Flores, Azore – Jurassic Park din lumea reală! SV Delos Ep.250

Flores, Azore - Jurassic Park din lumea reală!  SV Delos Ep.250

Am navigat spre Jurassic Park! Ei bine, cu siguranță mi s-a părut așa, când am început să explorăm prima noastră oprire în Azore – Insula Flores. Noul nostru prieten Felipe se oferă să ne ducă tot drumul în jurul insulei în Zodiacul său, unde găsim peșteri masive, mii de meduze mortale și cel mai vestic punct al Europei! După aceea, ne urcăm într-o mașină și ne aventurăm în interiorul țării, unde vom experimenta mama natură care face unele dintre cele mai bune lucrări ale ei! A fost ireal să experimentăm toate acestea de prima dată, dar a putea reveni la filmări și a fi uimit din nou de frumusețea lui Flores ne-a creat un zâmbet imens pe buze 😀 Sperăm că și tu simți la fel! Trib cu multă dragoste – Brady, Blue & CREW! Abonați-vă la http://youtube.com/svdelos Aceasta este povestea noastră, o poveste a patru suflete care navighează în jurul lumii. Este o poveste despre navigație și călătorie și aventură. Dar este și o poveste despre întâlnirea cu oameni minunați și despre a-ți face prieteni pe viață. Este o poveste a oamenilor care își trăiesc viața într-un mod alternativ, în strânsă legătură cu oamenii frumoși și planeta uimitoare pe care le numim acasă. Experiența noastră ne-a afectat atât de profund încât dorim să o împărtășim, în speranța că alții vor găsi inspirație pentru a-și urma visele și a face ceea ce le place. Pentru mai multe navigații în jurul World Action! Alătură-te Tribului SV Delos! http://svdelos.com/camera – Echipament pentru cameră! http://patreon.com/svdelos – Sprijină-ne pe Patreon pentru filmări nevăzute. http://svdelos.com – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat http://instagram.com/svdelos – Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru mai multe imagini din culise http://facebook.com/svdelos – Apreciază-ne pe Facebook http: //svdelos.com/beer – Dacă vă place ceea ce vedeți, trimiteți-ne unul rece 😉 http://svdelos.com/gear/ – Susține-ne și cumpără un tricou dulce Delos! Trimite-ne dragoste. Iubim navigația, adorăm călătoriile și adorăm să facem videoclipuri despre asta! Suntem doar la jumătatea drumului în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente de cameră mai bune, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 Sprijiniți videoclipurile noastre – Cumpărați-ne unul rece. http://svdelos.com/beer Acest lucru este posibil de TU! Așa că vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru toată dragostea și sprijinul pe care ni le transmiteți! Inseamna mult! Multă dragoste, Karin, Brian, Brady și Blue! SV Delos


46 thoughts on “Flores, Azore – Jurassic Park din lumea reală! SV Delos Ep.250

  1. Epic opening shots!! Great beginnings; @ 9:07 😆 Wooooooo!! 🤣🤣🤣
    this is my favorite episode ❣❣😂👍👍⛵⚓🍻❤❤❤

  2. "Harmful to aquatic animals??!!"
    FGDE … Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Non-toxic. Use like borax (the less the best.) Bi-weekly. Many other uses, including ingesting for the treatment and prevention of internal parasites– a VERY handy thing when drinking water from unknown sources; swimming around the world; sampling street food…

  3. I've been binge watching your videos for weeks and absolutely LOVE the content. But one question that keeps popping up in my mind is, what is that tattoo on senior Brady's shoulder? It looks like something blowing a gust of wind far away but in close ups it looks completely different. WHATS THE TATOO OF ON SENIOR BRADY'S LEFT SHOULDER? I love the art work!

  4. I love it all all though. Everyone who has ever had a finger in dealing with this Chanel (from what I know) is honesty a straight up person. Not pretending or trying to push and agenda or politics. This is what YouTube is meant to be.

  5. "It hasn't really changed that much" …. camera pans over island and it's literally almost entirely terraced with agriculture.

  6. I've seen footage of Flores from several vloggers so far and my impression is that what is not easily accessible is untouched and the rest is manicured, but with respect.

  7. I've seen grown men and women screem and cry at the top of their lungs after been stung by a Portuguese yellyfish at the west coast of France. Our children were surfing and thank God wearing wetsuits. The scars those people had were absolutely horrible and the had to go to hospital. A few days later, our friends Labrador made the mistake of biting one, thinking it was his ball. He almost died. Can't imagine what would happen if you would fall in that cluster of yellyfish 😱.
    Lot's of love from the Netherlands, Daniëlle 😘🙋

  8. For roaches carry roachprufe which is boric acid powder. Very benign to humans. It works when it is dry. When it gets wet the acid is still harmless to humans (external.) Can be an irritant to the eye, but not dangerous. Every house I ever owned I put it under all the cabinets. Of I built a house I put it on every floor plate below the insulation. Very effective on many bugs.

  9. Flores looks insane. I dont think ive been so surprised by an island in your videos since Reunion. By the way, you can tell the crew is vibing in this episode. Cheers

  10. This is one of the finest and best produced videos I've ever watched on YouTube. Love the SV Delos crew and the time and effort you put into sharing your adventures with us. Thank you so very much!

  11. Jurrasic Park was filmed on a jungle island off the coast of Costa Rica. Not near the same. Love your guy's story though.

  12. Flores, Azores is the most amazing territory I have ever seen. So rustic and beautiful while also being somewhat scary.

  13. When I was in the Air Force my girlfriend was stationed at the Azores for 6 months. The stories I heard from her were legendary. She said words could never describe how amazing the experience there at the island.

  14. 🤩🤩🤩🤩 you're stay in the Azores I just love that show I'll always wanted to go there very educational very entertaining you guys are having too much fun jealousy jealousy jealousy keep it up

  15. I'm surprised Brady let her pick up the jelly fish. Usually he's all " don't disturb the animals we don't want to scare them"

  16. I bet Brady eats his fish bone n all as to not waste anything, or he eats the meat and saves the bones and makes "dream catchers" or some other corny "save the whales shit" 😂😂

  17. "super cool place" super this super that . Y'all should just film one thing. Make a vide where all u say is "Thank you for paying us to live our lives doing things u wish u could do.

  18. Hi "Delos",
    Flores Island is named wrongly the most west point of Europe. In fact, Flores and Corvo Islands are on North American plate. the west group islands from the Azores, the Central and east groups are in Eurasian Plate, making Portugal (the Azores are Portuguese islands) and Iceland the only countries standing on these two plates. 🙂
    Best for all past, present, and future teams of Delos. I follow you for a long period and I like you as friends.
    Cheers, and keep enjoying life and showing us how to do it! 🤩

  19. Please Subscribe so we can stay on Vacation forever with Youtube Earnings,while you go to work everyday!

  20. you should cut that climbs and jumps to the soft vegetation. 1000 people doing the same will make a big damage on that critical vegetation to the water on that islands…very bad example!

  21. Amazing production! What an island! Azores were already on the bucket list, this moves it up towards the top. Maybe I should watch 80° North to round it out.

  22. This season has been such a great learning resource! Thanks! I'm setting sail in the next few years!

  23. That big ass cockroach that you found on the boat he probably flew on to the boat those things can fly in Florida we call them palmetto bugs that way we can tell the terrorists they're not cockroaches LOL but I'm pretty sure he flew on to the boat if you want to keep them from flying onto your boat I suggest you keep the lights down as low as possible at night

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