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Cum a sfârșit prințul Alwaled cu iahtul lui Trump

43 thoughts on “Cum a sfârșit prințul Alwaled cu iahtul lui Trump”
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Saudis again.
Just like the rest of the world… everyone says the same thing..
that’s an individual who is outside the reach of the US propaganda machine.
Idk why but I like rich guys like this. Not because they are rich but because they know how to live
It's nothing to do about being conservative. It's everything to do with being sane..

As an Iranian, middle easterners know what’s up and what time it is – we might not all admit it but most of us live Trump!
Ok..first… I absolutely love his accent! Second..,his glasses! I love them!
Anti-Palestinian… F-off, sycophant!
Prince Alwaleed earns his money & his very smart daughter is making millions on her own as well
لعنك الله انت وترامب
Shameless of Arabs
It's good news, peace is reaching out and we are getting a good response to it ..Let's be aligned for prosperity, then at war for losses… Positive things happen to positive people..
This Saudi dud aged 50 years in about 8 years
This guy looks like a retired pimp. They dont reperesent muslims.
moley moley make some guacamole
What does he say about Trump’s position on Trump’s Gaza move?
This is a crazy impressive interview.
Consevitive, socially speaking WTF, have to, sounds like hhmm
If you have any common sense, you are pro Trump policies.
Palestinian activists walked out of the chat
Prince Waleed is a very intelligent Businessman and he recognizes intelligence when he sees it as do all successful Businessmen. It's no surprise that Waleed speaks the truth about Donald Trump. As an American of Arabian descent, I am so PROUD of President Trump, I voted for Trump THREE times and I am so PROUD of Prince Waleed Al Saud

I like this dude already. Imagine kicking out 20 million woke bitches and bring in 20 million educated conservative types that appreciate America's freedom.
Love you Tucker..
Pro america what they are talking about sending billions out while here the cost of life it is sky rocketed
Looks like he cleaned up his ‘habit’. Good to see the prince looking healthy
Wasn’t this guy part of the Las Vegas massacre? Didn’t he have shares in the company that owned that penthouse?
All what they care about those guys are : money and life and supporting usa and Israel
Maxine talks all that shit, but she has exactly 1 vote in congress. And zero votes inside the executive branch.
If i go to the Gulf countries right now – most of us would fit right in coz they’re liberal countries in the truest sense. The West has become a cess pool of socialism and decadence.
Trump is & will be know as a GodSend from the heavens get all that is bad exposed he’s for the people , he’s against the government that’s killing us , it’s been the democrats!
For sure we are for Trump

Lifetime politicians and government bureaucrats are the problem.
Right wingers should understand this
"We are for sure pro Trump on these matters." He said that like it would be ridiculous to not be with Trump on these matters.
Yes, Sir! Exactly!
It would have been amazing if Tucker Carlson asked him about Jamal Kashogi.
And I am pro Alwaleed! Great political points of view!
What him being pro Israel ? Do you still support him ?