Acum că suntem certificați ASA 101, ne-am gândit că folosim unul dintre charterele noastre complementare pentru jumătate de zi de la South Coast Sailing pentru a ne testa abilitățile doar cu noi doi și fără adulți! Lucrurile nu au mers așa de bine pe cât se aștepta, ceea ce s-a dovedit a fi un lucru bun pentru că am învățat o tonă! Susține-ne pe Patreon?!: Obține un tricou (sau 3!): Instrumentul nostru gratuit pentru planul de etaj:
Lecții învățate – Navigați singuri pentru prima dată

47 thoughts on “Lecții învățate – Navigați singuri pentru prima dată”
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I lived in Houston in the mid 70's and while going to college (UofH) I worked for a sailboat dealer called Sailboats West. I also raced on a Pearson 35 on Galveston Bay that was docked on Clear Lake. The channel between Clear Lake and the bay was littered with rundown beer joints and fish houses back then. We moved from Houston in 1984 and I haven't been to Kemah since then. I can only imagine how much it has changed through the years. It's good to see young people like yourselves getting into sailing. I own a Beneteau 42, which I sail singlehanded along the northern gulf coast out of Pascagoula, MS. Keep sailing….your skills will grow and before long you'll look back and giggle at these videos when your confidence was in its infancy. Good luck.
Knowledge is a wonderful thing but there's nothing like first hand experience, and even experienced sailors have their moments. Safety, safety safety.
cool, Yall done good and you learned alot. Happy trail's : )
You are learning and doing well. You will get use the healing. I started on a Blue Water sailboat and was surprised when I sailed small coastal cruisers at the healing in light winds. But you get use to it. When you take friends that are not sailors you have to watch the healing, or you will unnerve them.
I did my sailing course this summer, our captain made us sail on a fairly windy day, I remember thinking "This boat is going to flip over!!!" but it didn't all it did was to turn into the wind by it self when it had tilted so far that the rudder was out of the water 🙂 but I guess it takes a while to get used to. But thanks for sharing, I'm looking forward to watch you other videos.
Love sailing Kemah Waters. Sailed out there about a year ago in similar conditions as your second day and had a blast. I'm still kicking myself for not buying that Islander 36 the following day.
OMG you could have had everything up. I know youre beginners , the boats motion and heel you need to get used to, but you were in nice conditions, and could have had an invigorating sail with everything up
Well done you two. Very impressed. It's all about practice, practice, practice. I taught my wife to sail dinghies about ten years ago and we have raced them quite successfully since. Our next project is a 22 footer cruiser / racer. This will be scary to sail for the first time but again we'll keep learning. You did well to reduce sail when it started to get uncomfortable. Having the boat on its beam ends isn't always fast sailing. Good luck for the 2017 season……
With all the " freaking out " as you put it . You two didn't even have life vests on , why ? That is rule #1
Another good trick in the high winds and puffs is to just drop the traveler to leeward and not touch the main sheet. If you develop weather helm when you drop it just trim in the main a bit more until you get the balance back. Great video!
great video and remember you didn't trade paint, boat made it back and it was in one piece so it was a full success. No and I mean NO ONE goes out on their own for the first time and sails like a seasoned master, that is just a fact of anything we do from sailing to driving to anything. The hardest part is jumping off and doing from there it is just experience so pat yourselves on the back and next time you won't be so nervous and you will enjoy it more, making you become better sailors.
just a tip in the video editing : music going up and down nice but too loud .
When in doubt .. let it out 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
good job bud!!
we are getting a 41' Bebenteau in a few weeks for our first boat s tabs for the video great job
You did good guys, wow, yayaa! ☕☕🍩🍩. ;-). Happy ⛵, thanks!
Healing, this is one reason why I love multi-hulls, but good to learn on a mono too.
Hi jessica and ryan!
I am wondering if I can use a few seconds of the video for my class discussion. Let me know if it is possible. It is strictly for academic purposes and for in class discussion. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
I know about healing and feeling uneasy, first time out in heavy winds we were healing pretty heavily and doing about 16kph. The captain not freaking out only made me just a wee less nervous when your staring down at the water. Had to raise and lower the main three times, because I kept rigging it improperly, sorta glad I didn't have to tie any kind of not as I was all thumbs that day. Ive calmed down a bit since, i hope.
