Ultimele zile navigând în afara rețelei

Ultimele zile navigând în afara rețelei

După ce am petrecut lunile de vară în afara rețelei, este timpul să navigăm cu barca noastră înapoi la casa noastră de iarnă de pe docuri (aduceți pe țărm puterea și furtunul de apă!). Ne-a plăcut foarte mult să trăim pe balul de acostare, dar pe măsură ce anotimpurile se schimbă și lucrurile se răcesc, va fi un lux imens să fim legați și să avem acces la energie electrică suficientă pentru a ne funcționa încălzitoarele! Aceasta a fost prima noastră excursie după ceva timp și, deși nu am avut mult vânt, a fost uimitor să fim din nou pe apă. Am fost recunoscători să vedem o păstă URIAșă de marsuini și ne-am bucurat de soarele și de fauna sălbatică din nord-vestul Pacificului! Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip și doriți să ne susțineți direct, puteți primi acces la episoadele noastre fără anunțuri, comunitatea noastră de chat, actualizări din culise și multe altele la https://www.patreon.com/bluemoonlife Aceste videoclipuri sunt posibile prin generozitatea telespectatorilor ca tine și vrem să-ți mulțumim foarte mult că ești aici! Pentru oricine nou pe canal, trăim pe o barcă cu pânze de 30 de picioare cu normă întreagă și ne-am mutat recent într-un acostare în afara rețelei în lunile de vară! Aceasta înseamnă că ne obținem toată puterea de la sistemul solar sau de la funcționarea motorului diesel și trebuie să împachetăm toată apa și mâncarea folosind mica noastră barcă cu un motor exterior. Blue Moon este o navă cu vele Catalina 30 din 1978 pe care am achiziționat-o în 2020. Un an mai târziu am decis că este timpul pentru o călătorie și am construit un Delica din 1998 pentru a traversa țara. Acum trăim la bordul ambarcațiunii cu normă întreagă, facem excursii de weekend cu duba și explorăm această lume frumoasă. Multumesc pentru vizionare! J+G Uimitoarea noastră comunitate Patreon! Darren Waller Eric Smith Fred Adrian Frequency Bleu Gerald FitzGerald Hilary Cullen John Davidson Josh Klar Paul H și Linda L Tom & Siiri Cathy Norrie Dan Currier SV Voyager Dave Hines Eiso Gord Jamie Jesse Milam Jim M Regele David Michael Bingham Caprifoi Paul BeadleRandy Sears Scot Yount Sean Perry Simon Law –––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––- patreon – https://www.patreon.com/bluemoonlife Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bluemoonlife_/ paypal – https://paypal.me/bluemoonlife?locale.x=en_US PFD-urile noastre Mustang (primim un mic comision dacă cumpărați prin acest link :D): https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tool_type =cl&merchant_id=c1629a4b-6c91-4893-b136-7ba0ca4a1ba5&website_id=9ca5171e-6861-4268-bee4-2d668239ce28&url=https%3A%2F%2F%2F%3A%2F%2F%2F%3A%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%3A%2F%2F%3A%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%3A%2F%2Fmustang Music Sound. Înscrieți-vă cu linkul nostru pentru a obține 10% reducere în primele 12 luni! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/sg84a6 ––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––


28 thoughts on “Ultimele zile navigând în afara rețelei

  1. I love your channel. You give those of us that are land-locked hope.
    My dad lived on a sailboat called "Blue Moon" in Florida/east cost for 5 years (1946..51). We lived on a 50ft Benetau sailboat on the east cost of the US and Caribbean with 2 children. I n a couple of years we plan on getting a new boat and joining you in BC.
    We toed our dingy on occasion. Adding a stretchy thing to the line helps a lot. They make a rubber thing that you lace the line into and around then back out the other end.

  2. Well you are headed to the dock for the winter, I loved the shots of the evening , just beautiful. One very big cudo to you on your music. You have the levels just perfect, I can use the same setting for your speech and the background, most channels I adjust up and down to maintain a comfortable level. Hope the remainder of your trip goes well, looking forward to it.

