Când visele se ciocnesc cu viața reală | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 123

Când visele se ciocnesc cu viața reală |  Sailing Soulianis - Ep.  123

Visele sunt nemărginite atunci când există doar în mintea noastră, asta le face atât de frumoase. Dar când se ciocnesc de viața reală, trebuie să se conformeze legile universului. Realitatea menținerii unui vis în viață poate fi descurajantă. Litania detaliilor de organizat și urmărit, monotonia sarcinilor plictisitoare, efortul mare implicat pentru a realiza ceea ce a fost un simplu gând poate atenua luciul chiar și al celor mai vii vise. După ani de visare, complot și muncă pentru a pune noua noastră barcă în apă, o lună de navigație a trecut într-o clipă. Plierea trimaranului și tragerea ei înapoi din apă a simțit că ai pliat un vis. Acum, cu o listă masivă de proiecte în mână, trebuie să depunem efortul pentru a menține visul viu. Sper sa iti placa! Kirk, Lauren & Renata FILMAT: septembrie–octombrie 2022 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsoulianis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsoulianis/ Facebook: https://www. .facebook.com/sailingsoulianis/ Site: https://sailingsoulianis.com Instagram-ul lui Kirk: https://www.instagram.com/kirkhateswork/ *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a -himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT Muzică lansată de Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Muzică promovată de Audio Library https://youtu. be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https://sailingsoulianis.com/artlistio-music — Utilizați acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUIT de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la hello@sailingsoulianis.com. CAMERA GEAR https://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/camera-gear #trimaran #diy #sailing


27 thoughts on “Când visele se ciocnesc cu viața reală | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 123

  1. Can't wait to hear about what you were up to in San Diego! I was just out there looking at a Tartan 37 in March and thinking about moving back to the city.

  2. I think whats missing is the plastic slides from the centreboard trunk, usually this is made out of a a wear resistant plastic like the stuff that plastic bread boards are made of and it's usually shaped to the shape of the centreboard, that's why the trunk is much wider than the centreboard you don't want the glassed board covered in barnacles rubbing directly against the foam sandwich centreboard trunk.

  3. I sincerely dislike land life, unfortunately, we sometimes have no choice to either stay in a marina or spend some time on land. If it was u to me, I'd never leave the boat for other things than a hike or a swim. I feel sorry for all sailors that are land bound against their will

  4. Very sweet Land you have to build your Dreams and making them come True. Enjoy Life to the Fullest because you can’t go back when the Days are Done. Trust me and my Wife. Peace be With You plus one. ⛵

  5. Nope the land has never called to me, even though I have spent a majority of my life on land. I will admit when at sea for 2 – 3 months it is nice to see land, and even nice to go on land. But even after that amount of time land never called to me. I could happily live out at sea my entire life. With just brief day trips on land to smell to trees, dirt, plants, etc.

  6. What a stupid idea with a family. Your other boat was better. Even so not baby friendly. Loads of utubers go on to have babies but youre stretching it too far as if you’ve been missing out on your youth. Not good whatever and its not practical or as portable as you said it would be. What a shambles.

  7. Hey, Kirk! You mentioned in the vid that a new daggarboard would be US$5000….???? Is that from Corsair, or some other builder..?? Reason I ask is that it should be easy enough to build one yourself, using foam core and e-glass and some matt with epoxy resin. Ideally, vacuum bag it, but it could be done just wet on wet, rolled and squeegied. Do one side, then the other, then the edges for stiffness.
    Carving the foam accurately is also 'do-able' for a DIY-er.
    Probably only cost you a few hundred bucks.
    Ask on the Corsair-Farrier page and forum. Someone will have a NACA profile to suit your boat. And will have done the whole carving thing out of foam.
    Personally, I'd do a solid cedar wood central rib, and a couple of intermediate 90 deg ribs, infill with foam and carve to suit. Use a Surform 'plane' and blocks of wood wrapped with sandpaper.
    Then glass, fair, sand, paint, refit.
    Do some searching. It's not that big a job, and no way should cost you $5K…!!

  8. Love your vids. Do you have a set of raising wires that attach 6 feet up the mast to triangles on the hull? We need to attach them before releasing shrouds. Did you check Phil’s Foils for a new c’board? I think you’ll need to remove the mast step to get the board back in. We slide the mast over a foot or so on the pulpit to get the clearance.

  9. Nice boat! Farrier F9? You should get a copy of the original Farrier building book and reconstruct a decent daggerboard which will fit the case perfectly. Good luck.

  10. Looks like a fun project. Just a suggestion but next time use the tractor with the ball on the front it will be so much easier to get into tight spots

  11. Great looking sailboat. I was born in Michigan City,Indiana and my father sailed on Lake Michigan when I was very young. We lived right on Lake Michigan on Lake Shore Drive before we moved to Clearwater,Florida. I’d love to live on lLake Michigan again.

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