După ce obținem un punct în plus, trecând de poarta de punctaj în poziția a 3-a, continuăm să navigăm spre sud, într-o presiune scăzută mare, care va deveni apoi uraganul masiv Lorenzo, cel mai puternic înregistrat vreodată în nord-estul Atlanticului. Navigarea către ecuator și pornirea indemnizației pentru autovehicule pe coridorul Doldrum ne oferă șansa de a repara câteva bucăți pe barcă și de a ne odihni înainte de a relua vânzările. Urmărește cursa: Instagram: @thesailingfrenchman @teamhalongbayvietnam Race live: https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com/race/standings ACTIVAȚI SUBTITRĂRI: pentru a activa subtitrarile, puteți face clic pe butonul CC din colțul din dreapta jos al youtube-ului player și faceți clic pe rotița mică pentru a alege limba în care doriți subtitrarea. Acest link explică destul de bine procesul: https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-On-YouTube-Subtitles Mai multe pe Instagram #thesailingfrenchman și pe pagina de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSailingFrenchman/ Muzică : • Quentin Buffier – El Oelha : https://www.facebook.com/El-Oelha-522963817773156/ și http://quentindummkopf.wixsite.com/el-oelha • Anatomia lui Frank – America de Sud : https:/ /theanatomyoffrank.bandcamp.com • Samuel Scott McCumber : https://soundcloud.com/samuelscottmccumber și https://open.spotify.com/artist/3kjqCOTD5l4VTHHOzX2W83 • The Dying Wake: https://www.facebook.com/dyingwake / • Emuna Studio: https://soundcloud.com/simon-bc • Gypsy Thief https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gDmXj0WqCct5H4i7Hywrw https://www.facebook.com/GypsyThief-1646532742246627/ • Holly’s https://open.spotify.com/artist/4zEdrvXJN3ZDaf20jGM1jY?si=qGutHkkzQpyTZMbL-vuztg • Ora Toulouse https://open.spotify.com/artist/5gsMP8HkiI1IYhX1hp5tuA?Lexxd=rqtaaom3ZtA? com/joakimmalmhed https://www.instagram.com/jockemalmhed Simon BC: https://soundcloud.com/simon-bc • Aimar Morelo Music: https://www.behance.net/aimarmolero https://soundcloud. com/siberianrailway • RETROBLUE Soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/retro-blue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/RetroBlueofficial1/ Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/track/3iD7LnIuzBBaXEJD8RORYa?si= 6LgRWwW3SnqwHtZE_kEssg Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/RetroBlue_official/ Apple Music: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1445566632?ls=1&app=itunes • Rutka Laskier: https://rutkalaskier.bandcamp.com /album/protiklady • The Watt Enterprise o «Muzică produsă de casa de discuri independentă – The Watt Enterprise» o https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ULdNZugpriy12IsUrn6rQ o Mind The Watt : https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PLrTi5bfkGbu19dvHcZEqVwz4Fg6srKHn_ o Saint-Pétersbourg : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrTi5bfkGbu1jBPjp_TLHNmb6dvVp4_OZ sau Arsène Magnard : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrTi5bfkGbu1jBPjp_TLHNmb6dvVp4_OZ sau Arsène Magnard : https://www.youtube.com/playlist? G6QmQBVSjMFs7c2G o Percepții : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrTi5bfkGbu27B6U1bwT3M_HUOx6VnP5s o Santo Pleyel : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrTi5bfkGbu2vK6Ij50: https://www.youtube.com/playlist=PLrTi5bfkGbu2vK6IxHg : https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=LLY8TUkSIL0&list=PLrTi5bfkGbu3FFh2VKbxP0DHcVVp9hJBt • Leo The Eskimo o Instragram: www.instagram.com/leo_the_eskimo/ o Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/facebook/artist/Facebook o Instragram: http://www.instagram.com/leo_the_eskimo/ / • Julii Sharp: o https://soundcloud.com/julii-sharp/tracks o https://www.facebook.com/Julii-Sharp-478404959334308/?modal=admin_todo_tour • Curtis prince: o https://open .spotify.com/artist/32v2rcumTlCKXBQAkZiGDB?si=lA1AY47kTym-TPse9qnDhg • https://www.bensound.com • http://teknoaxe.com Ajută-ne subtitrarea și traducerea acestui videoclip! https://amara.org/v/C2oEk/
Navigare în copilul uragan Lorenzo – Ep101 – The Sailing Frenchman
35 thoughts on “Navigare în copilul uragan Lorenzo – Ep101 – The Sailing Frenchman”
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Another great instalment of this adventure. I hope you win. Great advert for the SeaClipper race.
