În cele din urmă, navigam în Pacific, îndreptându-ne cu nasul către marchizii din Polinezia. Este o velă lungă de 4000 de mile marine pe care o vom face fără oprire înainte de a arunca ancora în fața Fatu Hiva, dacă totul decurge conform planului. Acesta este un moment mare în care un vis de lungă durată devine realitate și să realizezi când se face acest lucru și în spatele unui vis se transformă într-o amintire. O realizare a atingerii unui scop și a realizării unui vis. În acest episod, traversăm linia ecuatorială în drum spre sud pentru a găsi alizeele. MULȚUMESC MULT PENTRU VIZIONARE ȘI Abonare! De asemenea, puteți urmări navigarea cu Thomas pe alte platforme pentru fotografii și videoclipuri actualizate aproape zilnic și chiar să vă găsiți un tricou nou: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingwiththomas Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/sailingwiththomas Magazin: https://sailingwiththomascom.wpcomstaging.com/shop/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sailingwiththomas DESPRE ACEST CANAL: Navigați în jurul lumii cu un Bavaria 55 Cruiser, realizând videoclipuri ori de câte ori avem timp pentru asta. Obișnuiam să navigheam singur și, uneori, aveam prieteni navigatori la bord. Dar acum echipajul permanent de la bordul BE FREE îl include pe Gee din Olanda. Acum explorăm Oceanul Pacific. Chiar dacă acesta este sezonul 5 pe youtube, nu am făcut atât de multe videoclipuri la început. Înainte de a naviga cu normă întreagă, am navigat mai multe sezoane în Medetorian înainte de aceasta și, evident, și în Scandinavia. Am mai călătorit în lume și am fost, de asemenea, un navigator activ de regate. Am avut prima mea barca cu pânze la vârsta de 7 ani și de atunci navighez. De asemenea, peste 10 ani de experiență în căutare și salvare pe mare în Norvegia. VA RUGAM SA FITI AMABILI IN COMENTARII! Sunt doar o persoană normală care împărtășește aventura mea de călătorie prin ochii mei și experiența din perspectiva mea! Amintește-ți cum fac lucruri care ar putea funcționa pentru mine, dar nu și pentru tine. S-ar putea chiar să nu fie modul corect de a face lucrurile și nici eu nu am planul. Nu sunt perfect și nimeni nu este. În ziua în care cred că știu totul și nu cred că pot învăța lucruri noi, ar trebui să plec la țărm.
35 thoughts on “AM REUȘIT! – SwT142 – TRAVERSARE PACIFUL 4000 NM NONSTOP partea 3 din 3”
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Awesome whale footage! Very cool! 👍👍
Great episode! Glad the Be Free crew made it and Thomas got to see his dream come to fruition! Nice job Thomas and Gee! Well done! 👍👍
Keep rolling and be safe Be Free crew! 👍👍
Well done Thomas and Gee.
Hei. Hvor kjøper du overseilings kart?
Are you worried that the deck teak's breaking up?
Nice sail buddy, congrats on making the goal!! 🎊 🎉
Most Excellent episode.
Way to Go !! T&G👍🌞🎩🙏
Gratulerer begge to
👍Congratulations Happy for you Thomas🎊 🎉 Be Free. 4000 NM NONSTOP Congratulations crew G be safe Be Free
Hi Thomas, thanks for your video, and congrats. How many days did you spend at sea for this passage ?
Congratulations, arriving in our planets most beautiful paradise islands on such a capable windship with a dream goddess at your side….not too shabby skipper
I don't know how you survive such long sailing. I just went for a week with friends and took me another week to recover.
Congratulations Thomas 👏 💪sailing like a BOSS!
love the show…
Good on you two . Dreams do come true💝. ❤ from 🇨🇦
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations! Great video and it was nice just to hear the sounds of the wind and water and the hull.
LOL! Bedding Holiday =Honeymoon?
Hey Thomas,
Skip Jack, Bonita, Bonito, and any of the Tuna and Red Flesh Mackerel is better if you immediately cut all the gills, & tail artery & bleed it out in preferably Ice cold Salt Water but I know that isn't always possible on a crossing. So a bucket, cooler, or plastic tote with sea water in it is your next best option. Then when filleting it leave a knife blades width for small fish and up to 1/4"/6mm worth of meat on bigger fish on the skin when filleting and make a v cut around the blood líne running through the fillets, and either save it for bait, or discard it. Then I like Skip Jack Sashimi with wasabi and some smoky soy sauce. But if you must cook it, you only want to pan sear it on the outsides until it is cooked about 6mm in from each side and the inside is warmed up but still rare. The only way I like Skip Jack, Bonito, False Albacores, and the like cooked all the way through is if they are heavily sauced like in a Japanese dish.
I have done the blind taste test here in Florida with friends sneaking in thinks like Skip Jack, and Bonita that people say are trash fish, and as long as I bleed them right away and then fillet them immediately or get them on ice, then leave the fattiest meat with the skin and get the blood líne cut out of the meat , and either serve it that night, or immediately flash freeze it in my flash freezer, I've had many many friends and family say they think it's the Bluefin, Or Bigeye when I serve Bluefin, Yellowfin, Big Eye, and things like Bonito, Bonita/Lil Tunnys, Skipjack all thin sliced as sashimi or pan seared. Only the other offshore fishermen friends usually identify them correctly. Many many friends and family who aren't regular tuna eaters actually prefer things like Lil Tunnys Skip Jacks and Atlantic Bonito to the high dollar tunas.
If you like Sashimi, next time you catch a Skippy or a Lil Tunny bleed it, ditch the blood líne, then give it a try. I think you will like it. If you are worried about parasites, throw it in the freezer(preferably vacuum sealed if you have a vacuum sealer to prevent any freezer burning) then once it's frozen solid keep it frozen for 48 hours. That will kill any potential lil monsters lurking. Then thaw it, slice it thin and give some a try with a good smoky soy sauce. I bet you like it.
Really enjoyed the sailing. I got that feeling I was on board and experiencing that sense of perpetual motion of the yacht. I love that feeling so much. It is sailing at it best. Thank you Thomas !!
"All progress takes place outside the comfort zone." –Michael John Bobak
That last shot of the Bay of Virgins and 🌈.❤ Congratulations on your successful passage. 👏
Enjoyed all three episodes very much!!
Great video again. Almost get the feeling of being onboard 🙂 Before setting sail on such a long passage, do you scrub the boat below the waterline for better speed/performance? Or will it wash of during the long sail?
Hello. Thank you for all your content. We look forward seeing you each week. Are you able to let me know what video editing software you use. Thank you, Mike
Oh, so you're making moonshine like Delos used to do on the boat ? ! 5:56 You have lots of time to make it on a 4000 mile passage !
Congrats guys, great episode 👏 ⛵
Congratulations Thomas and G!!!
I too was a Heyerdahl dreamer and actually was able to be onboard Ra when it was sold to a family friend. 😮
Happy for both of you, congratulations .🎉
Thomas, there are a lot of tree stumps there, I recommend you to be careful, have a good time in your boat size.
Congratulations both. Great to see your living your life to the full.!!😎🙏👍🥰
Very nice way of telling your experiences and do-abouts during your voyage 🙏🏽