Răspund la toate întrebările de la patronii mei și membrii canalului despre noul meu iaht, Island Spirit 525e. Este un catamaran hibrid electric Sailing pe care îl voi face în jurul lumii. Pentru mai multe informații https://www.sailingdoodles.com/island-spirit-525e/
Intrând în profunzime pe Island Spirit 525e

41 thoughts on “Intrând în profunzime pe Island Spirit 525e”
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Going to take an engineer just to do a 10 sail
Please explain a cycle on a battery
Battery will only go up!!
EV is great for 2-3 hour trips!! Explain a 50-60 hour sail
Why didn't they use a furling boom for the main sail … Could be a square top main and lower mast
I also had a Bally a Catspace. The problem with their self tacking Jim was so small. It couldn’t balance the main sale that had trouble tacking through without the help of the engine.
Standing by for commissioning.
Presumably when sailing, the motors are both delivering regen to recharge the batteries as well as the solar?
Instead of moving the batteries, can you add 2 more further forward?
Seeing lithium batteries react to salt water with the recent flooding of North Carolina. Do you have any concerns with that? Bursting into flames.
Love the boat hope it fits you well iam sure you will adapt and overcome ,love the videos and Amanda
Seems like there’d be no downside to connecting the house and motor battery banks, at least with a manual switch. That way you could charge the big batteries if at anchor for days or use the motor batteries to extend the house bank
Hypothetically, if the main battery bank is full and you are sailing in full sun, how many RPM can you pull on the motors to "use" the excess power created by the solar? How much speed can that add?
LOL, I loved the look on your face when you did the 265 liters of gallon… I do live radio, that face is a common place for us! "What did I just say"????? Nice recovery! -JB P.S. Love the new boat, can't wait to see you all on a passage!
When I first heard you were getting a new e-sailboat (yrs ago) I had high hopes. Unfortunately you opted for an old school bulky Mack on steroids, not a sleek, fast and modern Scania.
Assuming they had special sheets made for the beds due to the little added piece on the bottom of them.
Generater aside. 100% electrically dependent, what could possibly go wrong? electrolysis, salt, corrosion, lightning… are you concerned Bobby?
Bobby, do you worry about the insurance giving proper coverage since what happened to the Hillbilly? He got the royal shaft on that deal and I think he is suing them.
Enough about the boat. Bob has enough concerns already. Let’s concentrate on that smile of his new first mate. WOW, she definitely takes the wind out of my sails.
Tesla’s use around 3 different types of batteries. The most current one is the 4680 (46mm wide X 80mm long). The battery chemistry is changing yearly. The Tesla batteries are cocooned and heated/cooled thru highly engineered systems.
why don't you install a vertical windmill for additional electricity generation?
So interesting.m
How much….. Sorry about the typo…. Ed Macedo
Congratulations on the boat. Like the office space. I would check if the batteries are lithium phosphate/Lifepo4. I think they are safer and last longer. Even then, you might only get 10 years after loosing some capacity. Can't imaging moving/changing one of those batteries inside a boat without damaging something. Looking forward to following the channel to see this new electric cat perform.
Lithium life cycle varies per mfg. Some are 3-5k.
Have you considered adding a couple small wind generators on the top of the boat for extra power?
Are you using lithium iron phosphate batteries?
hey bud love the new boat, dose the the Solar bank charge the drive bank at all or is that all in the house bank only and is it changeable at you choice ?
Cost of 1.5 million or more ? I will stay with the Contessa 32.
New boat looks really great!!!! Hope it fulfills all your expectations, have a Blast!!!!
Did you ask your barber for the toupee cut?
Bobby, aren’t you concerned about your batteries coming into contact with sea water? Recently during the hurricane on Florida’s west coast in Sarasota some salt water came into a garage and a Tesla caught fire and BURNED THE ENTIRE HOUSE DOWN!
I would be very concerned if you were out in the open ocean and the batteries were in contact with salt water
Is this Jerry Van Dyke? J/K. That boat is phenomenal
NO NEED of bow thrusters on a Cat! Need skills….
It’s a moving apartment.
Love your show, never miss an episode. But the new boat is a barge with sails. It’ll be great for parties but I can’t imagine the sailing experience being memorable. All those batteries and electronics bouncing around at sea could be dangerous. The problems will be entertaining as long as no one doesn’t get hurt.
I think I am waiting to physically see one before I consider buying a 525E. They seem to be in a proto-type phase still. I also worry about the quality of the components. I.E. what brand is the 480 volt battery, what is its technology. Also cheap chinese components with poor quality. Too many unknowns.
Is this a fast cat…or more of a luxury yacht that sails ok?
How can you sail not being able to see mainsail?