Canalul Welland este un canal de nave din Canada care parcurge 42 km (27,0 mile) de la Port Colborne, Ontario, pe Lacul Erie, până la Port Weller, Ontario, pe Lacul Ontario. Ca parte a Căii maritime St. Lawrence, canalul permite navelor să traverseze Escarpment Niagara și să evite Cascada Niagara. PENTRU ÎNTREBAREA SPRAZĂTORILOR Iată RĂSPUNSUL TĂU: „Hogging este un termen folosit atunci când un vas este îndoit în mijloc din cauza oricărui număr de factori. Pe Marele Lacuri, acest lucru se întâmplă navelor pe vreme caldă, unde partea superioară este încălzită mai mult partea scufundată.De aceea vezi bărci cu sisteme de sprinklere care pulverizează apă rece peste punți pentru a reduce acest stăpânire.PENTRU BOOMUL GALBEN CARE COBOZĂ ÎN FAȚA NAVEI Iată RĂSPUNSUL TĂU (COPIEAZĂ DIN COMENTARIU): Este o verificare de siguranță pentru preveniți deteriorarea porților de blocare, asigurându-vă că nicio parte a prova nu se extinde peste porți, ceea ce ar putea cauza deteriorarea porților atunci când nava este coborâtă.În poziția în jos, cablul senzorului de pe poarta galbenă este puțin sub partea superioară a porților. Dacă atinge ceva în cursa sa, atunci o parte a prova este prea departe, iar nava va trebui să se întoarcă ușor.
Great Lakes Sailing – Welland Canal HD time-lapse
28 thoughts on “Great Lakes Sailing – Welland Canal HD time-lapse”
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I live here and it is quite a tourist attraction . The ships carry goods in their hulls .The bridges hold up traffic for miles at every bridge !! Can be quite a nuisance especially if you get caught .
4k time lapse
This was me piloting the vessel, the”M/V Canadian Olympic”. I now have some new time lapse clips from my new vessel the “Algoma Harvester” on my channel.
Loved to have some commentary or on screen identification off the locks and the approaches.
Beautiful video, thank you
i hate timelaps
I went thru the welland canal back in 1975 in a 65 foot Chris craft . Holland Michigan to Long Island New York . The Erie Canal too !!!
Wow this is amazing!! I had no idea that there were so many locks and so much elevation difference on this seaway!
I have done this a few times.
LOL…..every once in a while I find a really cool video on YouTube. Well done, that ~!~
Is the water in the locks recirculated?
Это очень эффектно для человека, который плохо знаком с судоходством
Seen countless ships pass from various spots. Finally seeing it from their view.
Straight up cut out the actual City of Welland and Thorold. I get it, its Welland and Thorold, but feel snubbed.
The Homer bridge right before the Skyway were 2 houses on the right and thats where I grew up in the 70's, every year when they drained it, it would be full of stolen and cars that were written off and my bros and I would try to play in them
Damn how many of those locks does this canal have?
2:05 – when it hits the pier the mud is disturbed.
It’s an incredible experience going thru the massive locs connecting the Great Lakes , I’ve been thru the ones connecting Huron and Superior in the Sault Ste Marie locs…what a great experience it was
Where's the sailboat if your sailing??
Amazing…..the numbers, elevations, time to pump, etc would be very interesting. Thanks
Human engineering can be pretty amazing
small vertical move first
That a pretty impressive change in elevation and the flight of locks were packed pretty close in places.
Is it me or does the ship crab when it's near the shore?
Had the honor of passing under the canal plus seeing a lock in operation in the early 1980's. They make it look so easy! Thumbs up folks.
Narration would help.