Trecerea pe o barcă cu pânze liberă – Bayfield 29ft

Trecerea pe o barcă cu pânze liberă - Bayfield 29ft

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#EFChristmasSales 29 noiembrie – 26 decembrie 2022, până la 50% reducere la cea mai mare reducere de sărbători EcoFlow Reducere suplimentară de 5% cod de cupon: F6YIPR48 EcoFlow Website Holiday SUA: EcoFlow Amazon Holiday SUA : (opțional) GIVEAWAY: obțineți un Delta mini gratuit când cheltuiți 5000 USD sau mai mult, primiți un River mini gratuit atunci când cheltuiți 3000 USD sau mai mult Hashtag-uri: #EcoFlow #SolarGenerator #PowerStation #Christmas2022 # Panouri solare


20 thoughts on “Trecerea pe o barcă cu pânze liberă – Bayfield 29ft

  1. As a previous Bayfield owner for 17 years I can safely say she never let me down. The Gozzards build an amazing boat. You are going to learn to trust her as much as you trusted the "Herring". Just a tip, my loose tiller was a simple shaft key failure. Sail on Sam, we are all crewing with you in our minds.

  2. Congrats, what luck, that’s awesome, I’m glad he reached out. You definitely look happy, and I’m looking forward to the future content it brings.
    Merry Christmas, but if you don’t celebrate, don’t worry, I still want you to have a great 12/25. LoL
    Happy Holidays
    It really looks like you have a great start for the new year.

  3. Hold off on electric outboard. Been awaiting for mercury to release their electric outboard platform this year. The concept being brought to market looks like it could address a lot of us who are over diesel and gas engines.

  4. I highly recommend the late Farley Mowat's book, "The Boat Who Wouldn't Float" as it is hilarious, and touches on the subject of the minimum adventurous requirements for engines in open water boats.

  5. Where to look for a free boat? I’ve made the decision that I want live aboard a boat at this stage in my life.
    I’d love to find something I can live in while I restore it.

  6. 200k followers, 70k+ views per vid and Sam still succeeds in making people think he is poor 😂. Sam this is not criticism to you at all, I would do the same! 💪

  7. You are now a snowbird. You now have your summer home (PICKLED HERRING) and your winter home (this new boat).

    I think the electric outboard would be best used for motor sailing in all but windless and slack tide conditions. It may be a challenge to make it work. But it may be well worth the effort.

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