Inspecție la cap | Episodul 22 | Sailing Catalpa

Inspecție la cap |  Episodul 22 |  Sailing Catalpa

Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce continuăm să pregătim Catalpa II să plece, care include locuri de muncă care nu sunt prea distractive. Noroc tuturor pentru vizionare!! Pentru a vedea mai multe dintre videoclipurile noastre și pentru a vă abona Pentru a ne SPRINI și producțiile noastre să devină un Patron, acest lucru ne ajută să finanțăm realizarea videoclipurilor noastre, așa că dacă îți plac aventurile noastre. Vă rugăm să consultați pagina noastră Patreon. Fiecare fragment contează și vă apreciem foarte mult pe toți! Aceste videoclipuri nu ar fi posibile fără tine. Pentru a vă alătura CLUBULUI MATES 👉 pentru mai multe informații Pentru a-i cumpăra căpitanului o bere sau pentru a DONA doar pentru că ești o LEGENDĂ https://www. Pentru mai multe despre familia noastră și despre călătorii, puteți consulta site-ul nostru Urmărește-ne pe Facebook Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://


25 thoughts on “Inspecție la cap | Episodul 22 | Sailing Catalpa

  1. Those shark bite fittings have 316 stainless internals too. They are great for boat work and much cheaper than the horrible little plastic type marine fittings too.

  2. Great job guys the Galley looks really good and that plumbing cleaned up nicely, it would be good and advantages if you could hit those under floor beams with some penetrating epoxy to seal and protect them from moisture, soon of that dock and sailing, good onya, All the best, Al

  3. I'm going to miss you. As in leaving the dock and getting out into the great blue. Right now it feels like you are a next door neighbor rather than on the other side of the world. Lee is a go to guy when it comes to getting things repaired. I keep wanting to put in my 2 cents worth of ideas but a few seconds later he already is ahead of the game. Truly a master repairman. It's a few days to the day we honor our savior so I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. As one of our American entertainers says – git'r done⛵

  4. I for one don't really care what words Bella or anyone else uses as long as the meaning and thought are as obvious as her comment on the packages was. I just love seeing the joyful interactions of this wonderful family, even with the crazy accent (lol) Hoping this holiday period finds you all well, brings you joy and happiness, and may 2023 be your most awesome year to date.

  5. Hey guys, Here's a quick and easy tip to make the epoxy finish look like glass and get rid of bubbles. After you brush it on, go over with a heat gun, propane torch or hair dryer to pop the bubbles and make a smooth finish. The heat lowers the viscosity on the surface of the epoxy so the bubbles pop. And if you want that mat finish to match the rest of the wood, you can rub the surface with '0000' bronze wool. Steel wool will work and is much easier to find (at home depot) but you have to make sure you vacuum up all the fibers of steel or they will rust and leave a mess of stains, which is why I recommend bronze wool.

  6. AWWWWWW!😪😪
    Bella.. Kudos to you for taking the initiative.

    I love your folks and they are WAY better parents than I am.
    maybe lacking a little finesse in this instance however

  7. Hey Guys, there's a thing that comes up from the hull on some colder water (Ice and snow) boats that looks something like what you see at 1:59 . It is where you put seacocks that pull water in from under the waterline and on some boats even has thru hull fittings (valves) that put water out of the boat (above the water line) and it looks like that square thing you show at 1:59 . Is that what that is, and what do you call it ?

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