Tur de 3 milioane de euro: Crances rambursate 67 Corsican

Tur de 3 milioane de euro: Crances rambursate 67 Corsican

O altă barcă super elegantă din granița Cranchi, Cranchi Sessantasette 67 Corsa. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ în asociere cu: https://www.cmf-uk.com/ https://www.scanstrut.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https://gb.gillmarine.com https://www.cranchi.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/burnhamnick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citește -mi articolele online pentru mby at https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham vezi mai mult de mine, pe care o vac. Canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


30 thoughts on “Tur de 3 milioane de euro: Crances rambursate 67 Corsican

  1. That's incredibly spacious. The cabins have an unconventional but totally logical layout. I love the galley next to the helm. Feels like a family apartment on the water.

  2. I find myself puzzled by the new style of Cranchi and the apparent loss of attention to certain details. As a former owner of a 43 Mediterranea, I have visited their production facility multiple times and can confirm that it is truly state-of-the-art in terms of automation and innovation. Over the years, they have invested significant capital, and even more renowned brands do not reach the same level of sophistication.

    However, I believe they falter in simpler finishes. For instance, the upholstery could be improved, as well as some furniture details and the design of edges, which should be more refined on a boat.

    Additionally, the interior design seems reminiscent of an apartment in Manhattan rather than a nautical aesthetic, which detracts from the overall experience.While they excel in creating an impressive external layout, this strength is diminished by other design choices.

    The decision to consistently use IPS even on larger models leads to an inefficient engine room, making routine and extraordinary maintenance a challenge.It's a shame, as the true essence of a boat lies in its performance and usability, not just its visual appeal. I encourage potential buyers to not only focus on aesthetics but to experience the boats in action.

  3. Fantastic boat! Absolutely adore it for it‘s accomodation layout and the fantastic fore and aft cockpits! And the upper helm is like a tastefully designed spaceship! The only single small compromise is the kitchen beside the helm. The big downside is it‘s existence that I am now aware of and the non-existence of 3 Million Euros on my bank account.
    Thx Nick for this beatiful way of showing us all how poor we are (only in terms of finance that is)

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