Ministrul britanic de externe amenință UE: suspendă părți din acordul Brexit

Ministrul britanic de externe amenință UE: suspendă părți din acordul Brexit

Disputa Brexit asupra Irlandei de Nord continuă. Acum, ministrul britanic de externe Liz Truss amenință că va trece peste anumite părți ale acordului Brexit. Retailerii în special ar simți acest lucru. Vizualizări exterioare: Brexitul a avut loc pe 31 ianuarie 2020, când Regatul Unit a părăsit oficial instituțiile Uniunii Europene. Și vă ofer câteva vederi exterioare despre el. Produse: Canalele lui Marc: Politica germană (engleză) Politica europeană (engleză) https:// Politica globală (engleză) Brexit (engleză): Politica SUA (engleză) : Recenzii de carte (în engleză): Buchempfehlungen (deutsch): UCXffIJhuWCSJvJ8DYFfp1VA Politik und Ehrenamt (deutsch): Queere Themen (deutsch): Recomandări de cărți (deutsch): https:// Acum puteți susține canalul lui Marc pe Patreon: Sau deveniți membru pe canalul meu YouTube: /UC5pgKp96s69MkWILz06 jj1w/join Sau, dacă vrei să fie foarte simplu, doar prin Paypal: Cu sprijinul tău, poți contribui la îmbunătățirea experienței tale YouTube pe canalul lui Marc cu vizualizări din exterior și mă poți ajuta să-mi continui munca educațională ca un mic creator YouTube. Top 5 videoclipuri cu cele mai bune performanțe ale lui Marc cu vizualizările mele exterioare: Dumnezeu să salveze Marea Britanie:–eJPvo Niciun Regatul Unit suveran deloc: Consumatori în dificultate: Pregătiți-vă urgent pentru Brexit: Armare pentru o urgență: Abonați-vă: /channel/UC5pgKp96s69MkWILz06jj1w?sub_confirmation=1 Sursa: dpa Intro Music: News Theme 2 by Audionautix este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Artist: #brexit #eu #uk


24 thoughts on “Ministrul britanic de externe amenință UE: suspendă părți din acordul Brexit

  1. Ohh MY Got how many times EU Been threathening with such bulshit .Grow up third country you out off the club thats all, keep your cards deep in the arse and show BENEFITS OFF BREXIT . TAMPON TAX REDUCE 1p Australian huge benefits 50 p per person in 15 years time farmers fuckt off, happy fish NHS 250 MIlion ……. suplay chine in a time banking sector isuues lack of workers anywere pumping shit to the rivers an so on The main bOSS OFF THIS TORY LEADESHIP PARTYING NON STOP MAKING BABIES WITH NICE LADIES WHO LEAVE HIM SOON WHEN HE LEAVES N 10

  2. Dear Ms Truss, no one believes you. Not the EU, not Johnson, not the dup and not the ERG. Everyone knows you're bluffing.

  3. The vacuous Truss. I've heard it said that she looks more like a shop assistant than a government minister.
    I hope that no shop assistants are harmed by this comparison, THEY fulfill an invaluable role.

  4. The DUP wanted and voted for brexit and this deal. Didn't they know what they voted for? Also, when will they get it through their thick heads that Boris used them?

  5. Some mess. Blunderboy Boris has worked his magic on the UK economy. The mail The express and Independent all spin lies supporting the Torys.. I look for the end game and I cannot see and profit for anyone. Boris really has damaged England terribly
    And he is still wrecking havoc left, right and center.

  6. Brexit for leading Brexit supporters was not primarily about Britain leaving the EU it was about breaking up the EU when the EU has provided peace and stability for nearly 80 years now. I do not want the British people to suffer greatly especially with reference to the fact that half the people in the UK are being dragged on against their will. However I want for Brexit to backfire and blow up in the faces of these instigators

  7. You know, if the UK government keeps constantly making threats, at least have the balls to follow through with them, otherwise it's just making them look stupid.

    I mean seriously, how many times have they threaten to suspend part of the Brexit deal? it all sounds hollow, desperate for attention because of how bad things are going back home for the government, that and the Tories always need the EU to be seen as the bad guy to distract the British public with how much of a mess the Tories are making a mess of a country.

    It's getting really desperate, especially for Boris, but hey, it's those clowns that backed themselves into this corner whiles cutting every avenue available to them and now they are slowly sinking and they are finally starting to realize it.

    As for the DUP, congrats of being screwed over by the Tories, you would have thought they would learn from what happened to the Lib Dems when they got into bed with the Tories, they screw ya.

  8. Liz Truss can be ignored, the EU control what Westminster can do in NI however as Conservatives have a majority in government NI hold little interest for the Conservatives it's something they must appear to show interest but nothing more than that

  9. When are 'Looby LOO' ,her boss, and the rest of the charlatans of this Admin. finally going to realise they can no longer "cherry pick" or WELCH on an agreement signed by (among others) Boris JOHNSON himself. UE have been extremely patient so far, but this will not last for much longer. As for triggering Article 16, let her go ahead. That will really sound the death knoll for the UK. Sad but true !

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