I'd love to sail with a crew someday
Hey Hugo, not enough fuel carried, surely they get a penalty. They have had all that weight advantage!
Your the best sailing Channel out there i become very happy everytime you post
Love from sweden
So you can huge the engine during the race ?
Super nice footage at 10:08 . What speed did you make? Almost looked near beam reach, must have been awesome 😎
I love this inside look at the Clipper Race! Excellent work.
Great example of life aboard one of these racing yachts. You inspired me to look into participating however it is beyond my means so I must participate vicariously. Fair winds to Ha Long Bay!
Another great video! Cheers and fair winds!
Nice to see you alive 😀 . Have a nice Christmas and a good Race, may Neptune be faithfully . If not, I would blame Josh for it . Wish you a nice Christmas Time.
Comme toujours : juste superbe… merci de partager tout ça avec nous.
Nice choice of music between around 10:00 to 10:40 👌🎸
Sympa d’avoir mis des sous titres en français 👍👍🍾🍾
Merci Hugo !!
Belles vidéos que j’attends avec impatience
Am I the only one the noticed that episode 100 is missing? Special video incoming!?
Fantastic insight to life on board. The crew and skippers blogs don't quite manage a full picture. HATCH OPEN HLBV
'Love hearing your progress….good job to all the crew…..hoping the winds are especially favorable for you
How's your old boat doing?
Nice one Josh! Great to see you on camera! Fair winds!
Encore une très belle vidéo, merci beaucoup. Ça fait voyager depuis mon canapé Savoyard.
Petite question (au cas où) : as tu une autorisation spéciale de la part de la clipper pour filmer et diffuser ces images ? (car ils semblent à fond sur la com' et sur leur image)
Well done Hugo, appreciate it is a lot of work to get the videos edited as nicely as you do them to capture the essence lol of the racing.
fair winds
C est quoi le logiciel de météo et de routage que vous utilisez ?
Lot of hags on board but good quality video otherwise.
what weather routing system is that. I want one
I've been following, but I don't remember hearing him say if each crew member pays to be in the race and the cost? It looks like a very diverse group, young and old. Something I may want to experience. Does anyone know?
I need friends like this 😀
This video is very bad…too many accelerated sequences…..
https://youtu.be/tqu13Vb1f-0 Merry Christmas ! peace
Bonjour hugo, j'aime beaucoups tes videos mais je crois que tu pourais utiliser une cameras de 360° pour ameliorer la sentation d'etre sur ton voilier. Merci beaucoup et ala prochaine
Well done Hugo it's been amazing watching vids from the start to your achievement now looking forward to the next episodes keep it up great achievement fair winds
That crossing the line ceremony was a whole lot more tame than the one I went through in the US Navy. No shillelaghs? How about The Royal Baby and Royal Commode? I wanna see some real torture! 😉
this is an amazing series, and your constant good nature in what must be challenging circumstances, is frankly inspiring. Keep up the good work!
This crew has to have benefitted from the positive attitude of their skipper and first mate. You can tell Josh and Hugo love sailing and there is no tension here!
Great takes. Suggestion, give more time to ocean sailing takes than to selfie taking …etc…otherwise a wonderful channel to learn about ocean racing…thank u
Did you mention this or not; How do the clipper70s generate so much power? I didnt see any solar or water turbines. And I dont think you run a generator all the time, do you?