Prima dată când am navigat singur cu barca mea de 42 de picioare

Prima dată când am navigat singur cu barca mea de 42 de picioare

Părinții mei pleacă după 6 săptămâni cu mine în Mexic. Tyler încă face snowboarding, cu echipa Canada, în întreaga lume, ceea ce mă pune aici pe barcă de unul singur. Primim vești uriașe că începem filmările pentru sezonul 9 din Amazing Race Canada, ceea ce înseamnă că trebuie să iau niște decizii importante cu privire la ce se va întâmpla mai departe cu Footloose. Clipper Route, venim!


15 thoughts on “Prima dată când am navigat singur cu barca mea de 42 de picioare

  1. Great video. We are in Salvador, Brazil, sailed from Mindelo, Cape Verde, being a good stop. You are going to regret not crossing the equator, respectfully suggesting an early January departure from Mindelo, making it to Salvador in time for Carnival in February.

  2. Your foresail is a short jib. More for windy climate. If monies are available try for a genoa , it lies closer to the boat deck and more speed. thx for the video, hope the engine gets going. x SV Amanda

  3. Kaylene this was so good!! It’s funny because even though some of us know how things went on your adventure, it’s awesome to see it unfold! Great cliffhanger at the end 😎🫣 Can’t wait for next episode!!

  4. You are the consummate sailor! Years of experience and mechanical capabilities make for solutions that you accomplish so well! You are a power house of sailing! Those were touching words for your parents, you are a close family which is wonderful😊.Fun comment: We're anchored in Mag Bay now where we were anchored behind your parents on their 51ft sailboat in 2007. There was a decent southerly blow and we were a little worried about the big sailboat in front of us! But it turns out they had good ground tackle!…We enjoy watching your videos where your sweet soul shines through….Good luck on the Amazing Race! We'll be looking for your videos when you return!…❤

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