  3. Hey guys, Good that you had the hull scraped ..but .. I hesitate to say … if it grew that much junk ..then your bottom paint is not working. Really should be redone each year to 18months. I encourage you to put #Propspeed on your prop as it will then be clean as a whistle for the whole 18 months.
    Nice to see the big pods of dolphins and you guys enjoying the surroundings. Remember to sort a bimini and spray dodger for winter. it will transform your experience.
    Cheers from New Zealand

  4. What a delight! Your editing and cinematography is as good as any I have seen.
    The sunset ending is awesome, you two really are talented film makers.
    Loved loved it all

  5. Thanks for this lovely sail ⛵️⛵️it was an absolutely stunning and beautiful trip. Sad to see the summer end but excited for the fall and winter videos 👍👍👍🥰💕💕

  6. The last few minutes of your video brought back a lot of fond, happy memories. Beautiful, calm leading from daylight to night at anchor. Wonderful. Thank you.

  7. Fun video, good music! As I recall my days around Brentwood, Sidney, Cow Bay….either rough as a cob, or glassy-ass calm, never much in between! Where is home base marina? Vic? Thanks, Andrew (on my cat in Florida)

  8. ^Gereatric morning gymnastics followed by an incredibly beautiful sail ^^ Sounds like something I should do 😀 Thanks for the lovely video ♥

  9. Always a pleasure to see you guys! Have you changed something … the video was so beautiful and the rhythm was awesome. Wow !!! Thank you, and keep up the good work. I wish to be there and enjoy a coffee with you.

  10. Hi Jonas and Gillian🙋Where did summer go! Nice you got some sailing in,before winter gets here.Thanks for sharing another fun video.See you next,time.Guess you will be back on the dock.👍

  11. Loved everything about this sail! The beauty of Pacific Northwest is so amazing … and your blend of photography/video & choice of music displayed it beautifully! So nice the sail was faster due to the new bottom cleanup! The pods of porpoise were such a plus too! It was so good to see you guys just totally relaxing & enjoying yourselves as your sailing season comes to a close. I smiled thru the whole episode! Thanks!

  12. Wow, my nan is more flexible than that. Your bed must be really uncomfortable, unless you've been annoying and had to use the floor; or the chill is starting to creep in. Beautiful location though, shame the season seemed so short.

  13. Well done with the bottom clean but it was unfortunate you had no wind to see how she went under sail. I love watching your videos and it looks like a great place to sail, stunning scenery all around. Take Care and Enjoy your home as in boat and country. Looking forward to the next video. ⛵⛵⛵

  14. Thank you for another beautiful video! Love watching you both navigate the seas, lifestyle & life’s challenges thrown in for good measure! Enjoy the amenities at the dock 😀

  15. I finally realized you are a strawberry blonde and his hair has some blonde tint. He is a redhead. The scenery is magnificent. We had cooler weather here in Texas so I know its got be getting cold there. Great season!

  16. Really cool episode, love seeing the Dolphins, when we left Florida last week we had a huge pod of Dolphins all around our sailboat, they followed us from the Florida coast line, half way across to the Bahamas. When you guys get ready to do a haul out to do the bottom paint, do a little research on Flex- Seal. The YouTube channel (Ran Sailing) used Flex-Seal as a bottom coat and stated they had no barnacles after almost 5 years. I personally know a guy in Big Pine Key, Florida that used Flex-Seal as a bottom paint on a Catalina 22, this boat stays in the water full time, last time I checked, there was no build up of barnacles on the boat bottom. It's been 3 years since he applied the Flex-Seal, so apparently it works……

  17. Hi guys. A list of cool apps we use here in South Africa. Tide times, Predict wind, Navionics, Windfinder, Nautide. Maybe look at them as add-ons to your current collection. They are very reliable…

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