O privire exclusivă „în interiorul” iahtului cu vele A de 500 de milioane de dolari [4K video]

O privire exclusivă „în interiorul” iahtului cu vele A de 500 de milioane de dolari [4K video]

Vizionați în 4K pe ecran mare pentru a vedea toate detaliile. Filmat la Antibes, Franța. Aceasta este o continuare a celuilalt videoclip al meu, deoarece mulți oameni cereau să vadă interiorul. De cele mai multe ori „acoperișul” de deasupra piscinei este închis și practic este imposibil să se vadă „înăuntru” Sunt 2 tablouri care arată foarte frumos, dacă cineva le poate identifica vă rog să postați în comentarii.


34 thoughts on “O privire exclusivă „în interiorul” iahtului cu vele A de 500 de milioane de dolari [4K video]

  1. For those of you that don’t know anything about yachts / ships, anything that floats that’s pretty much anything that’s bigger than 25 feet, The flag on the back is called the Union Jack flag of the United Kingdom. And that means she’s registered there.

  2. Some bastards have this and some people don't even have food or water. Wake up. This is not the future we should want. Good thing it is now Italian property. F those Russian billionaires.

  3. I've seen some lovely yacht's, but this one was odd. Maybe designed for a customer who wanted privacy? But it's weird, isn't the point of a yacht to feel the sense of the ocean and space. On this one there is no view of the sea, very closed in.

  4. In my opinion, you literally have to have blood on your hands, directly or indirectly to own something like this.

  5. I'm a big scuba diver and I truly think it would look 500 million times better as a scuba attraction and a basis for a coral reef.

  6. This seems to be a love it or loath it type of situation. I'm willing to bet that there are not very many people on the fence.
    Personally, I loath it. The price tag does not help. But I would like to know more.

  7. Every time I see this 'boat', I am astonished that anyone would seriously put this design on paper, much less see the paper and decide "yeah, build that" because it is FUGLY. The boat has more freeboard than sail area. Unless it draws 8-10 metres, trying to sail it upwind must feel like trying to steer an apartment building in a mudslide. Someone has a reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally tiny dingus and is trying to overcompensate waaaaaay too hard.

  8. I would think the most difficult aspect of being a billionaire, is knowing you'll end up like the rest of us, having dedicated your life to "bought" experiences.

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