Alăturați -ne în următoarea etapă a noilor noile noastre călătorii de 10 zile pe iahtul nostru de 50ft Riviera. În filmul din această săptămână, aruncăm liniile în Ft. Plaja Myers unde am stat la Pink Shell Resort și Marina. Am avut o explozie în ft. Myers, dar este timpul să vă mutați pe coastă spre orașul Napoli! Napoli are o tonă de oferit atât pe uscat, cât și pe mare pentru vizitatori / turiști. Am trecut în intrarea din Napoli din Golful Mexic pentru a găsi Napoli City Dock ca acasă pentru câteva nopți. Nu numai că vă ducem tot timpul, în timp ce explorăm orașul, dar Lindsey ne -a rezervat și o clasă de suflare de sticlă ca o altă versiune a „The Lindsey Games”. Ne -a plăcut să învățăm procesul de a ne face propriile boluri de sticlă dintr -o bilă de sticlă topită. Sperăm să vă bucurați de aventura noastră în Napoli Florida pe iahtul nostru Sport Riviera 5400. Alăturați -ne pe Patreon Urmăriți -ne pe Instagram Urmați -ne pe Facebook /profile.php?id=61569301204112 Locații vizitate: -naples City Dock -The Restaurant Continental -Dock – Blowing de sticlă Instrumente de navigație utile: link -uri de afiliere: (Dacă cumpărați ceva de la acestea, facem câțiva cenți) Spălare Eden Metal extensibil Want mulțumesc pentru Susținerea visului nostru!
Călătorind la Napoli pe un iaht de 60 de picioare | Explorarea Florida pe mare

43 thoughts on “Călătorind la Napoli pe un iaht de 60 de picioare | Explorarea Florida pe mare”
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Loving the Lindsey games
You guys are fun. Love the videos. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work
Planning to try glass blowing for the first time with my girlfriend Valentine’s Weekend
Trans Atlantic crossing would be epic! Can't wait.
Just love the videos and wondering where is land-home cheers
Diggin' the channel… keep up the good work!
I am in Florida now.. I am a Canadian who winters in FMB..just love what you are doing cheers
Enjoying your exploring our home waters.
Enjoyed the glass blowing content. Looks like you two had a great time. We did it in the Oulu glass factory in northern Wisconsin one winter. I gave her a gift card for a class for Christmas. It was a unique and super fun experience we will never forget. We have the pieces we made in our home. Looking for other adventures in Florida. Take care.
Again, g.r.e.a.t. episode guys and I’m new to your channel. Great vibe and lovely boat.
A cruising power boat is what my bride and I are after this time around after 3 sailboats. I could yearn a thing or two from you guys. When you go transatlantic, let me know if you need crew as With 25 + years ocean cruising and as a retired USCG Master 100 ton Captain, I would love to help. In any event, looking forward to more episodes. See you next time. 

Great show y'all. You should take a trip to Galveston Texas to the Most Haunted city in America and see The Strand, Moody Garden's and the Confederate Airforce Museum.
Good job for doing a fresh water wash down on your beautiful yacht. Shami. The Shami Is also good for your glass too.
Naples is very beautiful and yes you are correct Nathan, it is very bougie. Naples is for the wealthy. FYI, there are no complaints with the boaters because nobody is living in those
I do love the plant information, however, also try telling people about the area you’re visiting, like you did when you went to cabbage Key.
I do enjoy the Lindsey games. I also laugh how Nathan pretends to be slightly annoyed playfully with Lindsey about the surprises. Lindsey keeps Nathan centered.
Love the glass blowing.
Thanks for sharing your vulnerability’s Nathan on what you want more out of life and simplicity. That’s encouraging to me too. So thanks for sharing.
Keep the videos coming and thanks to you both.
Not to nic pick but that wasn't a 1/2 mile it was a quarter at best looked like it was less than 300 feet
Fyi she is mos def giving the ppl what we want boat life
Fyi she is mos def giving the ppl what we want boat life
Hey Nathan, use yours for snacks or cereal or something.

