Ea a încercat să se încurce cu o gardă regală… Așezați pentru a proteja familia regală, paznicii sunt un simbol al Londrei și sunt unii dintre cei mai bine pregătiți soldați din lume. De fapt, dacă un turist absent nu îi stă din cale, are tot dreptul să folosească forța și să-l doboare. Dar unora le place să depășească limitele, așa că stați pe spate și relaxați-vă în timp ce numărăm cele mai nebunești întâlniri cu gărzile regale ale reginei (Beefeaters), de la ei înnebunindu-se până la ruperea caracterului și tot ce se află între ele! Abonează-te pentru a nu pierde niciun videoclip!
Lasă-ne un like dacă ți-a plăcut:)
Comentează-ți preferatul mai jos! Karen supărată pe garda regală, garda reginei, garda regina, garda regală, gărzile regale, beefeater, încurcă-te cu un beefeater, încurcă-te cu gărzile regale, încurcă-te cu garda reginei, nu te încurca cu gărzile reginei, ce se întâmplă când te încurci cu gărzile reginelor, jocul cu gărzile reginei, face loc gărzilor reginei, atacul gărzii regale, luptă gărzii regale, gărzi regale, luptă gărzii regale, momente gărzii regale, nu te încurca cu garda, soldat de serviciu, Yeomen Warders, garda regală cele mai bune momente, cele mai bune momente de la garda regală, cele mai bune gărzi regale, lupte cu beefeater, garda regală strigând, garda regală râzând, caracter de rupere a gărzii regale, amuzant, garda regală vorbind, garda regală care se înfurie, momente de gardă regală!
Karen a încercat să se încurce cu o gardă regală…

37 thoughts on “Karen a încercat să se încurce cu o gardă regală…”
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When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object…
Most of these people are pretty disrespectful, but in some clips, I feel as if the guards could show a little bit of courtesy…ask them to move over instead of just pushing or shoving
I love the equality for women shove..Makes my day!
I cannot believe the needy women here.Yuck
It must feel so good to yell at annoying kids or anyone disrespecting you.
One thing you have to know, Royal Guards are trained to not to laugh, smile, or make a weird face during their duty, also they are allowed to push someone or yell to him when they are messing with him, being covered or when they are on his way walking
Old school
Red coats
I am amazed at the idiocy of anyone who appears clueless to proper behavior and etiquette.
I’ve seen these videos b4 but this seems to b in mirror image , or wrong direction !

They need to be left alone you just don't mess with people but the whole royal guard is unnecessary the way they do things the hats the garb it's just nuts
That kid did a better march than than guard, swinging his arms to 180 degree back an forth, that is the proper british way of marching.
I took a shower but I'm like a fairy but My type of fairy doesn't need to take showers you can Tell…
But sometimes I get aggressive And I Just can't control it………………………….
Well The Best way I control it is by making it rain And here we go again…
I'm gonna go make it rain…
I can Just change My looks….>_<
You see your acting cool And mean towards me Jason And I'm your sister And I have to do This…
5:52 mustve been tired.
4:37 was sooo wholesome
I seriously don't see this as anything but a bunch of jumped up pricks defending a family that does noting for the people that keep them, the country is bankrupted, there's untold about of illegal immigrants, killing r@ping and not getting deported, all the while draining the system and this idiots acting like this is the world's most important job.
The kid dressed as a guard was the cutest thing and then real guard marched with him and showed him how to do it
Todo lo que tienen que soportar éstos militares. No tienen nada de educación!!!
some people just have to act like idiots.
totally respect them.
Sabrá ese hombre que son sancionados los guardias que sonrien ?
I may not be educated about the royal guards, But I would never stoop this low as to insult them like that! Smfh
That kid was totally nailing the guards walk!
Eu não acho que tem direito empurrar gritar bobo quem vai vê Los não iria.
I honestly love the guards, Blessed Be.
Very epic guard
LOL. It is not breaking character. It is losing military bearing. Terminology is important.