Urmărește toate cele 3 episoade aici: https://bit.ly/3TCn8Xt Alătură-te acestui canal pentru a avea acces la avantaje: https://bit.ly/NautiCrew Informații și contact FURUNO: https://bit.ly/NautiGuys-Furuno Urmăriți @NautiStyles : https://bit.ly/nautistyles BERING 75: https://bit.ly/NautiGuys_B75 ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI pentru mai mult CONȚINUT EXCLUSIV: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles #Bering75 #NautiStyles # ExplorerYacht Tehnologie revoluționară pe Bering 75 Explorer Yacht Pt.3 (Eps.50) Introducere: NavNet TZtouchXL AI rutare Glisare margine AI Evitare PBG BathyVision Radar Doppler TZ Maps TimeZero Risk Visualizer AI Avoidance Route TZ Navigator CHIKRP Side CHIKRP TU PENTRU LIKE-urile, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBSTANȚĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nautistyles/ ○ Blog: https://nautistyles.com/index.html ○ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ NautiStyles/ //CUMPĂRAT NAUTI GEAR: https://shopnauti.com/ //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – https://amzn.to/31gjSoZ ○ Drone – https://amzn.to/38wLj1y ○ Microfoane wireless – https://amzn.to/2FE0XNq ○ Microfoane cu fir – https://amzn.to/345jjQT ○ Card SD – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv ○ Gimbal – https://amzn.to/3k9vXUr ○ Lumină – https://amzn.to/3dzBotx //SUBSCRIBE AICI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRft… //URMĂȚI URMĂTORUL: Bering Yachts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PL_MuaHEC2JeWmEvmEfbOlOPhk9xH0cCU4 Explorer Yachts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_MuaHEC2JeVyHY6XChSPDlndQmG-1F_s 0:00 Intro 1:20 AI Avoidance 4:0703 AI Minute Blown 4:07036: 03:03 03:003 :46 BathyVision 17:47 PBG 19:39 Butonul de pornire 24:34 Viitorul Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu linkurile pe care le furnizez, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să pot continua să ofer conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână! #yachts #boats #boatshow #silentyacht #sailing #solar #solarenergy #solarelectric #victron #coupleschannel #youtubechannelforcouples #karaandnate #sailingyacht #sailingboat #lavagabonde #Bering65 #bering75 #superyacht #enesyilmazer #superyacht #enesyilmazer #shorts #horreatsaveltate #youtubes #horreatsavelles #luxurylifestyle #luxurycars #lifegoals
Tehnologie revoluționară pe iahtul nostru Bering 75 Explorer – Pt.3 (Eps.50)

36 thoughts on “Tehnologie revoluționară pe iahtul nostru Bering 75 Explorer – Pt.3 (Eps.50)”
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Thanks to everyone who joined the back-to-back Premieres today! if you want to learn more about the Tech in this video: https://bit.ly/NautiGuys-Furuno
Now, if they can combine the AI avoidance with autopilot, whoa. Self driving boats….here we are.
Please on your journey to the USA stop at Malta
and post a video in the Grand Harbour.
One of the most fought over places in the world.
It also has many beautiful places to find with secluded coves
This series of episodes was excellent.
Top notch interview with top notch company. You made me go to bed late last night.
What a great company.
I didn’t read all comments but in the chart plotting part, it avoids the depth you set it at but does it take in consideration the tides and times?
Simple does not mean better – oh ya the ol "complexity appeals to stupid people"
Is there weather avoidance feature?
Wow !!

Furuno well done Excellent, 

Question: What will come after the AI Captain for Furuno? Auto dock and undock maybe?
Want! Waiting on release………….
Excellent vid guys !
I never thought I would be so interested in boat building and technologies you guys have truly sucked me in ( I can't believe you missed the turning of your Hull I actually laughed out loud )
Really innovative Furuno? My Garmin has done auto guidance for several years.
You'll be sorry letting AI into ur "world"
Can't believe I missed the live premiere for a friend's birthday picnic. Really need to reassess my priorities…Two things among all that dazzling functionality that stood out; the rain/fog-penetrating radar & the crowd-sourcing/PBG chart updating. Both obviously huge for safety as coastal areas, especially, become ever more heavily traveled by craft with command crew of varying abilities & experience.
Interested to know how much will be available on your vid screens throughout the boat,too. Clients will be fascinated but you'll soon get sick of them peering over your shoulder in the pilothouse.
Wow. Not what I think of when I think AI, but this technology is here now. From fishing boats to super yachts, safety and the overall experience will be improved. Exciting innovations.
One of your best. Thanks for teaching us.

I can't begin to tell you how much I loved watching these two episodes. Thank you for posting them both.
WOW, I'm so glad I have watched it,so much Information, the tech is definitely more user friendly than I thought it would be.
WOW, you guys
I can only imagine what we will be having on our next boat………soon! See you next time.

Wonder if the Furuno would be connected to weather networks and add that to the equations of choosing routes?
If this will pick up a bouy, will it detect a floating log?
My buddy just finished $40,000 in repairs to his boat from hitting a log at the end of tuna season last year.
I understand that this is supposed to be an advertising exercise for Furuno but to my surprise they seemed very relatable and interested in their customers. Love the new technology and I hope their customer service lives up to your expectations. Great job guys!
This device costs more then 12K and you wondering on features what have some 20 year old devices
You two are the best 
Wow,guys it took me Sunday night and a little bit of Monday to finish this. And all I can say is WOW. And Thank you. I learned alot
That isn't "A.I"…just sophisticated programming.
Absolutely fascinating! Next step for autonomy will be baiting the hook, catching/cooking/preparing the fish and putting it on the plate for you. LOL
Safety first ! That's why Germans interpret "their" Mercedes Benz S-Class as security and what Furuno has "put together" will not only please Germans! finally something that you don't have to think about all the time – security ! Thank you Furuno and many wonderful hours on your new Bering and success, love and water under your keel! BBSOOEMD (Bering – best that swims on Oceans with the exception of Moby Dick!
What is the cost of this AI technology?
This has been so interesting thanks guys & to Furuno for their openness in discussing their technology.

So good, what do they say about still needing to have standalone backup screens for depth and wind speed from B&G and similar that people tend to have? Are those still needed, what kind of redundancy do these systems have, if the whole electric system goes due to an electric strike, what do they have for backup?