Tragedia lovește când superyacht-ul miliardarului Michael Lynch se scufundă, ducând la pierderi multiple de vieți omenești. Aflați mai multe despre acest dezastru de lux și despre elementele de design care ar fi putut fi responsabile în acest videoclip șocant. Cum ar putea acest Superyacht BAYESIAN de 184 de picioare să se scufunde la ancoră??? #scufundarea #bayesian #superyacht #italia BAYESIAN, barca cu pânze Perini Navi care s-a scufundat la ancora în apropiere de Palermo, Italia, este discutată de un căpitan profesionist de superyacht cu vele despre posibilele cauze și elemente de design ale acestei serie de producție. Suntem întristați de această pierdere de vieți și sperăm să învățăm mai multe pentru a evita pierderile viitoare. Dacă apreciezi acest conținut, te rog Abonează-te!

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The captain is not being blamed by the Italian authorities…in all countries captain and crew are always the first ones to be questioned in fatal occurrences such as this. It is difficult to understand how this can prove upsetting to some…
I may be wrong here, but I sense a sort of victimhood (evil Italians vs hapless kiwi captain) that is starting to emerge, and that is out of place. This is not a football match. I agree that the Italian CEO should have stayed silent (for now, at least). Yet, saying that 'the Italians' (as if they were a gang) are hell-bent on 'scapegoating' somebody is plainly wrong. Besides, UK authorities are carrying out an investigation of their own, independent of the Italian one. If UK findings will turn out to be different from the Italian ones, we will be asking why.
Nobody ever heard of a ‘micro-burst’ back when I was sailing back in the seventies and eighties. Nobody heard of a boat spontaneously sinking at anchor in a matter of seconds, with nearby yachts left unscathed, either. There’s a lot of ‘crew-splaining’ going on right now. I’m on the Italians’ side. The captain and crews’ explanation makes no sense.
Being anchored, her bow was possibly being held down, so making it easier for her to corkscrew over in the high wind & rough sea.
I think the swim platforms were open.
Great to get insight from a professional sailor who knows what he's talking about I subscribed!!
What choice did the Captain of the sunken yacht

Rescue the crews or rescue the yacht
Captain did not have any choice in rescuing his yacht and was not able to rescue his passengers
Captain had to flared for rescue as he watched his yacht keeled over and sink immediately into the bottom of the sea .
Why ? Keeled over yacht with floodwaters inside the vessel will not bound back up or stay up right.
I find it tacky and annoying that they are out there blaming the captain within 24 hours it’s extremely disrespectful to the victims and their families. There’s other access points the water could have gotten in through the A/C ducts and vents the ship was not airtight. Even if they seen the water spout coming they wouldn’t have had time to react do anything they nice quickly and it was rain wrapped meaning you can’t see it because of rain. You can’t control the weather – this seems like a freak accident.
Answer: Final Destination syndrome. (evil was answered) The billions came from the shareholders of HP. Ever wonder why your 401K doesn't perform better. Well.. this is part of that
Your information was by far the best I have heard.
The yacht manufacturer is already trying to blame everyone else. They know that they will lose all of their rich customers if it can be shown to be a fault with the yacht. And it would appear, that to them money is much more important than peoples lives.
Scuppers CAN NOT HELP in such a situation.
Scuppers work when the water level inside is higher than outside.
Here we have the opposite case: When the downflooding into the cockpit starts, the sea level outside is higher than inside. (That makes the water flow in.).
The flooding stops when the level inside has reached the same height as on the outside. But as said before, the scupper would need an even higher water level inside.
By commenting on the Bayesian, Constantino is directly acknowledging the ongoing involvement of the Peri Navi. So he, Perini Navi and the naval architect should be investigated by the police immediateley. Often builders & naval architects issue advisory changes to yachts of all sizes. It seems there are serious design flaws in Bayesian. Whatever failings of the owner, captain, crew there were, the boat should withstand severe, rapid, unexpected events. The storm was not unexpected as othe yachts had already lef the country due to the severe risks forecasted.
Importantly this should also be a criteria for the UK's MCA and insurers.
Its really simple how it sank. Wet bits got into the dry bits
The Bayesian relates to a classical blue water sailing yacht like modern cruise ships relate to classical ocean liners. More focus on luxury and comfort, but less robust and with lower margins. That is fine as long as you stay within these margins, just like modern cruise ships avoid stormy weather. Sturdy ocean liners like the QE2 sailed on a schedule. They crossed the Atlantic regardless of the weather.
And unsinkable does not exist. Closest I have seen were the sailing dinghies we used in my sea scout days… front and aft deck were airtight compartments. As long as they didn't rust through and through, the boat would stay afloat. Even if completely filled up with water or if it capsized.
We know on these super yatchs you cannot disturb the owner.But the billion $ question did the sea gods found him guilty of his celebration ????
Why everyone seems to forget the most important points? The boat shouldn’t have been on anchor,everything sealed, guests in the safe place and engine on towards the wind! Idiots bots
Conspiracies? OK, who’s the one controlling the weather in this conspiracy because last I looked humans didn’t control the weather.
There was another ship nearby , the Sir Robert Baden Powell
The captain and crew were awoken and ready to brace at 3 AM , they started the motors to stabilize their ship .They helped the survivors and saw the sinking Bayesian
When bad weather is incoming is it so unusual to alert everyone onboard including passengers ?
