De ce îi iubesc Oligarchului Mega Yacht-urile #short

De ce îi iubesc Oligarchului Mega Yacht-urile #short

Vorbim cu un pasionat de informații cu sursă deschisă, care urmărește mișcările superyacht-urilor oligarhilor ruși. Acești miliardari dețin bogăție și influență imense și ajută la susținerea regimului lui Putin. Dar urmărind aceste iahturi, oamenii obișnuiți pot contribui la menținerea presiunii asupra guvernelor pentru a pune mâna pe aceste demonstrații uriașe de bogăție, erodând astfel (teoretic) sprijinul oligarhilor pentru Putin. Toate acestea, în încercarea de a ajuta la încheierea războiului din Ucraina. Faceți clic aici pentru a vă abona la VICE: Despre VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. Din fiecare colț al planetei, poveștile noastre captivante, caustice, inovatoare și adesea bizare au schimbat modul în care oamenii gândesc despre cultură, crimă, artă, petreceri, modă, protest, internet și alte subiecte care nici măcar nu au nume. inca. Răsfoiți biblioteca în creștere și descoperiți colțuri ale lumii despre care nu știați că există. Bun venit la VICE. Conectați-vă cu VICE: Consultați catalogul nostru complet de videoclipuri: Videoclipuri, editoriale zilnice și multe altele: Mai multe videoclipuri din rețeaua VICE: https://www.fb .com/vicevideo Faceți clic aici pentru a obține tot ce este mai bun de la VICE zilnic: Like VICE pe Facebook: Urmărește VICE pe Twitter: vice Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Urmărește-ne pe TikTok: Rețeaua VICE YouTube: VICE: .com/VICE MUNCHIES: VICE News: VICE TV: Viața VICE: Noisey: Placa de bază: VICE Sports: .com/NOC Waypoint:


24 thoughts on “De ce îi iubesc Oligarchului Mega Yacht-urile #short

  1. 😂 Boats are a hole in the water that you end up throwing money into. Yachts that you can’t pay for anymore are on another scale.

  2. How do they learn all these money hack? I mean I don't want any jokes or puns in comments, but seriously…do they hire some consultants who show them these ways ?

  3. The idea was to hide accet from Russia not the rest of the world. …. gòod place to store "hard cash"

  4. Fun fact: this is a big part of why stupid expensive glass pieces became a thing among growers, especially before the legalization wave.

  5. How long does the boat retain value . 10-20 years ? Or how does that work. Do they constantly have to sell and re buy boats.

  6. No, cash is cash. And if I'm not buying a boat, you won't get anything in return for your chuck e cheese token boat.

    Supply and demand.

  7. They should have super glue a black linen cloth within the masks as to black out the eyes cannot see through the eye hole but the wearer can see out. Best way to stay anonymous due to the eyes can always give out a mans identification, main thing a computer uses to match facial identifications.
    It always obtain eyes first then it does the matching. Voice also can be identified fairly easy for AI & voice matching software, hence why lots of journalists that go sleeping in enemy beds always disguise voices of ISIS speakers etc & or Cartel members etc etc.

    Not to say a person can always change their voice tone & their natural way of speaking like a change in how deep their voice tone is just smash down a full 2 pack of Parliments or Malboro's Reds in a sitting & bing bang boom you sound like a USA flag hat with the word YEW'GONGIT'sum! That one who chews bacco with a ding spit tin bucket on a rocking chair staring at pedestrians while welding a double barrel 12g shotgun & a pump SPAS12 shotgun loaded with 12g slugs & incindiary DRAGS breath with a GMC ute, i mean.. TRUCK! Yeah… a truck… a 4 wheel truck…. that doesnt have a…. nvm if its called a TRUCK to gon'gitsum y'all then its a truck… uncle sam said so. Can get real wil…d when the DUKES are in town…

  8. It could be a mutant bear, a genetically modified mutated mutant bear. Japan has many different CRYPTIDS to the West, not all of the stuff in the West would exist in the East.

    I wouldnt say Dogman. But thats you're assumption or opinions, i dont doubt why but in my own asian background of knowledge to Cryptids & Stories, we do have our own Cryptids that are specific to the East. Many also SPIRITS or GHOSTS, they are not what you find in the West.

  9. So just cause the prints are big, its a dogman? The prints dont look like hind leg footprints of a canid.

    Dude… cause its a big footprint with obvious claws… it doesnt look what a dogman footprint would look like, which would be dog or wolf like but way larger & has signs of it being bipedal or quadroped but heaps larger then any known canid. Come on dude…. not everything is a dogman.

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