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19 thoughts on “Partea 2, TERMINAREA CANALULUI CRINAN!”
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Mate your a full on sailor in the second

part of second year. I remember when you just set sail with no knowledge off sailing whatever and all our arsed squeak a bit
Your a star mate.
The scenery is absolutely epic. Oh I do wish and wish
Great to meet at the harbour office and talk boats in the pub the other day mate. Thanks for the advice on our rudder and charging system.
This was golden 15:45 you did not mess up, you perfectly parked alongside friends.
I was really looking forward to this episode, seeing you travel really makes me feel good, im really proud that you succeeded in doing what you wanted to do!
I would really love to know a bit more about the Great Bear tribe and the other friends you made along the way, how you met each other, maybe a little interview?
Sailing has really turned around since the beginning where the boat didn't float. UK circumnavigation has turned out to be an affordable winner and you really aren't rubbish at youtube anymore. Just need to get the numbers up so you can afford more anchorages and do some blue water sailing or cruise the med for a season.
25:15 "not allowed to fly one". Do you mean an ensign? Why not? I thought you had to fly one! Excuse my ignorance. Cheers.
You have covered a few miles of variable boating around headlands lakes and canals. This is very good information for new skippers looking forward to the next leg
That looks like a stunning canal to travel. keep up the great faffing.
Dude… awesome

Interesting cruise, good job!!
Long Live Fin.
Love it. Scotland is awesome.
Great video. Well filmed and edited it was good to have two views on the screen so you could really see the process of going through the locks
You've got the boat handling in the locks down to a fine art
Great fish and chips in that pub.
I know it isn’t easy but some of those place names have been getting murdered recently
It’s Kerr-er-rah next, not Carrera.
You’re living the dream and thanks for bringing us with you.
When done Nephew
Always knew you would become a good skipper.
"I should probably say something good right now", as in "like, comment and subscribe".
Long Live Fin.