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Viața reală pe o barcă cu pânze într-un șantier de bărci din Mexic Ep 400

28 thoughts on “Viața reală pe o barcă cu pânze într-un șantier de bărci din Mexic Ep 400”
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Moving along nicely! Thanks for sharing.
Please tell me that your logo or something is on the wall. P.S. Bella is a little minion in all that gear.
Holding down the fort while mom is away! Great job!!!
Thanks Lee for sharing your go too's for adhesives. Looked up 577 and found applications of mine it will improve. My favorite Permatex 59214 works well with pfte tape or alone on everything from fuel, oil, high pressure hydraulic n coolant w/400 deg heat rating. Admire taking the small steps for extra clean installs. Important ethic you are instilling in Bella n Taj and it shows. Hat's off!!!
Another cool working video… Thanks
Thanks for bringing us along… you're getting so close. Excitement is building and can't wait for you to hit the water.
Great job, team Catalpa. I can sense the dynamic has subtly changed, now that you're getting ever closer to getting back on the water, it's fantastic to see all the extra positivity
. Have a fantastic week.
Taj needs to be let loose in that welding shop and professionalize the wall.
The more I see Bella, the more she amazes me. She's not shy getting her hands dirty and she's always learning things about the boat while working on it with Lee.
Do u guys ever miss the ferrocement? Are u glad u switched boats?
Family learn this is a mother and dads job, the youngling well did listen.
Bella and Lee have become a great team on this refit .
Bella – if you don't want the forward locker – wet stinky (as will be the case when recovering the anchor) see if you can get a grate onto the floor for the wet anchor chain to rest on when recovered – it will dry a heap quicker.(even better if its a rubber matt)
Great work team Catalpa!!
Great video guys. I did notice with your alterations on the bow roller that your hole in your anchor is now in front of the piece you welded to keep the chain in the roller. are you still going to use that hole in the anchor to lock the anchor so you don't lose it while you are under way?
Bella, your pronunciation is sooo good! Keep it up!
Well done captain, your welds are looking great! I’ve been fabricating for 30+ years and I’d be happy with what I’ve seen.
Snd thanks for finding a less obnoxious hat to wear…
Cannot wait to see this big girl back in the water, she is looking awesome, well done crew, you have done, whoops
you ARE doing a great job
You guys work so well as a team, always a great seeing what you are up to. New anchor system looks really nice well done.
When Bella is with you, it’s allways a job well done!
We are about to regalvanize our anchor in Penang so we're glad to hear it worked well on your chain! Cheers from SV Mojo!
Bella you are a real star diving into all these boat jobs. After you guys are done with the updates repairs the boat will be unrecognizable.
G'day captain Lee ,when applying Teflon tape ,the idea is to form a taper ,also it pays to ruff up the thread tò stop the tape sliding on the thread, i wouldn't recommend using any type of thread sealant with Teflon as they work against each other. In that situation your better off applying the sealant (if using ) to the female thread to stop the sealant compromising the 4200 seal . Not taking the piss mate just advice from a experienced plumber. Hats off to you and tig skills and boat is looking great. Kirra is cranking again with southerly swell, kelly has been carving