I sound like a broken record by now, but another fun and amazing video. You guys are naturals for this! Sorry Lindsey, I loved your wreath, but in this episode I liked Nathan's bowl better. The white just popped!
You need a Norwex Window Cloth.
As an Aussie, I’m a huge Riviera Yacht fan. Their factory is a couple of hours from where I live. Would be keen to know what attracted you to choose this boat over other brands. Hoping an in-depth boat tour vid is coming soon! Enjoying the channel.
Awesome as always, thanks for sharing your experience and smile’s! Nice seeing upbeat fun stuff. Stay safe!!!
Yeah Naples isn't low key with a simple vibe, but beautiful to visit on occasion for us. Thanks for the tip on the hose extension, will save wear on my back, we do already use squeegee's for our glass. (another good tip) Great episode!
Once again, great video. Loved the glass blowing class, always wanted to try that. So, when you sell your boat what kind of ocean cruiser are you interested in? Sail or power? Just curious.
Can’t wait to visit Naples by boat. Looking forward to see where you two end up next!
Naples is a great town. That glass blowing was epic and both bowls were super cool. Thanks for sharing your Journeys.
Another fun episode! Loved the glass blowing surprise. Who knew Nathan was an artisan? Try Syren Oyster and Cocktail Bar restaurant for outstanding seafood! The portions are large, we ended up sharing the Syren Sampler and Mussels, Rock Shrimp and Clams. It was outstanding!
U both are in my stomping grounds now! Have a condo in Naples Lakes, south from where u docked down Tamiami. When we first starting coming to SWF we stayed at my mothers place in Ft Myers for (19 yrs since 1989) Then to Naples after she sold her place and stopped coming down.The Conintental is an excellent place. It has to be! U all saw the numbers next to those food items!!!.Like to turn u on to a few restaurants within an uber hop from where you hooked up the 54. U 2 seem to eat an early dinner so depending on the time of year they give some very decent deals. One restaurant I will not post on here for selfish reasons like it becoming TO popular and we cant get a seat (wife and I !) 821 Bistro.(5th ave) very good not over priced . North up Tamiami is 2 excellent places u may like, USS Nemo and right next door Swan River Seafood Restaurant and Fish Market. This is the sister restaurant of the one in my town on Cape Cod. U will not find fresher seafood anyplace.I have more places but this is from a paragraph in2 a chapter 1 lol. Watched 3 of your vids so far. The runaway from Helene to Marco hits home.My Aunt and Uncle are on Marco and again I know exactly where u were and know where u got fuel. We were suppose to fly down that Friday just b4 u started ur trek back up north but our flight was cancelled. got out Saturday though. When U Nathan videoed WE ARE HEADING BACK 2MORROW.. I was yapping at the screen NO NO MAN GO TO THE KEYS!. anyway glad u both are safe and going to start new adventures. 1 u should do is the path through . Ft Myers into Lake Okeechobee all the way across to the Atlantic then up the east coast. U want a real adventure go up the intercoastal waterway. It goes all the way up into Canada!. be well! stay safe
Absolutely love this channel kinda makes me feel embarrassed with my little 30foot boat in rainy Ireland
keep going love the content
Beautiful video.
Really enjoyed the video. I wish we had known about the glass blowing when we visited Napes by boat last summer. Next time!
Loved the glass blowing. Naples, Florida looks amazing!
Enjoy your videos. We boat out of St. Pete as well, hope to run into you on the water sometime!
Loved every second, keep it up guys!
You really need to trade mark the Lyndsay games…..and hun, you totally need to be more expressive….. LMBO
For more research on fun places to visit in new cities ask Chat GBT. We have used it to come up with a whole itinerary including places to eat and hotel recommendations. Some of the restaurant it picked out were the highlight of the trip! Blew us away.
Snarky Mark back at ya , I enjoyed the video and nice coverage of my Winter home of Naples ( 7 months )
Spend enough time on the water and when the captian leaves the helm to take video's or check something your mate won't be face down in the iPad or daydreaming and not paying attention. With the amount of time your on the water unfortunately some lessons are learned the hard way and even with the most disciplined Captains and Crews. 
Love the extending pole for washing hulls ! ,,, there a much better Chamois for drying the decks on the market you pro's will finally come across and use … there are much better quality and better performance squeegee's for boats on the market the pro yachtsman uses as well
A bunch of years back a friend with a Riviera like yours thought I was a bit snarky during dinner ( prime rib ) in a Cionjok layover and I passed the Captain duties to him that night. By 11am the next morning in Pamlico sound his boating life elevated to a new level, We lived
The vibe is so real love it
Just found your channel and watching from the UK. Honestly, I'm really enjoying watching you guys. Boating, laughs, trials, and tribulations, you guys cover it all.
New Sub here! Hello, me and my husband love y'all's content. Lindsay, I absolutely love your style…would you be able to list clothing and where to find it?
Another epic episode N&L. Can't wait to see what's next, although I might know a little something about that.
See y'all soon. Cap'n Steve
You two are so real. My wife and I have talked about doing this for awhile and you are giving us the motivation to do it. Love your videos.
Breath in bowls, crackers in dishwasher
Like how up beat the vids are.