SĂPTĂMÂNA NOASTRĂ UIMINOARE Sailing Indonesia Ep 184 Călătoria noastră prin Indonezia continuă să urmeze urmele fratelui lui Rob, în timp ce navigam ușor la bordul catamaranului pe coasta de sud a insulei Flores, plină de peisajul său vulcanic viu dramatic. Oceanul era la fel de viu, cu flori de plancton care aduceau la suprafață delfinii și razele diavolului pentru a se hrăni. Din păcate, abundența vieții marine a atras atenția unor pescari tradiționali indonezieni, care pradă razele diavolului. În timp ce ne uitam la pescari la lucru, atenția lui Rob a fost distrasă de una dintre cele mai mari și mai blânde creaturi ale oceanelor. Un rechin balenă singuratic de 8 metri se satura fericit cu plancton. Adolescenții noștri navigatori au sărit în apă pentru a vedea mai bine. Apoi a plecat spre Insula Rinca în căutarea legendarului dragon de Komodo. Insula nu a dezamăgit. Am văzut câțiva dragoni în timpul șederii noastre și, de asemenea, o mulțime de deșeuri de plastic. Îi mulțumim lui Sam de la SV Allusive pentru filmarea suplimentară cu dronă cu dragonul Komodo mergând pe plajă și pexels.com pentru dragonul în miniatură Muzică Luna Keller – Nu știu unde merg David Mumford – Ball and chain Musicbed. com Vă mulțumim că ne ajutați să ne menținem pe linia de plutire și că ne susțineți procesul creativ. Puteți face parte din echipaj pentru mai puțin decât prețul unei cafele. https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis Unii dintre susținătorii noștri preferă să aducă o contribuție directă prin Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=QXFNKDRGFDAP8 Avem și portofele cripto, dacă doriți to contribute to our maintenance fund that way: BITCOIN bc1qds53n9tqepxvauqn9dygtczltyu6genkfp9a8a ETHEREUM 0xB4Cb9e1Aa9c000055DAde5E077809B904EE34CDD CARDANO addr1q9xw6hjjqlad7av2k6facn0277u3q4tylrpyev9x9zs54vjva409ypl6ma6c4d5nm3x74aaezp2kf7xzfjc2v29pf2eqrf7zaz Dash Xh5xLgH4oQ4pwM6V3d9r96A52R6ckereTz DOGE DQGxY6Cak3AuuihR8R7iQHNcBp25z9WnMa WEB SITE www.thecruisingkiwis.com SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/THECRUISINGKIWIS Facebook: http:/ /www.facebook.com/THECRUISINGKIWIS Multă dragoste pentru toți, Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis POVESTE ÎN SPATE În 1997, după ce a vâslit la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atlanta, Rob a vâslit un mic Barcă din placaj de 7 m (22 picioare) la 2.500 de mile de la Tenerife (Insulele Canare) până la Barbados (Caraibe). Rob și partenerul de canotaj, Phil Stubbs, au avut nevoie de șase săptămâni pentru a câștiga cursa inaugurală Atlantic Rowing Race. Treci în 2014 și, căsătoriți cu trei copii, Rob și soția sa Rachel au achiziționat Javelot, un catamaran Fountaine Pajot de 43 ft. Înarmați doar cu cei 3 ani de curse de iahturi de clasa P ai lui Rob, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 13 ani, și cunoștințele inexistente ale Rachel, am pornit să învățăm frânghiile navigației pe ocean. Am spart lucruri, le-am înlocuit și am cunoscut barca lor înainte de a pleca în larg cu copiii, Finn (atunci 13), Declan (atunci 11) și Ivan (atunci 8), în remorche. Prin încercare și eroare am devenit călători încrezători, într-un fel. Planul? Să navighez în jurul lumii. O parte a călătoriei va fi reluarea călătoriilor pe mare ale fratelui mai mare al lui Rob, Kerry. Folosind scrisorile originale ale lui Kerry din anii 1970, sperăm să reluăm mișcările sale din Australia prin Indonezia și Asia de Sud-Est până în Cambodgia, unde viața lui Kerry a fost întreruptă după ce s-a rătăcit în apele cambodgiene în 1978. Kerry și doi prieteni au fost atacați de o barcă cu armă Khmer Rouge, capturat, torturat și executat. www.brothernumberone.co.nz ***** Urmărește-ne în timp real pe Instagram și Facebook @thecruisingkiwis @finn_hamill @declan_hamill @ivanhamill #TheCruisingKiwis

38 thoughts on “SĂPTĂMÂNA NOASTRĂ UIMINOARE navigând Indonezia Ep 184”
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Hey guys. You do have the recycling machine. Will be interesting to see how that works. And backmwith the whale sharks. Guilt free this time? After all these months, Sailbrokers may have sold one of my sails. Keep your fingers crossed! Sparky stuff still hasn't happened. They see you coming and try to avoid eye contact!
