Un episod destul de sălbatic în care Jamie și cu mine navighează spre o insulă pustie pentru a face o provocare de 24 de ore pe o insulă pustie, dar în jumătate de oră sunt atacat de furnici de foc și am o reacție alergică în care fața mea se umflă, am denivelări. peste corpul meu, canalele urechii încep să se închidă și îmi devine greu să deschid ochii. Între timp, cel mai apropiat medic este la aproximativ 200 de mile distanță. SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Am găsit avarii în pereții etanși la catamaranul lor din Panama, așa că am reparat-o și acum navigăm peste Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! ​​Pagina de Facebook: Editat de @brittanyamodeo (instagram) #sailing #frenchpolynesia #parlayrevival


29 thoughts on “REACȚIE ALERGICĂ SEVERĂ pe o INSULĂ PĂRTITĂ! – (Episodul 238)

  1. Great job guys, but come on lol the girls did 48 hours in a raft … man up! lol just kidding, the other comments about the reaction you had are real. If it happened again it could be life threatening. Stay safe and keep on having a blast!!!

  2. Oh yeah you guys definitely should have dug a hole. And then made an additional fire pit in that hole. Although I probably would have chosen a different location than right at the end of the peninsula where it was coldest and windiest.

    But that did look totally fun. Awesome video.! 👍👍🙏🍻

  3. Mate What are you doing Dont Take Risks with your Life like that , you could have went into annaphilatelic shock , And Why didnt you have a Radio with you ???, the girls could have brought you the apepen would have helped alot , an you should have that in your first aid kit if you dont ,.. Take Care Mate , you got All of Australias coast to cover , an i dont want to miss it.. ,.

  4. How can you drag them dogs around them Beautiful islands and let them shit all over it? Like dude boats and dogs are bad mix seriously

  5. Glad you guys were okay on your adventure, we loved it! I'm adding to the other comments that in the future, if you or anyone you know have that kind of a reaction, at least get some Benadryl or antihistamine in you immediately and preferably at the maximum dose for 24-48 hours. You do want to keep the sensitization as minimal as you can.

  6. As soon as you had swelling and it started migrating to other parts of your body it was time to call off the camping expedition and get some antihistamines from the boat.

  7. Oh poor wittle Colwin..the man bun version of Robison Crusoe..he goes to an deserted island trying to show what a hunter gather he is..the tiny wittle ants bite him in first the 30 mins and tell him to fuck off as his dog shit on paradise Beach.. he then proceeds to smash open every coconut he can find a drink from said chalice, his dog then throws up in paradise after he has chopped down the green palms suffocating a small bush or tree before smashing the hell.out of crabs and burning them alive..the crabs also tell.him to fuck off and bite the offending man bun hand..after leaving a dirty burnt mess on the beach and drinking rum with a much more manly mate he then retreats to his apartment on the water with a mast jammed in it and fucks off…I can't imagine what a second day in paradise would have done to him and the beautiful place he left shit , Vomit and burnt offerings, damaged plants and bashed crabs on !!!!

  8. I also have a fire ant allergy. After my first bite, just one ant, I puffed up like a marshmallow in an hour. The Doc made sure I had an epi-pen. I surprised both the Doc and I, though. For some reason I have become less reactive to them. The bite still stings, but I only react at the bite site. I have found out that rubbing garlic juice from a clove on the bite takes the sting away in minutes and it does not even puff up. That's just my experience, though. Keep an epi-pen, or plural.

  9. This was dangerous, Colin. You should have gone back to the boat and taken some antihistamine to reduce the inflammatory response. Get epi-pens and keep them with you at all times.

  10. One of your most gripping episodes ever…sorry to see of your reaction (I’m allergic to certain stings/bites) but damn glad you ended up ok. Be most careful going forward. Cheers Parlay crew, 🤗🍻🤗🍻🤗

  11. How do you tell what crabs are safe to eat? Heard stories of people dieing from eating the wrong type. Not sure if there is any truth to it but I stick to muddies and blue swimmers just to be safe 😂

  12. I'm part of the Imported Red Fire Ant Eradication team here in Queensland. People still call us a waste of space and money, but we are trying to eradicate this misery in Australia!
    Hope you reccovered well, fair winds and calm seas my friend

  13. This could’ve ended very differently. You need to have an epi-pen on hand and Benadryl too. Don’t mess around with this! Thank God you’re ok.

  14. Jammy should know what 1 dog night is and a 2 dog night means being Australian, they say the out back men would cuddle 1 dog 🐕 but if colder you need 2 dog's, lol so you had one each, pain about the one being sick, lol, least it would off been warm

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