Love following your videos. My wife and I live in the Rockies and have been skiers for thirty years. As kids we grew up in Corpus and South Padre, and I sailed until I moved to the mountains. Skipping forward I watched your videos and just started making plans to jump right in, and bought a beautiful Hunter 37.5 in Kemah in March, (I am six foot, but no problems ducking thru doorways), and we then had a wild ride of a delivery with our ASA instructor from Kemah to Corpus, our home port. We had 10 foot seas, 30 knot winds, it was a blast, and to say the least my wife immediately got over her fear of heeling, pitching, pounding etc. Once in Corpus we completed ASA 101, 102, and 104 all in rough conditions. We work in the ski industry, so we will have lots of time of to enjoy our new passion. Thanks for your inspiration and keep making dreams come true. If you like you can see chapter one of our S/V Sophia's story here, its pretty wild!…
Great video y'all. Ryan, I can see you laughing behind that straight face. 😂
thanks for your video! I really enjoyed it and like how you speak in terms that we can all understand!! you keep it "real" ..thank you..I have always wanted to learn how to sail but have been afraid of what could go wrong..After watching your videos, I am now thinking more of all that could go right! with experience, practice of course and determination we can all enjoy the things in life that we really wish to learn and explore. Happy Sailing!
Hey guys! Fun video! What type of boat is that ur messing around on?
Good grief where are you? That water looks toxic! So glad you did not go in for a swim.
This is so cool that you guys did this.
Your honesty is very refreshing, and truly comforting to us all, as we too know the feeling. 😄
lesson one isMAKE SURE THE WIND GOES FROM THE FRONT= LUFF, OF THE SAIL TO THE LEECH =REAR,and not the other direction.or the boat heels
I smiled watching this remembering my son and I going through the same thing in the same place. You will look back on this in a few years and smile as well. First thing, repeat the mantra – IT'S A RENTAL! Second – My ASA teacher said – What happens when you are by yourselves no one has to know! And his second was – You are not an A*****E unless you hit something, hard! You didn't so you get an A.
Among other problems, you may have felt like you had too much sail up because your sheet lead blocks were too far aft. The effect is that the top part of your genoa is too deep, thus creating a lot of drag and a resulting sail force that creates more heel than speed.
Tip: It's almost always a mistake to have the genoa blown backwards while tacking. I know many teach that, but it only wears everything and slows the maneuver. The right time to tack the genoa is as soon as it loses power. At that moment your boat must have rotating inertia. By the take you take the sheet in on the new tack, you'll probably already have a wind angle of 30º. If you're not sure of your tack, bear away a little more so you don't lose speed.
Fun to see you in a mono hull. Have to love the cat! 🥂
Why do you not use life jackets?
Ha Ha Don't worry you will both be pros before you know it. I lived this on my first real sail after purchasing my boat. 200nm mostly on engine because of ignorance and each raising of the sails were near catastrophe. The next 200 we were in our groove and on our way to being pros! Good luck and keep yer chin up and the sails out 🙂
I've never sailed any boat other than mine, 45' hunter 450. 10 to 15knots of wind and you're talking about putting in reefs and reducing the jib seems wrong. Or are smaller boats that finicky in light winds? My boat heels over at 25knots with full sails but then letting out the boom and jib just a little I'm back to cruising 8+ knots. I'm not seasoned at all, maybe 300nautical miles, my first boat with no prior experience. Great content, very clean and easy to understand you guys.
Sailing gloves with or without full fingers?
Sorry about the question, I'm not american. So you can go and sail only by passing a written exam? there's no in-the-water test with some instructor? I spent 7 months 3-hours weekends at sailing school (84hours sailing?) and a test with the coast guard to achieve the same 😀
I know this is one of your older videos, but my sailbuddy and I just saw it and we felt it all the way to our soul. Hahah. You never forget your first time out on the water (after class) with your sailing partner! 🙂
I wonder if you guys could add a dateline to your videos, I would have a better chronological understanding of events , thanks
No matter how long you sail you always learn something new every time you go out
Ty for Sharing. My Wife and I are going to take the same path.
"it might have been graceless, but it still counts"… LMAO
Reminded me of a flight instructors words to me years ago. "Any landing you live thru is a good one. Any landing the plane can be flown again is a great one"…
The way you flaked the main was a disgrace.
Jessica and Ryan, fantastic video. If you're a first time boat buyer looking for more info, here's a video you may want to check out –
My husband, 15 year old daughter and I are embarking on a 5 day sailing course in two days time and hoping to buy a yacht soon! 🙂 So it is wonderful to watch your video realising that we will be going through exactly the same thing as both of you! 🙂 Love your approach of learning through doing and look forward to us learning hints through your experiences! (eg – we will be practicing tying knots with gloves on – great advice!!) You look like a great team together! )
Life jackets?
No disrespect. But Jennifer,Hott don't tell mom the babysitters dead Kenny Voice..