Un cuplu de navigatori vrea să trăiască visul și să navigheze în jurul lumii cu navigația lor CNB de 66 picior, dar navigarea din insulele Caraibe până în Bermude și în Nova Scoția se transformă în moarte când o furtună le lovește barca și lucrurile scapă de sub control navigând în niște. #sailingcouple #sailingdisaster #sailboatlife #caribbeansailing #sailboataccident Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/
Accident tragic de cuplu navigator pe mare – Lady K Sailing Ep 306

46 thoughts on “Accident tragic de cuplu navigator pe mare – Lady K Sailing Ep 306”
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At least they managed to live their dreams.
I don’t sail, but this was fascinating.
This is a cautionary tale about large sloop rigs with shorthanded crew. This is why the ketch or yawl rig may be preferable off shore, expecially on boats over say 45'.
I have a 21 foot boat that could do almost anything since the smaller size allows smaller effort and stress on the equipment and allows the boat to ride swells better up until you get a wave break which is outrageous storm weather. Small boats are uncomfortable but they actually are safer up to a point.
It’s amazing how they prefer to leave a boat abandoned than trying to keep her towards their final destination. (It’s understandable of course as they’re not the owners and they did not put any effort nor money)
The sea, like the desert, is unforgiving…
Lesson I am taking away is don’t go sailing
I’m not a super experienced sailor, but why didn’t they turn the boat way sooner?
This past wednesday at about 12am i had to initiate my first ever mayday call after 25 years as a mariner with over 100k miles at sea. When i lost the rig and it holed the boat i had no more options but to call for help. Before my mayday call i called a commercial fushing boat about a mile away. He did not answer and after a few minutes he turned and motored away. We waited 5 hours to be rescued in our once stable boat which turned into a washing machine of destruction. ! Few things to note AIS and a strobe beacon should be mandatory, glad i had them. We were all rescued including our dog and i am now recovering from a back injury but we are alive. The sea can go from calm to force 8 in short time. Safety always. We now have to revuild after loosing everything we owned.
Would heading into the wind early make it easier to get control of the sails?
I wonder
who purchased the boat? What I heard was overconfidence and cheapness by the old couple and they paid the price. I wonder if a catamaran could have outpaced the storm.
A cautionary tale of hubris , poor communication, and not accepting physics .
In the words of the great Harry Callahan :
" Every man needs to know his limitations. "
A cautionary tale of hubris , poor communication, and not accepting physics .
In the words of the great Harry Callahan :
" Every man needs to know his limitations. "
Its tragic that she succumbed to her loss of consciousness and he passed away from a compound fracture of the leg after they were rescued .Must have been a massive exit point to bleed out from it. Really sad.
This sounds like a future movie.
I built a carvel planked cutter rigged sloop, h. mahongany over white oak, which I singlehanded around. As time passed & experience grew I kept simplifying, losing systems & technology to focus on the big 4.
A similar incident happened to me but I was fortunate enough to get in under control, only suffering a broken hand & some sail damage.
Afterward, I stopped creating situations of high potential energy. That included running downwind with the main on a preventer. I'd throw out my big 150 genoa, reefed and inefficient. No wing & wing either. The extra 2 knots was not worth the increased complexity, especially during periods of decreased ability.
After losing autopilot and hand steering across the Coral sea, I arrived at hydrographers pass right at sundown. I badly wanted to get in behind the reef & relax. It's a deep route used by shipping, but the chart markers didn't correspond to what I was seeing. I decided to heave-to and ride the night out. I guess what I'm saying is that humility, simplicity, and incorporating being prepared for the worst, in all situations, even the best, kept me alive.
Their's is a sad story, poignant & a bit personal to those in our brotherhood. I hope they are at peace.
seems 2nd hands boats are much safer than these luxury expensive boats…
Thanks for sharing.
Accidental jibs are bad in a little sailboat with moderate wind and waves. I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been with a huge boom, 30 kt winds and high seas.
Excellent presentation . Unfortunate end for the couple. Goes to show that ultimately, we try, but often are not in control. Circumstances can be overwhelming. Many of my associates, who I flew with are now gone from accidents- and I am here by the grace of God. I had two accidental Jibs off Puerto Rico at night .( which made me angry) and thankfully I was able to rectify this) I was sleeping! Ended up repairing a damaged spreader tip when I arrived Bach in Windsor Ont.
Is there any way this could've been prevented, besides training the crew more on handling the sheets and speaking in English? I'm wondering if there was something else they could've done or some key thing they could've done to prevent accidentally gibing and keeping the engine from stalling or SOMETHING.
Tragic story even though they got rescued they still passed away. I salute and sincerely thank Coast guard RNLI and all other rescue services truly appreciate these people..
Well obviously when wife passed the husband didn’t want to live without his wife. That’s exactly what would happen if I lost my wife of 32!years tragically like that.
As an experienced live-abord, I got halfway through but have had to stop. Just too close to the bone, too upsetting. But I'm hitting the like button as it's my problem, not yours!
Good advice, and then there are the real pirates, not the Johnny dept ones
I'm not a sailor in the sense that I've spent very much time at all under canvas, but I've crossed the Atlantic and Pacific, including the Southern Ocean to the ice multiple times on small ships. I NEVER take my skill level, the weather, or my equipment for granted. This story shows that even when you do 99% correctly, the ocean can still kill you.
