A încercat ucraineanul să-i fure înapoi superyacht-ul confiscat? | SY News Ep342

A încercat ucraineanul să-i fure înapoi superyacht-ul confiscat?  |  SY News Ep342

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45 thoughts on “A încercat ucraineanul să-i fure înapoi superyacht-ul confiscat? | SY News Ep342

  1. Thank you so much for all the super size luxury vessels 😊 up to date reporting
    You do excellent 👍 work my friend 😊
    One question that I have, did the Captain of the Patrol vessel LOSS his Rank and command. Just asking if anyone knows

  2. I can understand an arrest having a 2 year time limit. But if a seizure effectively transfers onwership to the government, how can the governmenmt then relinquish ownership after 2 years ?
    And if a boat has been seized, would the government typically contract with a boat management firm to hire crews and pay them? or would there be closer management for security purpose to avoid that external management firm being paid by former onwer to scuttle the boat or steal it ? The fact that the official crew allowed those 9 extras to board the ship and work there means the government has already lost effective control of the boat.

  3. I remember both the bridge tour and the engine room tour from Victorious. And am going to watch the engine room one, at a minimum, again. Thanks for the reminder. I would love to see more of those videos. Likewise, the ones about the communications tech stuff, the antennas, and how the systems between engine room, bridge, and automatic things like the various doors all work together. Looking at the array of antennae on the new yacht just delivered, Luminance? reminded me of that. So much good content. The tangled mess of the seizures, sanctions, and machinations around all of that just seem to get worse and worse. I like your reporting on it. Enjoy the weekend, and thank you as always.

  4. like him or not it is his yacht !
    they did not have a problem before the war with his money or how he made the money !

    i knew something like this would happen from the day one, people who are trying to buy these yachts are stupid !

    you in your "discount yacht" what's this heavily armed people boarding the ship shooting and throwing moto's to the sea !

  5. Astonishing. Russians believe they have the right to steal whatever they wish to in Ukraine but get litigious when their property (bought with stolen funds) is seized.

  6. I have a carb 308 and listening to your engine, are you certain all 8 cylinders are firing and timing is correct? Just sounds quite a bit rougher than mine (after warm). Hope u figure it out!

  7. I really enjoy your coverage way down here in New Zealand,,,, somewhat south of Fiji. I am a retired ex R.N. matelot, so love your reports!!
    Did you hear about our Interisland ferry running aground in the Marlborough Sounds, here in NZ??
    Keep up the informative news, you do a good job. 🤠🤠

  8. I think that there is a genuine risk that this boat will be seized by the Russians navy in international waters and re-claimed should it be sold.

  9. WRT to the patrol vessel – that was a ballsy move to get that vessel down the channel. Doable under ideal conditions (little to no current, light winds and the sun in the right place) and probably steering by hand). Would have been a good idea to have a tender as a guide dog about 100m ahead. Looks like someone wasn't paying attention, got it wrong or something went wrong. Not a good idea with a brand new crew who were unused to the vessel's characteristics.

  10. Thanks for the updates! My friend is in Croatia at the moment and has been sending snaps of some of the yachts and superyachts impounded by the government there

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