Saying a sunk boat is "unsinkable" might be the dumbest statement of all time.
I'm surprised that an "ocean-going" sailing yacht is unable to recover from a knockdown.
If it sunk that fast, something was open.
It seem this mast gets knocked over often
A very interesting post to add to those from the many sources, both informed and ignorant, which are giving us a table of full of jigsaw pieces from which to select pathways of inquiry.
From your post we can take two facts.
First. The pictures of the vessel Encore knocked down in Westhaven proves that properly designed yachts with fixed keels can right themselves from a severe knockdown although we don’t know the wind strength.
Secondly the stability figures Perini quotes do not appear to comply with the MCA large yacht code for vessels limited to 12 passengers.
As a starting point credible evidence may come from the Italian Air Force statement about a micro burst being responsible for the knock down of Bayesian. If this proves to be a primary factor information can be sought from sources in the airline industry. Thirty years ago the crash of US Air Flight 1016 changed that industry. The pilots in the crash had no chance to avert disaster because the circumstances were outside of normal practice and not forseen – and I think the same logic occurs here.
The Swiss Cheese effect, where all the holes of possible failure line up to create the accident, can be applied starting with the original design of the vessel, its keel design, the history of modification over the years and the resulting effects on the GZ curve and flooding angle. What were the stability and flooding angles relative to the loadings, tanks etc, at the time of the accident.
Some of the questions will concern the wind pressure coefficients acting on the rig when the ‘burst’ hit. At 20mph the WPC per sqft would be 1lb. At 100mph the loading would be to the square at 25lbs sqft – not including the rain factor. Were the comms balls and the furled headsails part of the stability calcs especially in terms of windage? In the lashing rain did the wetting of the furled headsails affect the GZ? Did the fact that the vessel was at anchor increase the danger due to veer? The witness statements from the local community and those at anchor. The subtle effect of damping in knock down if the keel had been down. There are so many factors. The list goes on and on most of which is more ordinarily logical. We can make no assumptions because there has been so much misinformation.
But one thing is clear – that the owners and designers of vessels of this type are in a way victims of their own egos in wanting bragging rights for tall masts etc. It has got out of control and this accident is a flag to make some changes.
The practice of the government investigative body in naming ‘suspects’ is quite normal in the legal environment in Italy, France and Portugal – where I live – especially where loss of life is involved. It gives a starting point and does not imply guilt. For Perini Navi or their lead company to accuse the crew of negligence is completely and utterly wrong and to my mind probably libellous. The irrelvant statement about watertight bulkheads in the case of capsize shows ignorance. They and the designers should be equal ‘arguidos’. This is an Italian inquiry and Perini are a significant Italian company!
Chris Freer – Yacht designer – 50 years of designing, building and sailing lifting keel yachts worldwide.
Probably a little known statistic…..80% of the boats that sink happen at the dock/anchor
When I boat goes down that quickly , it is not what the crew did do or did not , ………that is design flaws
While the mast design was described as "robust and well controlled," the fact that it required special considerations in the yacht's overall design and operation indicates it was indeed pushing the limits of what was technically feasible for aluminum mast construction at the time.
Some of the major design flaws in my opinion are the layout and lack of access to the owners, guests and crews sleeping areas. The only stairway access to the owners and guests sleeping areas is located on the starboard side? The crew had their own entrance to the ships galley and their sleeping area. There is a watertight bulkhead with no emergency hatch between the two areas? I think all access to the areas below waterline need to be along the centerline of the boat. Big sliding glass doors should be locked in place by hydraulic pins at sea, at anchor at night etc. A smaller watertight door on either side of the glass slider would be used during those periods. The vents for the engine room and ac units seems to be along the top of the hull? Not a good location for a sailboat. The aft area of the boat is designed like a swimming pool? It's below the surrounding desk area and has large below desk stairs which are open to the sea? Crews are small and spread thin especially on a boat this big. Was there anyway for the captain to communicate with people in different ares of the ship? Was the ship equipped with a fire alarm system? Was it used?
As an Italian,,, Leave 'The Italians' OUT of it!! The Captain wasn't Italian, The Owner wasn't Italian. Stop saying 'THE Italians' is like saying All Italians are guilty or irresponsible!! Show Some Respect! Rispettare!,,,,,,,, You should not disrespect Italian people. The authorities are doing their job. Blame the media if you want, not 'THE Italians'.
The huge mast weighs a megaton at least. That when it cam in cinract with the tornado, flipped the boat sideways and the weight of the mast pulled it under water.
BUT for that insane and un-neccesarily long mast-pole, I know I'm probably wrong with the word, in my very humble opinion they may have been okay! Blame should most definitely be put at the feet of the engineer that person who was on night-duty who failed to get the Captain…..almost a repeat to a degree of the submarine incident….I'm just voicing my thoughts nothing else!
Capt and crew gross neglect.
Never good to overburden the hull with so much weight.
The Hugh mast with water going in made the boat sink!
you can find pitfalls and defects in any piece of machinery, including the space shuttle, but if you leave portholes open during a hurricane even a piece of cork would probably go down
I wouldn't want to be the Captain. If he'd anchored his vessel properly this wouldn't have happened. She was adrift, out of control and turned broadside to the wind. Any vessel could capsize in that circumstance.