Au contribuit defectele de proiectare la epava superyacht-ului? | SY News Ep377

Au contribuit defectele de proiectare la epava superyacht-ului? | SY News Ep377

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats CEA MAI BUNĂ Muzica vine din… Epidemic Sound | Pentru o încercare gratuită de 30 de zile De unde le luăm pe ale noastre! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast 00:00 Ne-am schimbat numele! 01:11 Procurorii efectuează o anchetă cu privire la epava unui iaht pentru a stabili dacă căpitanul ar trebui să fie acuzat penal 02:25 Forțele aeriene italiene confirmă iahtul lovit în explozie 04:07 Costul ridicării iahtului 04:39 Cum sunt conduse iahturile pe baza fostului echipaj 05:41 Design defecte care ar fi putut contribui la scufundare 07:34 Ușa din spate a fost lăsată deschisă și ce s-ar întâmpla dacă ar fi inundată 08:47 Ușa etanșă din spatele iahtului 09:36 Echipajul a fost aruncat în apă 10:23 Chila ridicată? 11:30 SuperYacht s-a prăbușit într-un alt iaht! 12:27 Contactați-ne cu informații Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alăturați-vă aici! Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați informații din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


44 thoughts on “Au contribuit defectele de proiectare la epava superyacht-ului? | SY News Ep377

  1. @6:49 Those cockpit exits leave about a foot of deck between the water and the interior spaces. There's no way that boat could survive heeling over 90°. I'm willing to bet that the builder has already run a computer model of the incident, and that some pants have been crapped as a result.

  2. This failure of many small parts is = to an airliner disaster, I also point to the person on watch, not waking everyone up to lock down the 5 gates/doors to weather a 90 degree list.
    2nd, the keel should have been dropped to full depth/ 50 meters of water, (first time I am hearing noice @ full drop). It never would have rolled that far with “full” dropped keel.
    That’s leverage, of depth.

  3. Sad thing is, this boat is probably in pristine condition on the sea floor, bring it back up, drain it out, it could sail in 2 days. Bet there is no structural damage. Besides the mast, that’s lateral stress above deck, in the main mast pin joint. (Like a hydraulic fracture), replace the mast and were good to go.

  4. The video you showed in the third minute is a water spout, not a downburst. There is a big difference. Research videos of Arizona monsoon storms, particularly the work of photographer Mike Olbinski. He would be a great guest and be able to explain these downbursts in more accurate detail.

  5. I had no idea how badly designed this boat is. But six very wealthy people died. That is why this has sparked such interest and litigation. re: desperate migrants from Africa… "In the last decade, more than twenty-eight thousand people have died attempting the journey, prompting the United Nations to label the central Mediterranean as the most dangerous migration route in the world.Dec 1, 2023" Just sayin'

  6. Superyacht sinked at anchor, next to it a SV of 200 year old design stays there as nothing happened? For sure it can not be design fault? Or can be?
    23 years ago I started my engineering career in a NA berau that designd pleasure crafts and yachts up to 24m. 25.000 crafts are sailing under that berau name.
    The narrative of producers and final customer was – more comfort.
    This emposed competition between designers and builders who will push the limits of basic naval design criteria to the limit.
    Unfortunatley the guests on this yacht paid the ultimate price for comfort and endulgance. Happilly served by the yacht designer.
    I hope this unfortunate disaster will re-instate basic fundamentals in safety of yacht design.
    RIP to the victims and their families.😢

  7. by looking at yacht videos for over 2 decades I can only conclude that the rich feel in a position to skip safety drills etc. Simply because they're to elegant and too important to consider unforeseen circumstances that may happen. I once saw an owner being recorded as he touched some of the controls and celebrating the fact he didn't know anything about the craft?!

  8. As a pilot and sailor, when I learned in aviation weather about downburst, that they can bee as strong as 80,000 feet per minute down force.
    That’s why pilots avoid thunderstorms in their he mature phase during landings and in general , which occurs as the rain is beginning to fall. RIP for the passengers and occupants.

  9. The primary reason the Bayesian sank is because the captain and crew ignored the standard rule for coastal cruising, which is, in bad weather, never ever anchor offshore at any distance from land because that will keep the yacht stationary and exposed to the elements. It’s much safer to stay moving.
    Plus, anchoring offshore denies access to any emergency services.

  10. The perfect Storm on top of imperfect design flaws that were inspired by the owner who apparently had more money than common sense followed by the perfect Storm getting unpredictably worse and all these factors coming together at exactly the same time, and btw whare did the broken glass on the upper deck before knock down come from that the owners wife had to walk through before she was tossed over board with the rest

  11. It would be nice if you could actually list the names of the crew members and the charter company that was staffing this so there could be some accountability there too. I personally would like to see it for all boats because what we have here when you do root cause analysis is a human problem. The engineering of the boat didn't cause the boat to sink it was the crew who mismanaged it. As a most boat accidents in fact almost 100% its crew error😮

  12. That is a clear design flaw, they probably relied on electric pumps and similar security features to offset that but that is a big no-no in my book. One of the first things you consider when you assess if a yacht is ocean worthy is how long time it will take to flush out the water from the area close to the entry.

  13. Even with all of those doors taking in water, it doesn't make sense that the vessel should remain on its side. … This is way outside my area of competence / eperience, except I do have a sailboat and have used hang gliders and barely done windsurfing (read : felt the force of the winds). My 48" 20t sailboat with two masts will heal significantly just from the wind pressure of a storm towards the hull and the masts, and your video at aprox 3min15sec confirms that the wind forces against the hull and the mast can heel a sailboat almost to 90 degrees. And the yacht didn't have the keel down, and did have an exceptionally high mast, giving a significant force and momentum high up. …… I do'no how, but somehow the weight distribution of this design caused the vessel to not return up again. ….. In order to sink it through open doors, it had to stay on it's side for a long time (not rolling back up again). Wind has much more force than most of us realize.

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