După 5 ani de viață cu barca pe ocean, cu toate accidentele de navigație, aproape ratari și lecții învățate, am adunat împreună câteva sfaturi „pepite de aur” și am revenit la câteva evenimente nevăzute din viața reală. De asemenea, împărtășim o mulțime din experiența și cunoștințele acumulate despre ceea ce este necesar pentru a naviga în siguranță în Grecia sau pentru a trăi la bordul unei ambarcațiuni cu vele pe tot parcursul anului, la ancoră. Ne-ar plăcea să credem că orice marinar ar putea învăța ceva valoros în acest episod care ar putea chiar salva pe cineva sau barca lui! De asemenea, am inclus în acest sfat câteva dintre upgrade-urile epice pe care le-am făcut anul acesta pentru siguranța pentru Holly Blue și echipajul ei. Aceasta include noul nostru șpriț Lofrans, contor de lanț și echipamente de ancorare de la Rocna, Titan și Fortress, care sunt toate disponibile la cel mai mare magazin marin din Europa: SVB O mulțumire uriașă SVB (servicii profesionale de aprovizionare pentru yachting) pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip și pentru că ne-au sprijinit în acest sens. unu. Consultați-le în linkurile de mai jos (nu veți fi dezamăgiți!) Magazinul online SVB pentru echipamente de iaht și barca: https://www.svb24.com/?stm=SailingHollyBlue-Windlasses-BAVARIA Grădin și accesorii la SVB: https ://www.svb24.com/en/category/anchoring-docking-windlasses.html?stm=SailingHollyBlue-Windlasses-BAVARIA Nu uitați să ne lăsați un like, un comentariu și să vă abonați! Apreciem și ascultăm toate feedback-urile dvs. în speranța că putem continua să îmbunătățim ceea ce facem ca canal… dacă doriți să faceți eforturi suplimentare pentru a ne ajuta să continuăm să difuzăm cel mai bun conținut posibil, atunci vă rugăm alăturați-vă nouă și echipajului de pe Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/join/sailinghollyblue Toate cele bune… Ross, Laura, Josh și Noah x Joshuas School: MVA – Minerva’s Virtual Academy: https://www. minervavirtual.com Link-urile noastre: https://linktr.ee/sailinghollyblue Site-ul nostru – https://sailinghollyblue.com Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/join/sailinghollyblue Muzica: TheFatRat & Anjulie – Close To The Sun – https://youtu.be/oJuGlqO85YI Lauras Song – https://sailinghollyblue.com/say-thanks Toate celelalte muzică – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/xuglpc/ #sailing #boatlife #sailinghollyblue
BOATLIFE GRECIA – 5 ani de eșecuri și lecții învățate (sfatul nostru – nu face aceste greșeli!)

29 thoughts on “BOATLIFE GRECIA – 5 ani de eșecuri și lecții învățate (sfatul nostru – nu face aceste greșeli!)”
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SVB online shop for yacht and boating equipment:
Windlasses and accessories at SVB:
Groovy and quite informative episode. Do you find other boaters moving closer to your boat when you go on the front of your boat to workout? Giggles!
So Laura! Let me get this straight! Ross tells you he's going fishing, than buys some fish instead he goes to the Pub! Now he's not wearing his Wedding Ring, i don't know! ( lol) "Cool Cat" never seen a Cat that likes water and swims! Dean( Soul)Toronto
I’d get rid of the powder extinguishers, they are unsafe in a close environment. You want class B co2. Trust me, I’ve been in close proximity to a powder extinguisher going off and it crippled my lungs for weeks, I’d hate to think what it could do to little ones lungs. Please take professional advice, not just from someone flogging them.
I’d get rid of the powder extinguishers, they are unsafe in a close environment. You want class B co2. Trust me, I’ve been in close proximity to a powder extinguisher going off and it crippled my lungs for weeks, I’d hate to think what it could do to little ones lungs. Please take professional advice, not just from someone flogging them.
In a side note…… wow Laura!
Спасибо большое!!!
Всегда с радостью смотрю ваши видео!!!
Good afternoon to Holly blue family
I lived on a narrowboat in the UK for 10 years..
Your analogy of hole on pocket I understand the phrase BOAT buing on another thousand was used in narrowboat life..
