AWOLNATION – Sail, 10th Anniversary [Audio]

AWOLNATION - Sail, 10th Anniversary [Audio]

Alăturați-vă nouă când sărbătorim 10 ani de @AWOLNATION și lansarea Megalithic Symphony. Ascultă albumul comemorativ aici: Abonează-te la @Red Bull Records pentru mai mult conținut! Conectați-vă cu AWOLNATION: Oficial –​ Facebook-​ Twitter -​ Instagram –​ YouTube –​ Soundcloud –​ ©Red Bull Records #redbullrecords #awolnation #10thanniversary


25 thoughts on “AWOLNATION – Sail, 10th Anniversary [Audio]

  1. I was challenged to make a death metal cover of this song. I hate this song. I've never liked this song. I'm going to pour all my animosity, irritation, and abhorrence into it.

    No one cares.

  2. I’ve been listening to this song as long as I can remember, and I never even realized this amazing song was 10 years old until now.

  3. I listened to this song a long time ago, but a few weeks ago I re-downloaded CSGO and I heard this song in the match I played, what an amazing song!

  4. It's a great Drinking Song on Friday night playing beer pong still playing beer pong and listening to the song 10 years later

  5. Redbull? Really? You have the urge to post a song about potential suicide. While your suicidal men try and kill themselves with death defying stunts? Makes sense. I look forward to the day when you get sued to bankruptcy.

    You deserve it.

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