Shanty Chor Bremerhaven – Navigație, navigație

Shanty Chor Bremerhaven - Navigație, navigație

Shanty Chor Bremerhaven


21 thoughts on “Shanty Chor Bremerhaven – Navigație, navigație

  1. Wonderful! Makes me want to board an old wooden sailing ship with linen sails and head out to sea! I can even smell the salt air! Very nicely done! Bravo!

  2. Thank you! It took me a long time to find this song as I only remembered, “Heave ho me lads the wind blows free….” I was quite surprised and pleased to hear the familiar chorus. The wavelike motion and costumes are a bonus!

  3. Y’heave ho! my lads, the wind blows free;
    A pleasant gale is on our lee,
    And now across the ocean clear,
    Our gallant bark we’ll bravely steer.
    But ‘ere we part from England’s shore tonight,
    A song we’ll sing for home and beauty bright
    Then here’s to the sailor, and here’s to the one so true
    Who will think of him up on the waters blue.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ‘ere Jack comes home again.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again.
    The sailor’s life is bold and free;
    His home is on the rolling sea,
    And never heart more true or brave,
    Than he who launches on the wave.
    Afar he speeds in distant climes to roam;
    With jocund song he rides the sparkling foam.
    Then here’s to the sailor, and here’s to the one so true
    Who will think of him upon the waters blue.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ‘ere Jack comes home again.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again.
    The tide is flowing with the gale;
    Y’Heave ho! My lads, set every sail.
    The harbor bar we soon shall clear,
    Farewell once more to home so dear;
    For when the tempest rages loud and long,
    That home shall be our guiding star among.
    Then here’s to the sailor, and here’s to the one so true
    Who will think of him up on the waters blue.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ‘ere Jack comes home again.
    Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
    For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again

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