Cel mai recent Mike Lynch: Scafandrii au intrat în iaht printr-o fereastră

Cel mai recent Mike Lynch: Scafandrii au intrat în iaht printr-o fereastră

„Au intrat pe o fereastră, dar nu au putut să intre mult mai departe.” Scafandrii care îi caută pe cei dispăruți după ce un superyacht scufundat chiar în largul coastei Siciliei au intrat în navă, spune Tom Kington de la The Times. 📻 Ascultă Times Radio – https://www.thetimes.co.uk/radio 📍 Abonează-te la canalul nostru – http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTjDhFuGXlhx9Us0gq0VK2w?sub_confirmation=1 🗞 Abonează-te la The Times https:/ /www.thetimes.co.uk/subscribe/radio-3for3/ 📲 Obțineți aplicația gratuită Times Radio https://www.thetimes.co.uk/radio/how-to-listen-to-times-radio/app


32 thoughts on “Cel mai recent Mike Lynch: Scafandrii au intrat în iaht printr-o fereastră

  1. No one deserves to die if that person doesn’t want to die regardless of their wealth, (supper poor, poor, rich, richest and super rich) This is tragic, for those who didn’t survived, they probably did not aware they’re just about to die from all luxuries that they had unfortunately this incident is bad luck. R.I.P.

  2. Mast too high, too much windage, heavier alloy not carbon mast, and the two dug out cockpit/lounge areas certainly didn’t help. The ballast/keel, even in the raised position, the vessel should be able to withstand a full knockdown

  3. Who would have imagined that after 3 days and dozens upon dozens of divers they discovered that a window or porthole might be a good way of gaining access?

  4. Its the 1% so we have to have it plastered everywhere across the world media …not that im not compassionate but if this was a regular joe or black folks do u think the (predominantly rich-run/conservative-leaning biased) "nnews" media would gaf??

  5. Water at 150 ft dept is very cold and the chance of survival is nil even with an air pocket. If someone was alive they would be knocking on the hull and divers would hear it.

  6. IF this was an organized deliberate attack via satellite (why is the "weather data" missing NOW and why isn't it being looked at NOW as to what part/hours and pics is missing and being noted…) what will it show once reclaimed/restored/reconstructed/doctored? I don't believe in freak coincidences

  7. Are the same efforts and resources being deployed for all the boats that capsize in the Mediterranean? Or do you have to be a posh yacht to get this kind of attention from the authorities and the media?

  8. It’s amazing how much attention rich people get, like their lives are worth more that die in much worse ways. Tell me- did the rich people that died take any of their material possessions with them? Where are they spending eternity?

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