Honey in the Hair – Pilgrim Sailing

Honey in the Hair - Pilgrim Sailing

Greg și Paloma jucând „Honey in the Hair” de Blackbird Raum la bordul Pilgrim în timp ce navighează în Marea Mediterană. Echipamentul foto din vara 2017 folosit pentru realizarea acestui videoclip: Dronă – https://amzn.to/2v1H6lS Cameră subacvatică – https://amzn.to/39yv6Hx Camera telefon – https://amzn.to/2VRL2R8


17 thoughts on “Honey in the Hair – Pilgrim Sailing

  1. The perfect example that everyone can find his own singing style 😉 nice video! Amazing trip across the Atlantic keep up living like a king free spirit.

  2. I love Blackbird Raum when i first heard this song. But i also love sailing and this is the first awesome captured vid i feel fits the song so well

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