Sunreef 100 Power Superyacht Tour | În interiorul unui catamaran de 16.000.000 de euro oceanici

Sunreef 100 Power Superyacht Tour | În interiorul unui catamaran de 16.000.000 de euro oceanici

Alăturați -mă într -un tur al acestui uimitor Tur Sunreef 100 Power Catamaran Superyacht! Fasciculul acestui superyacht este de peste 44 de metri! Acest lucru vă oferă o cantitate masivă de spațiu atât pentru zonele de divertisment interior, cât și pentru exterior. Acest iaht are, de asemenea, o mulțime de spații de depozitare încorporate pentru toate jucăriile dvs. și este capabil să traverseze Oceanul Atlantic! Acest iaht este prezentat de Sunreef Yachts: Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fără tine! Fiecare comentariu, cum ar fi și share ajută canalul să crească. Abonați -vă dacă vă bucurați și vă vom prinde data viitoare! Urmăriți Următorul: Tur Yachts Extra X99 Fast Superyacht Tur: € 36.000.000 baglietto T52 Hybrid Superyacht: 143 ‘Canados Oceanic 143 trid Superyacht: https: // BE/S100TDNGG7U despre dependența de iahturi: Hei, sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat dependența de iahturi pe YouTube! Dacă iubești iahturile, acesta este locul pentru tine! Noile tururi de iaht merg în direct în fiecare vineri. Nu lucrez în industria iahturilor și nu am un fond de navigație. Sunt doar un tip care este obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați -mă în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, trauler, superyachts, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze .. Vreau să le vizitez pe toate! Urmărește -mă pe Instagram: Gear: Camera – Camera de rezervă – Microfon – https: // Amzn. to/3ctkwka Backup Mic – gimbal – card SD – Unele link -uri din descriere pot fi link -uri de afiliere. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu legăturile pe care le ofer, pot primi un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară! Acest lucru mă ajută să păstrez canalul de dependență de iahturi cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! Specificații: Preț: estimat 14-16.000.000 € Lungime: 93 ’10 ” / 28.63M BEAM: 44’ 4″ / 13.5M An: 2024 Constructor: Model Sunreef: 100 Power Hull: GRP Engine: (2) Man 1300 CP Viteză maximă: 20-22 KTS Viteză de croazieră: 12-15 kts Interval: Aprox 3000Nm Staterooms: 6 Oaspeți: 12 echipaj: 4-5 #Superyacht #SuperyachTour #yachttour


26 thoughts on “Sunreef 100 Power Superyacht Tour | În interiorul unui catamaran de 16.000.000 de euro oceanici

  1. What a beautiful yacht, the available space is just awesome, great finishes throughout and the quality shows in abundance, I like the layout and flow too. Great tour Tony thank you.

  2. This does NOT compare to a 120-150' yacht.
    Its one deck, plus two half decks.
    A 150' yacht is 3 full decks plus a half deck.
    Plus, this is Composite, so don't hit even a coconut, unless you want it hauled out of the water.

  3. It looks like CHEAP WHITE PLASTIC inside , no style at all ! This does not compare to a larger yacht ! Wait until they try to dock this mountain , that will be like way expensive ! No enclosed bridge , oh , we forgot that ! Wrong in so many ways !

  4. It might have the range to cross the Atlantic but doesn’t have an enclosed bridge, it has an enclosed cigar lounge instead.

    These things are just multi million dollar party barges. When there’s little else to point out aside from an over abundance of layout pads, point out more layout pads. Talk about the interior finishes, which are crappy.

    Appreciate the walkthrough, great job. Must be difficult on a boat with the character of an IKEA warehouse. Thanks!

  5. It's very nice….but …I personally think that's just way to much sun lounging pads seems like a big waste of potentially amazing space,could be big bar with dj hook ups , dance floor,you name it,but no you got 100 sun pads lol ok 16 million dollar sun pad

  6. Nice catamaran. Good tour, but I do wish Tony would open up more spaces. ie. I noticed there were hinges on the stairs leading down toward the staterooms. I would have liked to see the amount of space available. Sad we could not see the engine room.

  7. They should move the crew cabins aft and use those pits for storage, I sure wouldn't want to be put in a pit! Other than that, it's a nice boat, told by someone who sounds like a robot!

  8. It's designed to go into the Charter Business and be a party barge that's why everything is white easily cleaned nothing to wreck…. and then the 120 Sun lounging pads that's for all the parties you're going to have

  9. nice but a big too big and high on maintenance, I am still looking for the sweetspot -catamaran for space, stability and shallow draft, sizewise below 80 foot so can captain it myself without extra crew and keeping insurance and fees low, hybrid to keep autonomy high and costs for when on anker close to zero, for now picking between silent yachts 62/70 or sunreef eco in same range, or eventually although not a cat but very interesting monohull Greenline 58 hybrid

  10. Wow, very nice, huge yacht. I know there cats are big but this is great, exactly what i keep saying, most yacht owners or guests will be Adults, so no need for loads of single beds in twin rooms. I would like a bit more outside space though do do more than just lay on a sunpad. To each his/her own but thats my opinion.

  11. Hello! I always have a question whenever I watch videos, so I’m leaving a comment!

    Most yachts have a bathroom, shower, and kitchen inside, but where does the water for them come from?
    Does the yacht store water in a tank before departing from land? Or does it convert seawater into fresh water while sailing?

    I always wonder about this because I never see any explanations or water tanks in the videos!
    I’d really appreciate it if you could explain.!

  12. I would personally place the co captain and engineer in one room up front.. 2 crew members in the other room up front.. and the chef in the room next to the kitchen, and the captain can have the other room downstairs.. the guest can stay in the rooms on each side. It would definitely have to be a charter yacht with all the money for just the crew alone 😂.

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