Reacția furioasă a Camillei la decizia regelui Charles cu privire la rolul Lady Louise! ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– Ce vei face când vei observa oameni mai tineri decât tine îți ia deja locul sau devii mai popular decât tine? Luptă, nu? Acesta ar putea fi cel mai bun mod de a descrie regina Camilla, regina Angliei. După ce a luptat cu succes în inima și gospodăria regelui, ea este șocată să descopere că familia regală încă nu o recunoaște pe deplin. În schimb, alți membri regali precum Prințul Williams și Prințesa Catherine continuă să atragă atenția tuturor. De parcă nu ar fi fost de ajuns, Lady Louise a ieșit din umbră, devenind măruntaiul ochilor regelui Charles. Chiar acum, Regele a decis cu privire la rolul Lady Louise. Acest lucru nu îi convine Reginei, care a devenit furioasă din cauza deciziei sale. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce ne aprofundăm în disputele familiei regale, în special în recenta ciocnire a Reginei Camilla cu Regele Charles în rolul Lady Louise. Îți place acest conținut? Abonați-vă aici: Sau, vizionați mai multe videoclipuri aici:
Reacția furioasă a Camillei la decizia regelui Charles cu privire la rolul Lady Louise!
45 thoughts on “Reacția furioasă a Camillei la decizia regelui Charles cu privire la rolul Lady Louise!”
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Not interested about Camilla’s life. She ruined the marriage of Diana and King Charles. Now she wants her children from her first husband to be given royal title. She’s crazy, they are not royal. She’s becoming demandin
Charles is lucky she don't smack him with her purse. Truly. Because she is such a rough case.
Stop calling her Queen!! She has been and still is the King’s “other “ woman!
She is a mistress period .
She is trying to manipulate king charles she is mistress wether she done something good but she not coverup what he done to Diana we dont know if she is part of Dianas car accident .
Camilla is ambitious she is using king Charles for her own she must be removed from royal family she just messing them .😊
King Charles please wakeup think twice before making decision love your family not your mistress she will make much trouble to your family .
Even in death, the presence of Diana rules all.
Diana is the peoples Princess, Catherine is the Queen of hearts.
She only married him for the power
Camilla's an ol' washerwoman
Is no one worried about his sausage fingers
Zillion dollars in jewels and rotten teeth doesn’t make sense no dentists in the kingdom
King Charles could sort this out why is it going on.
Who cares what Camilla thinks!!!!
There comes a time when we will "pass the batton" on to a younger generation. When passing it on we should do so hoping that they will go further than us and shine more than we did. It is a time for joy and celebration, a time to be proud.
You ask what I think off Camilla. She will always be the other one, I believe Princess Diana would still be alive if that dog had stayed in her own yard.
Long live 🎼🎺🎼
Princess Diana ❤
even after her death. 😢
What to know about Camilla, she’s a narcissistic whore👍 who will never ever look or be as beautiful or liked and loved as much as Diana. Camilla looks older than the late Queen Elizabeth.
Kate’s behind would make Camilla a good looking Sunday face.👍
Camilla stole Diana's happiness and marriage. She doesn't deserve to be a queen. She has very low morals. She will always be the mistress.
She is queen in her dream… world knows the reality …
Camilla has the brain of a blonde you're stupid she was never raised Royal these people being brought in for these positions have been raised Royal her family has been raised common she acts common she does things that Queen Elizabeth would roll over in her grave if she was watching her all she did was manipulate her butt right into her position she should never have power and thank God Charles is smart enough to figure that out
I think she had her nerve when they put Beatrice in it is an actual Royal cousin Charles's niece and she has the audacity to think that this woman doesn't know her place and how to do her job and this crazy thing is thinking about bringing her family in to do public jobs they're nothing but commoners they haven't got a clue it's all about just getting their hands on the money and getting into it she's a nut
no shy what she has don destroy other family.
She is not Queen of England she is only Queen Consort if that
Chamilia is an older and unattractive woman. She can’t compete with a young and beautiful Katherine who is also a lovely and elegant lady…
I must say that King Charles looks very good for his age on the other hand Camilla looks like she could be Freddy Krueger's sister 👹
Booboo on Camila can't stand her!!!
Camilla needs to mind her own business. Camilla sticks her nose in to everything. Camilla needs to back off, nobody wants her opinion. Camilla is very pushy.
She is the queen of mistresses, not queen of England.
The Queen shouldn't have let Camilla marry Charles. Prince Charles was a spoiled brat. He wanted Camilla he got her.
I also don't like camilla for the pain she caused in PRINCESS DIANA'S Life because of stupid Charles
Camilla isn’t the queen. She intended to be though! She steamrolled, broke hearts and imploded the Monarchy trying to be though! Now she’s crying she’s the victim! What a piece of work!!!
She’s not the Queen! She is ONLY the Queen consort!
Camilla the Queen consort should just be happy to be actually married to Charles if she really loves him. She is not in line for the Throne herself and should not be surprised people give attention to the actual blood royals. Especially William the next King.and his wife and children.
It seems her expectations when she broke up Diana and Charles's marriage and pushed Diana to the side have not come to pass. It amazes me that Charles picked her over Diana; it was definitely a step or 10 down.
We reap what we sow!
Carmilla needs to be removed she's a mistress broke up a family
I wish Diana had held on to the marriage. The greatest revenge she could have done was to live, raise her sons, ignore her husband and become Queen! She made the wrong choice and it led to her death. So tragic!
She will never be the Queen of England
fiction or not, she was a home wrecker and did not deserve the Queen status.
Why does this fool of a commentator keep calling prince William prince WilliamS? He's bad enough. Get him a new position where he doesn't need to speak.
I’m still mad that she broke up Charles and Dianna
She is not the queen.. she's a mistress turned queen concert nothing more… And she will always live in Diana's shadow…