I changedmy life in 2016 and moved to Spain I now own an embroidery business making uniform and gift clothing.. thanks for your content followed you since this year and watched your older vlogs. You're a beautiful family
Frank near Alicante Spain
Hello to your lovely family !!! At the time you come in Katakolo area please send me an sms . Panos family
Great discussion of a very important subject. Personally, I'd like more "privacy" when I anchor, but it appears that that option is not always available in ihe Ionian
Awesome info guy! Thanks.
Informative tips with scary close calls. Thanks guys.
Only married a year and lost my wedding ring swimming back to Zeus Too in a bay around Kalymnos. Spent the rest of the holiday with a 3 euro ring until I could get it replaced. Lucky they still had all the details as we had our rings engraved in Greek. Funny thing is I still wear the 3 euro ring on my other hand lol.
So awesome! Thank you!!
Thanks guys! 😊
It would be a very good idea for you to have a fire extinguisher specifically for lithium ion battery fires. Extinguishers containing F-500 EA will do the job.
So, in five years these were all the dangerous situations you faced? Lucky guys!
Just last week I had more:
1. my chain was blocked by 3 charter boats with their chain over mine, we were stuck in the middle of the pathway of huge ferries running with speed into the port of Skopelos
2. Our windlass had its final breath, an old Simpson-Lawrence, where the casing broke. Now waiting for replacement.
I think sailing is training the ability to react to dangerous situations, stay alert and enjoy it when a problem is solved.
Nice video.
You are amazing!
9:31 24:08 This woman's body, the beauty of her face and her fire are killing me😘😘😘🔥🔥🔥🔥
Learn In Tandem anchoring. You don't need a bigger anchor that you will rarely use, but 2 anchors on the same rode/chain (not separate rodes).
IMHO, in order, these are the best overall anchors: Bulwagga (now sold in Turkey), Mantus, Rocna, Ultra, and I wouldn't trust anything else as a main anchor. Best storm anchors (used with other anchors): Fortress, Danforth, Max, Mantus, nothing else.
A Bulwagga with a Mantus and 2 very large Fortress storm anchors is what I like to keep. Bulwagga the main anchor. The Mantus and Fortress can be dismantled for storage. You need a good backup main because, well, people like to steal anchors. The Bulwagga sets better than anything. Mantus is the second best setting anchor out there and holds better than the Bulwagga so it's a pretty good main anchor too which is what I am currently using as a main anchor. They don't make a Bulwagga for a 55' boat.
When the wind picks up, especially with a wind shift, ALWAYS go on deck, not just to watch your boat, but all the others too. I've been in blows where every boat not using a new gen anchor dragged including a 100 million dollar sailing yacht and several 200' fishing vessels. For this reason, I am not a fan of deploying stern anchors and ropes and would rather anchor out father if I can. Not being able to quickly get away from others can be a big problem.
The way I saw it, that big yacht was not crossing any anchors but the thing is, you never know when you are that close as somebody just might have a lot more chain out than normal. When possible, I like to ask the other boats when I come in how much they have out. You'd be surprised how many don't know.
Brilliant episode – full of useful safety tips – for everyone. Well done guys
Great Video Ross and SHB Team ♥ always love your informative yet Casual approach to Boat Life Lessons, I'm certainly using that wedding 💍 ring excuse now 😉 😝 😝 🍻 🍻 🍻
Cheers Mick 🇦🇺
How convenient! They sent an email the next day! Wow………
Good one
Heard your explanation about your anchor, but have to tell you that anchoring is slightly different than what you think it is. The reason an anchor drags is not because the anchor is under- or oversized, it is all about the shank of the anchor not remaining level with the sea bed and that has everything to do with the anchor chain.
Once you understand why your anchor drags you will understand what to do about it. And as a spoiler, it does not have a lot to do with the size of the anchor, it is just a mathematical equation that you will need to solve.
We dragged once in an anchorage in Corfu during a sudden storm and that was the moment I wanted to understand the mathematics about anchoring. Once I figured those out I knew what to do and since that time we have not dragged anymore. I have explained anchoring in detail on other Youtube channels, if you want to know the ins and outs just give a shout and I will explain it. Not sure your subscribers want to read the mathematics of anchoring. 😀
Great tip about preparing the lines around the rocks when going stern to.