.

  9. Johan, I hope you are doing some before/after photos of yourself during this part of the build, and maybe even some basic body weight and measurements, if only for the fun of it. As the weather warms and the heavy clothing sheds I’m expecting to see a Swedish Tarzan emerge. 😮 😂 💪

  10. I can’t believe you long boarded so much of that hull without damaging your shoulders. That much longboarding is like kryptonite to a healthy body. Please pace yourself and take care. You won’t enjoy that beautiful boat if you’re crippled.

  11. Yes if you could double the amount of filler you would only have to sand back once. Maybe some sort of depth gauge like a 1cm cube of different colour material stuck on the area Anways you have it in control fantastic effort

  12. Put 2 to 3 coats of plain epoxy over the complete hull. You need a uniform base for uniform hold out before painting or priming.
    You have done beautiful job but perfered to have a stabilize Surface all red without the white lap spots. They will eventually show unless you stabilize surface before priming. Primer and paint won't stablize.
    After time expansion and contraction will eventually show lap joints unless entire surface is the same.
    Expoy now will help greatly.

  13. I have watched you since you sailed Ran1, then Ran2 , then the birth of your beautiful little girl, now the new build. How you can maintain the pace I have no idea but it’s remarkable, just love your videos

  14. It’s looking great! You seem to have a good grasp of getting the balance of pushing on and taking a break, which I have found is key to very large projects.

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