eșec fierbinte dezordonat navigare

eșec fierbinte dezordonat navigare

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15 thoughts on “eșec fierbinte dezordonat navigare

  1. It's extremely difficult to plastic weld outdoors, that's never going to work.
    By the looks of things that kayak might be ABS, not sure you can repair that as it's just too flexible, maybe you can patch a small area but I doubt it would be waterproof.

  2. Oh wow! The aries looks gr8 and you are having a fishing excursion so that's wonderful… don't fret the kayak repair until we can get you some gflex epoxy… it really does work and I have salvaged big kayaks with major cracks…
    Absolutely love the hat Justine and of course the bread made me drool!

  3. Tray a zip tie and melt it over the crack so the zip tie macks a puddle over the crack and so on and so on until the crack is sealed and do another process with the big bits of plastic over the top of the crack bit like a plaster like what you put on your f-ing to make it stronger as well you can put also fibreglass or the top of it as well Foster just trying to help good luck

  4. Can you get GreatStuff spray foam there? If so, then drill a few small holes and then fill the air gap with the foam. The stuff uses water to cure so may work. This for the dinghy.

  5. Idea from outside the box. We use it 🙂 Hard bottom from fiberglass dinghy (no double bottom). Where you will be able to find for sure some denflatables. Tubes off and instead walls from fiberglass. Walls from polyester so it's not so expensive. If you need any tips or tricks we done three of those already. Keep it going !

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