Fotografii rare nu sunt potrivite pentru cărțile de istorie

Fotografii rare nu sunt potrivite pentru cărțile de istorie

Istoria este un lucru ciudat. În multe cazuri, singurele lucruri pe care le știm despre istorie sunt lucrurile care au fost surprinse în fotografii sau în cărți. În timp ce istoria scrisă poate fi manipulată, fotografiile par a fi singurele lucruri care ne pot informa cu adevărat despre trecut. ▬Conținutul acestui videoclip▬ 00:00 – Introducere 00:56 – Salvador Dali (1953) 02:27 – The Titanic (1912) 05:38 – Montana (1901) 06:02 – Giza (1870) 08:59 – Zero Gravity (1958) 10:18 – La Tour Eiffel (1932) 10:41 – Going for a Stroll (1938) 11:28 – Audrey Hepburn (1958) 12:40 – Space Chimp (1961) 13:05 – Costume de baie (1922) ) 13:30 – Tradiția militară (1952) 14:30 – Citește totul despre ea (1912) 14:52 – Elvis Presley (1958) Îți place acest conținut? Abonați-vă aici: Sau, vizionați mai multe videoclipuri aici: Veți vedea multe dintre aceste fotografii în istorie cărți. Cu toate acestea, unele dintre aceste fotografii NU sunt potrivite pentru cărțile de istorie și, ca urmare, este posibil să nu le vedeți niciodată. Până astăzi! Am găsit fotografiile nepotrivite din istorie și vă vom arăta și vom discuta de ce nu se găsesc în cărțile de istorie. Fotografii rare nu sunt potrivite pentru cărțile de istorie


46 thoughts on “Fotografii rare nu sunt potrivite pentru cărțile de istorie

  1. Leave it to the commies to place their women on the front lines. I can think of nothing more disrespectful to them. The subversion of socialism must never win.

  2. Seriously people, then what about those naked statue we get to see in our history books plus those kings/rulers private moment with women's with different positions 🌚.

  3. I didnt seen anything appropriate to be seen in history books. I think anything from the past should be intered in educational books. There seems to be to much incorrect information being taught to our kids. The tower of the phone lines, that was wild. Seeing all those wires,lol…that was insane.

  4. Historical photos not appropriate for history books? I think the word "historical"pretty much qualifies them for a history book. You don't get to nitpick history.

  5. So, you give the background info about the photograph, spending 2 to 3 minutes doing so… then flash the photo for about 3 seconds before doing some random cut graphic… you’re a freaking moron. Have the pic up, so we can ACTUALLY LOOK AT IT, don’t hype it then give no time at all to see it. What a pathetic channel.

  6. THIS VIDEO UTTERLY CR A POLA. NOTHING WORTH ANYONE'S TIME! The branding and come-on are stupid… interesting only because there are still people as stupid as I am, who click it!!!!!!

  7. Harry Potter was the philosopher's stone, not the sorcerer's stone. If you knew anything about history, you'd know why, but you're obviously too ignorant. The fact that you think these photos are not appropriate for history books also supports that view.

  8. So, umm, where is the photo and back story of the sexy looking native american lady? Did she lead a famous battle or sit at an important meeting that changed history? Please let us know the factorial details FV!
    Never watch any channel that has a black circle with letters in it. You will be disappointed.

  9. WHAT?! A word about that soviet woman-soldier… In 1940 she wasn't fighting nazis, but adoring them – because they were allies! Germany and Russia attacked Poland in September 1939 and occupied Polish territory.

  10. How could France give such wonder 🤔
    To a democracies lie.
    Liberty should be dismantled and sent back to French providence.
    Neither Librarians in PROPAGANDA
    Lived up to the Statue of Liberty's representative

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