I would have burnt the plastic! Mind you, Asia has such a huge plastic trash issue, it's shameful! See you next week
what a fantastic encounter with a komono dragon taking an evening stroll along his beach and swimming with the big fish..these are precious moments because in future all the kids would only view digitally and never physically…great idea of picking up the trash and although the toxicity of the burn -will dissipate quickly and doesnt remain in the air…however burying will just keep them for a brief moment in the hole…over time these trash will be floating and claiming their spots…finally with the In Mocean contraption all of your could start being creative with designing the recycled repurposed items…create a specialty item by each person and let it be their contribution in cleaning up the ocean…I am dreaming of a white christmas…ooops scratch that…i am dreaming of a balmy christmas, diving among the corals and beautiful colorful fishes…the splendor of the ocean is breathtaking and to think you guys have the front seat to this awesome adventure…may 2023 be a great new adventure, reconnecting, discovery, tasting new cuisine…safe sailing and be healthy
Love the idea of the recycling machine, great that you can do 'something' in the face of the tsunami of plastic out there. Sometimes I feel we could simply just stop producing any more plastic on the planet and say to populations, if you want any plastic consumer items source the plastic yourself, the oceans and landfills would be clear in no time! Dreams are free 🙂
Loved this video guys! So beautiful and emotional. Love from The Netherlands!
Wow amazing place Indonesia so many active volcanos 🌋 😍 😊
Great to see colourful coral and sea life 😀 beautiful.
Dragons galore and big creatures they are.
Thanks again for sharing your travels with this vblog
The best in the world
Cheers from the Tron team 👍 👏 🙌 👌 😎 😀 👍
Beautiful filming of Declan with the whale shark, what an image. Something not many people get to do or see. Such a shame about the plastic, but it's like that in so many places now unfortunately. Have a good Christmas.
Put pigs in a palace and all you will end up with is an oversized pigsty. I don't blame the plastic, I blame the people. Try to find a piece of plastic or paper along the roads in Switzerland. If I paid you $10 for every piece you find I believe you would make a better living begging.
I smiled at the splash screen in the beginning suggesting we stay until the end. I'm sure I am not alone in really being happy when i see you have a new episode posted. I always enjoy every second. Such wonderful people and content. Thanks as always, for sharing this with us!
Great episode! Merry Christmas Kiwis!
I am so happy to see you received your Recycling machines. What a beautiful place Flores and Rinca islands are. I wish they would just stop producing plastics. There are no more single use plastics allowed in WA. They should tax plastic in products. The consumer will not buy the more expensive products and then the producers will change packaging to reduce tax. They did that with sugar in South Africa and sugar in all products were reduced.
When we were at Komodo Island, the guides carried huge sticks with two prongs on the end. If they came close they just threatened to poke them. They did warn us that no women with their monthly’s were allowed on the tour as the Dragons would go for you if they smell blood. How beautiful was that big fish you swam with. Love the feathered star. I have never seen one swimming. ❤
Merry Christmas to you all and I hope the New Year brings you much joy!
awsome video
Should've burnt that plastic I reckon. The fumes are only poisonous if you breathe in the smoke and if burnt hot enough then the toxins get burnt up too. That's a better option that letting them breakdown into micro-plastics that end up in the food chain.
Awesome video as usual but it broke my heart to see locals fishing Rays xx
I used to burn all of our trash, according to the US EPA burning trash reduces the volume by 90% & weight by 78% When they started fining $500 for burning during a burn ban I started hauling in to the official dump, but that 10 mile round trip creates more pollution than burning. Have watched :White Spot Pirates" run her recycling machine a number of times, good concept.
Thanks guys. Great video. Hope this helps you Rob with some sort of closure with your Brother, such a sad story. Very emotional being right where he was way back when. Stay safe and a Very Merry Xmas to you all.
So you left the toothy Australian Saltwater Crocodiles for the land-lubber KOMODO DRAGONS.
Not to ruffle your feathers. But, I have seen them SWIM! Yes, SWIM.
What an amazing journey, excellent dive, excellent job
Merry Christmas, all of you. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and many great adventures for 2023. I never knew those Dragons were that dangerous. Always good to be able to run just slightly faster 🙂, eh!
Thanks for sharing and cleaning up the beaches! Also, those were some spectacular underwater shots. Thanks
Merry Xmas you lot and safe travels.
What a awesome machine and Aussie too, lol
We live on island in northern QLD, perfect machine for up this way.
Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤️
Aku pake link hackerpro dikasih menang 5jt kalo mau link nya udah aku share di youtube aku.
So. Good work you Kiwis. The chalenge remains. How to get the locals interested. They just don't give fuck do they? Education, education . Sigh……
Dragons, whales, and recycling plastic. 👏
What a stunning video, especially the underwater shots. This country has many beautiful things but is spoilt by the plastics. Nice to see your plastics grinder and I know you will put it to good use.
I wish you all a Happy Christmas and the best New Year possible. you really do deserve it. The Komodo Dragons are incredible. Thanks again for sharing your lives with us all. Keep well and safe. James.
Oh come on Rob, just one bite!
We’re all curious what just one bite kimono dragon looks like.
Magnificent underwater scenes. Thank u from snowy blowy Canada❤️🇨🇦
Always a delight and you did not disappoint! It was through IN MOCEAN that we luckily discovered Cruising Kiwis!! ❤️ Happy to see you using the recycling machine. Now that we have seen every episode and are real time with you, we’re excited about the live episode coming up next week. Merry Christmas!!🎄
Fabulous dive video so much to see in that ultra clear water. My wife can definitely out run her short fat husband so that would be me feeding the dragons lol
Hello Rob and family that recycling machine looks like a good idea hopefully none of the products made will not end up back in the ocean again. Anyways can you send a notification for a live chat so I don't miss it I would like to join the live chat with you God bless you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
I love the voiceovers of the letters! Thanks for sharing those with us. I know they mean a lot to Rob
Very good of you to repair
Another great video!!