Noul design al Widercat 92 este îndrăzneț pe două fronturi majore: schema sa de proiectare interioară artistică izbitoare și hibridă diesel-electrică electrică Widercat 92 Specificații: LOA: 92ft 0in (28,04m) Fascică: 39ft 4in (11,98 m) motoare: 2 x 583kw motoare electrice, 2 x 300kw diesels top Speed: 15 Knot Electric Motors, 2 x 300kW Diesels Top Speed: 15 Knot Electric Motors: 2 x 300KW Diesels Top Speed Speed 13,3 milioane € Ex Data de contact fiscal: ► Deveniți abonat gratuit la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de echipament și știri de turism, cum ar fi site -ul nostru pe Facebook – http://ww. ► Urmați -ne pe Twitter: ► Urmați -ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ați crezut? Spuneți -ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul de genul și să vă abonați dacă v -a plăcut #MotorBoatyachting
Supercat spectaculos de 13 milioane € | WIDERCAT 92 | Barca cu motor și yachting

16 thoughts on “Supercat spectaculos de 13 milioane € | WIDERCAT 92 | Barca cu motor și yachting”
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And the Mulder "Summer" had the better interior decor.
Mind you, pound-for-pound, inch-for-inch, Mulder cost a lot more.
Enjoyable tour Hugo, thank you.
Not my kind of boat, but very impressive all the same.
Oh my that looks one hell of a ship Widercat 92 for 13 million it has to be.
Inside and out she very classy and uncluttered. Like this eco ship very much.
24 mile range at 6 knots before the batteries are completely discharged – that's 4 hours of cruising. In perfect conditions, the 11 kW/hour solar panels (with the optional deck- mounted panels which in no way compromise the useability of the decks – that's why they are covered up with cardboard and masking tape !) will contribute less than 12 % extra range (44 kW hours added to a 360 kW hour battery), or another half hour of cruising.
But then the battery is completely dead, and the noisy, smelly DIESEL GENERATORS have to be fired up to run the air-con, fridges, cooking etc. when you are at anchor. Instead of running a diesel engine while sailing for as long as you like at 14 knots which charges the batteries so you have a nice quiet time overnight at anchor, you are pootling around at 6 knots for a maximum of 4 1/2 hours in order to run the diesels anyway when you anchor. And those diesels will have to be run for quite a while overnight to recharge the full 360 kW hours or you are not going anywhere on electric power the next day. POINTLESS.
The WiderCat 92 Wow, she's big, she's gorgeous, (for a catamaran) and she's electric, and beautifully appointed, so you can't ask much more from a lady. The master cabin is in the perfect location, for the perfect morning, for the perfect view upon awakening. More M/Y's master cabins should have their windows facing forward to taking full advantage of the oncoming views, isn't that what it's all about? The electric proportion system in conjunction with solar panels, and augmented with a diesel generators, you could cruise almost indefinitely, if not for the need for food. The use of different marble for each of the baths, shows attention to detail, and how that attention to detail manifest itself throughout the entire M/Y. How can you possibly go wrong with this beautiful… catamaran? Great tour, Thank's
I wonder what the owner's plan is. eco charters. the boat seems like a lot of money for what you get, compared to conventional Yachts..
I'll take a silent yachts 62 for $4mill and pocket the change thanks
Joke ! Cruise for 24 knots ? Just put in normal drives and skip the bullshit electric ! Nice boat until the interior designers got to it , they must drink a lot to the things they come up with !
Someone paid $13M for a gimmick with four hours duration at 6kts on battery power. That’s 24 miles before you have to run the generators to continue cruising, power everything onboard, and overnight to recharge the batteries.
Obviously, you will be running the diesel generators a majority of the time (while searching for a marina that can accommodate the forty foot beam).
One thing was noticeable, the interior wasn’t finished like a $13M yacht.
But, thanks a lot for the walkthrough.
love the flybridge. and there is lots of potential in this big girl. but i am not at all a fan of how they used all that available square footage on the main deck. its so chopped up you have no sense of space like you would being more open plan. the views you out to have just are not there.
Fantastic tour of this vessel. Thank you very much!
Not impressed much for the price.
Is it an GRP hull or Aluminium hull?
I was sure that it was April Fools day after watching this !!!
Pricey , pathetic range and a yuk interior. But Hugo you did your best to review this without a snigger . Well done sir.
That's a very expensive virtue signal. Perhaps the owner will consider buying a yacht someday.