Primesc un tur privat de la unul dintre co-fondatorii Proiectului E Tomasz Piekarec la Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes. #sunreef60 #catamaran #NautiStyles O mulțime de informații, statistici și detalii uimitoare – doar urmăriți până la sfârșit! Ești interesat să CUMPĂRĂRI / CUMPĂRĂ un catamaran SUNREEF? CONTACT: Info @ sau trimiteți un DM: DOAR ÎNTREBĂRI SERIOASE Vă rugăm să vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! ABONAȚI-VĂ AICI… Stați cu mine: Instagram: Blog: Ahoy, V
SUNREEF 60 Sail Catamaran ECO-Electric inovator numit Project E Walkthrough cu specificații

32 thoughts on “SUNREEF 60 Sail Catamaran ECO-Electric inovator numit Project E Walkthrough cu specificații”
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this was the 3rd video I've watched of this yacht and this is the most elaborate , well-done, outstanding vid. so you get a thumbs up and a follow. Nauti has nice ankles going up those stairs !
Love you guys but this one was the first I couldn't watch till the end unfortunately. That guy was not my cup of tea and I found him very boring. Scrolling for the next video
Next time you get a chance to do one of his son read 60s or 70s electrics play some find somebody that can speak better English explaining the boats is really hard to understand them and could be me but the way he was talking was driving me insane I would like to know more about the boat and sailing and how many people does it need to sell and what is the biggest boat that two people sail without a crew
I'm gonna try this again I need to know how many people to sell this yacht safely find find somebody that speaks better English because he was hard to understand
I just found your channel a few days ago. I saw the video on the Silent 60 before this. The crew quarters is much better on the E. But the Silent has a lot more solar panels. I also think the cabins are much better on the E. One thing did look tacky on the E. The lighted panels in front of the counter in the lounge. Look like it belongs in a 70's disco.
Every time I spend time living on a boat, I end up crying because of how easy I gain weight not being able to walk to and from 7-11 to complete my 30,000+ steps. specially when I take boxes of Graham crackers cos I don't wanna eat living things. I do want to go on an expedition some day though. make friends with a polar bear or die trying maybe. haha
I would love to go for a cruise on that boat but not if it meant I had to listen to that owner for hours on end
Come to find out, solar panels and batteries are no longer necessary. For big and powerful electric engines. Tesla's patents are now expired, and have been for a long time now. Tesla came up with a generator that used magnets for power. This generator can power electric motors indefinitely. Keep the sails , but if you want to speed things up, drop the sails and go full Throttle. I'll post a link. Of a small generator, this could be scaled up to accommodate the application…….
Love this whole eco friendly concept.. I'm assuming that with solar, it also has lithium..are the sails electric or manual? Victoria was dying to break free and have a good snoop around, she barely got a word in, and he declined to offer a price point lol..
Don't let any pretentious assholes show the boat, better you and Rico
Would be nice for a tour & talk AFTERWARDS. I had to turn it off after waiting 10 min to see the master cabin
Nice to see,long over due.
What you don't say is that it's not an ELECTRIC yacht, it's an HYBRID. So not realy ECO…
I’m sure Victoria glazed over when the guy got super technical
“just let me open something “ 
Nice boat
I haven't heard this many uuugh since Beavis and butthead
Too much talking and not enough showing the boat
He talked too much, lol too bad you couldn't ditch him and do your own tour.
So where is it now, stats?
So what's the price?
Eeehm we are committed…. Conscious….The cost is within the reason…
Me: great… Another salesman
howmuch is it?
meine güte der kasper nervt gewaltig !!! könnt ihr das vid neu machen ohne diesen quasselkopf in gewohnter manie !!!!!!
my goodness the kasper is annoying !!! can you redo the vid without this blabbermouth in usual mania !!!!!!
Dear GOD. I thought Victoria could occasionally babble but jesus this guy was a trip. I can't believe Rico didn't jump in and move this guy to show off the boat in a walk though of the caliber you normally employ. I wanted to see the ends ands outs of this boat not relentless triviality. I love as time moved along Victoria began to move the poor guy along. Rico, Victoria was the only reason i reached the end. She is lovely as always.
To be completely honest… this guy is kind of annoying. Instead of letting you talk and asking questions he keeps going over all the 'sustainable' products they used or special materials… It's like… dude… you're on THEIR show… let them ask the questions, and when they ask you about the materials, THEN you can tell them about it.
I have watched this video several times. You and Rocco are the most thorough with your reviews. This will likely be the model we go with when we are ready.
More of the boat, less of the people.
After all it's about the boat isn't it?
Arsesome ?
Uh uh uh uh nice yacht uh uh uh.. uh.
this video have been saved in my "fav boats list" for a while now, i keep coming back to it!! i know there's a full power version of it, which is really my dream boat! i wish you guys could show case it when you get the chance! i'd turn the sun deck to a hydroponic farm, and just spend my life on the ocean ~