ȘTIRI CROAZIEREI – NAVA GĂSITĂ NESICURA PENTRU A VORGĂ, ROYAL CARIBBEAN SUSPENDENȚĂ MAI MULTE CROAZIERE. Potrivit anchetei, nava de croazieră Viking care a fost prinsă de furtună cu falsuri de motor a fost găsită nesigură pentru a naviga. Royal Caribbean anulează opririle în Labadee pentru cel puțin o lună. Un alt oaspete agresat pe un vas de croazieră. Adresa mea poștală este: Don’s Family Vacations PMB #471​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 900 Greenbank road Nepean Ontario K2J 4P6 MAJESTIC PRINCESS 19 mai 2024 dterris@ travelonly.com SUN PRINCESS 7 decembrie 2024 dterris@travelonly.com SUN PRINCESS 15 martie 2025 dterris@travelonly.com Consultați celelalte două canale ale mele aici și poate abonați-vă pentru a râde. Just Don https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv2wUt_T_d4 Relat cu filmul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLqcgj22R8Q&t=9s Pentru cei dintre voi care vă întrebați, da, sunt agent de turism și lucrez cu oricine din Canada și Statele Unite ale Americii 🙂



  1. Hi Don one question I am so glad you had a great time on the Sun Princess. Has princess started serve to you at the buffet on all there ships or is it just the Sun Princess. I like that Idea but it's serve yourself that's ok too

  2. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound and all went well, Don. 🙂 Re: not stopping in Haiti, I do think it's the prudent thing to do. Everything is always okay until it's not, and no need to take unnecessary risks when there are other viable options.

  3. I had the same thing happen on a princess Cruise with the Italians a waiter came to my room and tried to rape me I got away. But your own open water and if they get mad at you they could even push you overboard on another trip on Princess with my husband and grandson I left him with a babysitter up on top and after the show I want to get him and he was up there on top all by himself. Little boys could have crawl right over the side

  4. Viking = not seaworthy. RCL–not going to Labadee. Are they going to a different port to make up for that loss?
    Assault: part of the Maritime laws cover this person's conviction for his crime. Most landside judges will do so, but for the most part, it's up to the judicial system that governs crimes at sea.

  5. The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA), which previously investigated the Viking incident, disagreed with the just released NSIA assessment that the design of lubrication oil tanks on the Viking Sky was non-compliant. They also disputed the NSIA's assessment that leaving port with 1 of 4 generators being out of order was a safety issue since having the fourth generator available would not have mattered.

  6. The report on the 2019 Viking Sky incident released yesterday by the Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority was not the first. The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection issued their report in September 2021.

  7. For the last case, I don't think anyone would able to change the maritime law just to protect the cruise industry… so unless the next port is Panama (where the MSC Fantasia registered), better be careful.

  8. 0:39 0:39 Don, I've loved the channel and what you share. But I think it's about time we stop pretending and call it for what it is. Authoritarian lockdowns do not begin with the letter c.
    This was a coordinated attack on citizens rights and now we are paying the price for it. You don't have to be nice about this, it's time that we start speaking the truth and saying no.

  9. I don’t watch any news anymore. Except for the Cruise News, with Don!
    Thanks Don, long time viewer, keep it up. Thanks as always 😊

  10. Interesting re:jurisdiction. So if something happens at sea they can possibly walk? What about the offender stays in the brig until return to the embarkation port and that state or country is accountable in court. BUT somes cruises do not return to the original embarkation terminal 🤷🏻‍♀️. They gotta figure that.

  11. MSC Has Gone DOWN HILL !!! THEY SUCK NOW!!! Their 'Security' People Are HORRENDOUS!!! MSC Should Be BANNED From The USA MARKET!!!

  12. Being safe on ships is just like being at an amusement park or mall. There are bad people everywhere and you need to be safe. Now the jurisdiction question is a big problem.

  13. Nice, Don got back from a trip and did not whine for twenty minutes about his flights back home. Soon as he starts bitching and whining, I turn it off. He aint paying me to listen to that. God those lights in his back ground are hideous. Thanks for letting me whine a little too. lol.

  14. So sorry these assaults have happened. I wish the girl would refuse to go with the man and cause a scene where others could have helped her. I think it is good RC is being cautious about Labadee.

  15. All these people saying the no problem at labadee would no doubt be the first to moan if royal Carribbean had done nothing and there was problems 😎

  16. If there is no “local” jurisdiction in international waters then they are putting everything on the Captains shoulders. Unless these captains have military or police background they may have to be educated in how laws pertain at sea. These people can’t just go free, if they are guilty!

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