Noua frumusețe britanică | Prințesa F58 Tur în profunzime | Barca cu motor și yachting

Noua frumusețe britanică | Prințesa F58 Tur în profunzime | Barca cu motor și yachting

Premierele mondiale ale majorelor constructori de bărci europene au fost puțini și departe între show -ul Düsseldorf din acest an, astfel încât dezvăluirea noului F58 al prințesei a oferit un punct de vedere binevenit. Hugo Andreae face un tur. Prințesa F58 Specificații LOA: 59ft 8in (18,20m) Fascică: 16ft 1in (4,90m) Motoare: Twin 1.000 la 1.200 CP MAN V8 Viteză maximă: 35 Noduri Preț De la: 1,8 milioane de lire sterline de contact fiscal: detal ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de viteze și știri de turism, vizitați site -ul nostru aici – ► Like Us pe Facebook: ► Urmăriți -ne pe twitter: ► Urmați -ne pe Instagram: ► Ce credeți? Spuneți -ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul de genul și să vă abonați dacă v -a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatyachting


15 thoughts on “Noua frumusețe britanică | Prințesa F58 Tur în profunzime | Barca cu motor și yachting

  1. I love Princess boats and this is the perfect size for me, they’re expensive and the price for some of the options are ridiculous but they ooze quality, the finish, the edges, even the electrical wiring is beautiful. Oh dear, I might need to sell my children 😂

  2. Not a fan of the dining area right opposite to the galley, you lose a ton of cupboard and flat space for cooking and get a mostly useless lounge area in the cockpit as your reward. F55 does it smarter. Trying to be a bigger boat than it is

  3. What is it with Builders that use Cupboards , drawers etc that looks like it was sourced from BnQ …

    What ever happend to proper workmanship , varnished wood , brass fittings dovetail joints …

    And why in the chuff do folks persist calling the stern a fking beachclub…

  4. It seems likely a very well designed boat, good speed, good layout, everyday usability, quality, and the practical features of having a long range fuel tank and a lithium battery bank. Even the crew cabin looks usable.

  5. Very nice, expensive but nice. Cockpit and bow area very sociable for guests and family at sea or in port. Main salon with galley and helm area, practical, comfortable with safety locks in mind. The salon looks light and airy with those huge windows.
    Cabin and heads, don't look dark, light walls with wood below nice contrast. Smart. Like the hard to😅p on the fly bridge, sunshade. She is a lovely Princess, she could be as small charter or family boat. Like her.

  6. Princess Quality notwithstanding, this is a TOY, not a Boat:
    – 300NM range means short trips. 300 is only 10% of what a serious boat should handle.
    – CE classification OF B/C, coupled with a DLR of 175, means only safe close to the coast and only in good weather. Not safe for oceans.
    – Fridge and freezers only sufficient for a week, maybe two if you stretch it.
    – Tiny water and sewage tanks, means you cannot live on board for very long.
    – They have excluded all these vital components (ie. Sufficient water storage, sewage, grey water system, fuel storage, cold storage, deck storage, utility spaces, accessible engineering spaces, redundancy systems, etc etc etc) in order to create more and bigger guest rooms and lounge areas.
    – They distract the potential buyers from these flaws by putting up nice finishes, TVs, large rooms, large windows and other gimmicks.

    I don’t think we’ll be hearing of any couple circumnavigating the globe on one of these any time soon.

    Aren’t there enough of these toys on the market already?

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