Tragic. Amateur sailers get unforgiving lesson.
The rescue was fantastic! Thanks to everyone involved.
OMG i wasn’t prepared to hear that both of the injured boat owners did not make it out alive!
such a sad story but hopefully we all can learn something from this tragic event?
Buying a $2 million boat but not a proper crew. Sounds like they took their corporate mentality to sea and seas did not care for their cost cutting measures.
Rounding up in heavy seas to get into the wind with an out of control main is also dangerous. How about cutting the main away from the boom to de-power it. Dangerous working your way back from the mast and staying below the boom but as you cut away it progressively loses power until with luck you cut it loose.
Why didn't they bring the boat about and into the wind at the outset to reff????
My 39-foot Freedom Schooner has no headsails. Instead, we have two freestanding masts with booms The cure for the boom issue on our schooner is the Boom brake – I don't like or trust preventers as they are too rigid and can give way suddenly or even break the boom if it hits a wave. The boom brake provides smooth, slow, fully controllable jibes – there are at least three great models out there
Rich people problems.
This is my second viewing of this video. Interesting on many levels. I love to sail and have done a little broad water open water sailing (South China Sea on a 60 foot flush deck sailboat named "Monsoon" reputed to have killed a couple of people.) Aboard I, a mechanical engineering designer, looked around and lost track of the aspects of the boat I didn't trust to withstand a good blow and something going wrong. Somethings I want to ask about "The Escape" is, 1.) did the designers do destructive testing of the components as I have to for all my designs (standard safety factors for structural elements in a building is 3X failure…the World Trade Center s.f. was 5X)–we take them out into the real world and break them to learn what it takes to break them…always sad for me as I kind of fall in love with my designs but there we are; it has to be done or you just don't know–and, 2.) why didn't or couldn't the crew point her into the wind to lower the sails when it got rough in the middle of the night? There's so much in the video and in the story that is worth thinking about. I appreciate that though I've been in some rough seas, I've not been in that situation. Sitting with that story now it scares the hell out of me. I didn't sleep well after seeing it the first time. I go aboard knowing that I'm responsible for my own safety and survival including a waterproof satellite communicator. 3.) helmets? And was anybody wearing a harness? Folks go overboard b/c they weren't clipped in. The situations at sea are so many I could never be ready for all…but…why, for 2 million dollars, did she have only one engine (always the mention is in the singular…the engine)? What if she'd lost the rudder? Sea anchors? That boom swinging across…this has been a problem and a deadly reality on every sailboat I've ever sailed aboard, small or large. Why isn't it padded? (That may not be possible given other rigging essentials…just wondering, thinking….) Hard to imagine a gybe in a following sea with a strong wind aft but it obviously happens as it did, repeatedly, with the boat always pointed downwind. Amazing. I'm impressed. And they couldn't point her into the wind. Overpowered in 30 kts? 30 knots isn't a lot of wind. I paddle sea kayaks in 30 knots. Sailboarding in 30 knots is a blast, highly recommended. 35 knots is a gale and they write poems and songs about sailing in and "getting the most out of" a gale. There is so much about this I don't know, can't get my head around. It's an amazing story. Why can't they turn these big boats into the wind in a blow so the sails can be lowered? That problem begs for a solution. "Monsoon" got blown flat crossing the Tasman and she came out of it fine.
I’ll stick to surfing lol
How Lady K and you are a man?
Something's missing. Carl was sleeping when his wife and the 2 new guys hit bad weather. He's the most experienced and after barely saving everyone's life, he says I'm going back to sleep, in 30-knot winds? You're easily riding 25-ft waves in a 60ft boat, so it's agitating like a washing machine. No one sleeps through that. Does not compute that you're in a life and death situation and you leave your wife up top to go back to sleep. Was he impaired with alcohol? Imagine road-tripping and you wake up because the driver screamed about horrid conditions. You guide them a little–and go back to sleep(?) while the driver who screamed for you is still driving through a bad storm? No; adrenaline keeps you up and by your spouse until safety. Something's off here. I wish they'd tried lowering the sail before he decided to go back to sleep.
I just don't understand how you can get hit by your boom?. I'm always hyper-vigilant about not getting hit by my boom and I have a tiny sail boat, its boom would only cause a good bruise. But when you have a boom that's big enough to kill you, why are you so careless around it?!.
Very sad story. They sailed a lot of miles snd sorry to hear their dreams came to an end. Perhaps they could have reduced sail to bare minimum at night? Like always drop the main? That way you don't need to round up to drop the main when the wind picks up. Then go slow regardless of the weather forcast. It sounded like the large size of the boat made everything more a bit more risky and hard to control if the weather picked up (~30 kts). I would be worried of hitting a log or container at night while doing 20 knots.
historically, keep sails down. go below. the boat will survive. . and so will you…..
I'm not a sailor but i would prefer an older boat with a simpler rig so it fits a downhaul on the sails and a ready to go stormsail at all times. But who is i?….not a sailor.
Lesson…..Avoid high wave and high wind? Whats another few days or a few weeks behind schedules?
Time stamp for the 'accident' ?
Open ocean Sailing doesn’t sound that fun
At least together