Navigați în jurul lumii CU BUGET – Vă puteți permite?

Navigați în jurul lumii CU BUGET - Vă puteți permite?

Să vorbim $$$ că navigarea cu un buget este posibil, dar nu întotdeauna ușor, mai ales în Marea Mediterană! Defalcăm costurile Marina, costurile șantierului, procesul de cumpărare a unei bărci. #sailing #sailingcosts #budgetsailing Multumesc mult lui Pete si Jon noilor nostri Patreons 👍🏽😃 Sprijinul tau este TOTUL pentru noi!! Vizionați, comentați, vă abonați, dacă doriți să ne susțineți și mai mult… Implicați-vă – o cafea este un drum lung pentru tine 😕 chiar acum: // ro_RO TikTok – Instagram –


8 thoughts on “Navigați în jurul lumii CU BUGET – Vă puteți permite?

  1. Heyup gal I'll tell you what it is a stink boat followed by a yacht capable of cruising round the world. So now you know cheers n beers Marty Australia p.s regards buying a boat you did the right thing if it's too good too be true you'll get scammed.

  2. Referencing back to your previous video, I wanted to say that you shouldn't need an electric windlass.. you have a strong, young lad and lass on board! Together you can handle it. I am planning on going solo without an electric windlass and considering it part of my daily exercise routine. 🙂 So my one weak point of advice: save the money… 😉

  3. So if you haven't heard it yet the old saying is that there are only three things that can go wrong with a diesel "Fuel , fuel, or fuel' Knowing this now do you think you really needed to pull the engine? Could you have just used a $40 booster pump? It seems like everybody wanted to clean injectors and filters and not start at the source.

  4. Boats cost a lot of money however it can be done on a shoestring.
    If/when you get second hand parts, make sure they are refurbished, just to make sure you don't waste money on a broken part.
    Running and standing rigging are safety items, do not skimp money on that, yes you can find good deals on running rigging by shopping around.
    Get a routine going about standard maintenance jobs, service the engine and stuff on a regular base and log everything you do. So you have a reference on what you done when.
    Do an inspection round on the entire boat before setting sail, you might find a shackle or something that is not okay and you have time to fix the issues before leaving the dock.
    Although I've been sailing for over 35 years I still learn new things every sail I do, I've sailed in the Med, North sea, Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean islands all of them from Antigua to Trinidad. On boats from 30 to 60 ft.

  5. Well at least your out there seeing the world! I have been wanting to buy a sailboat for years and can afford it and iam still just living the rat race! Just please make her safe. Who gives a shit about fancy but make her safe and sea worthy. Shit doesn’t go bad until it does and you need to be ready! Enjoy the trip it goes by fast and one day you’ll be laughing at all the crazy times you had! Take good care of each other!!

  6. Heavy weather.
    Have you got three reef points in your main? And are the reef tack and clew points well reinforced.
    Definitely get a storm jib.
    If you have to batten down the hatches…are they good enough. Can you blank off any vents.
    I suspect you boat will lie a-hull comfortably .
    But a sea anchor is good to have. Get a long reel of polysteel rope (what fishermen use), not expensive. The best sea anchor is to make up a Jordan drogue, though that’s a lot of work. I have a builders 1 ton bulk bag which I need to try out one day. Should make a good drogue.
    Inside make sure everything is secure, batteries no1. Most cupboard door catches are useless. Imagine turning everything upside down then giving it a good shake.

  7. So £3k for the boat and €3k for the engine! Such a shame you had that expense, when there is so much else to spend on.
    All said, a great boat, looks good, really tough, and it really has cost very little.

  8. My advice would be to keep your boat as simple as possible and learn how to do as much as possible yourself.
    Observe what commercial fishermen do with their boats as it's likely to be cost effective and efficient.
    Also never be afraid to ask for advice, and be aware that not all of it will be accurate or the most helpful for you personally.
    I would have bought a smaller boat because, all else being equal, smaller is invariably cheaper, and easier to handle with a small crew.
    You come across as a sensible pair, and I've really enjoyed watching your videos.
    I've subscribed.

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