Sper să vă placă acest videoclip bonus postat pe lângă încărcările normale de vineri! Am avut șansa să filmez acest North Pacific Yachts 49 Euro Pilothouse în timpul unui spectacol cu barca numit Trawlerfest din Baltimore, la începutul acestei toamne. Acest iaht este un crucișător uimitor pe distanțe lungi. Este o barcă robustă și cu întreținere redusă, cu un atractiv modern. Este, de asemenea, o opțiune grozavă ca croaiboard. Proprietarii locuiesc efectiv la bord majoritatea anului! Din cauza traficului de la bord de-a lungul timpului în care am filmat, nu am reușit să filmez sala mașinilor. Obțineți acces la un singur motor (sau la motoarele în funcție de opțiunile selectate) prin trapele de la etajul principal al salonului. Discut despre specificațiile și capabilitățile motorului spre sfârșitul turului. Mi-aș dori să am mai mult timp la bord, dar poate că în viitor îl voi putea revedea pe acesta într-un cadru mai privat. Sper să aveți cu toții o vacanță fantastică! SPECIFICAȚII: LOA: 52′ LWL: 46′ 10″ Lungime: 15′ 4″ Pescaj: 4′ 10″ Tonaj brut: 28.5T Combustibil: 500 galoni – 920 galoni Apă: 250 galoni Rezervor: 65 galoni Vă rugăm să lăsați un like dacă litri ți-a plăcut turul cu iahtul! Multumesc pentru vizionare! Mulțumim North Pacific Yachts: https://northpacificyachts.com/boats/49-e-pilothouse Abonați-vă pentru mai multe excursii cu iahturi! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Yh6NHgXprYf0GerPABPOg?sub_confirmation=1 Despre dependența de iahturi: Hei, eu sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare vineri. Nu lucrez în industria iahturilor și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă mie în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Ai nevoie de cumpărături de ultim moment de sărbători? https://amzn.to/3cHeCQK Pantofii mei de barca preferati – https://amzn.to/3oYDE3t Echipamentul meu pentru cameră: Cameră foto – https://amzn.to/3COk7b0 Microfon – https://amzn.to/3HQEDvm Backup Microfon – https://amzn.to/3CRqb2l Gimbal – https://amzn.to/311BibW Card SD – https://amzn.to/3DKKTCh Introducere 0:00 Flybridge 0:37 Pilothouse 2:07 Master Cabin 3: 18 Cabină pentru oaspeți 4:07 Bucătărie/Salon principal 4:54 Platformă de înot/cabină 6:36 Informații motor 6:50 Outro 8:18 #TrawlerYacht #YachtTour #Liveaboard
În interiorul unui iaht cu traulă de croazieră cu rază lungă de acțiune | North Pacific Yachts 49 Euro Pilothouse Yacht Tour

30 thoughts on “În interiorul unui iaht cu traulă de croazieră cu rază lungă de acțiune | North Pacific Yachts 49 Euro Pilothouse Yacht Tour”
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For the size of yacht. There's a lot of room. Thank you.
I could easily live on this yacht. I love the layout. I also like the hidden coffee station. Great tour as usual. Have a happy and safe holiday. Till next time.
This is one nice boat from a boutique manufacturer that produces less than 20 boats a year. They buy all their parts, and equipment in the US, and Europe, and then have them shopped in x2 40 foot crates to China for the build. The pictures I saw had a full size washer, and dryer, with the washer being positioned to the left of the master bed, and the dryer under the TV as shown here. Evidently, there is a two engine option that will propel this yacht to 21 knots which is a very respectable speed for a trawler. I really like this one so did a little research. The owner can also opt for a high/low table in the pilot house that converts to a berth should you need it. Additional, the yacht can be opted in a 3 stateroom layout. She also has bow, and stern thrusters for easy docking. Very nice review Tony, but I would suggest you do a little research on the yachts you review, and provide us with more information so we don't have to search for ourselves. It took me 10 minutes to read through a review, and learn more about this boat, info you could have easily provided if you had done the same. I like your style, but you need to stand out, and being more descriptive is a great place to start as I'm certain I could learn more about this yacht by reading a few more reviews.

Nice boat and nice Job on the video..
Would be a great Great Loop boat IF air draft is under 19'. I can't seem to find that measurement anywhere and would love to know if that is possible. Doesn't look like the radar dome is foldable however I may be wrong. Anything you can provide would be nice.
This yacht is very well designed. I like that it expands the saloon to max width. I guess if North Pacific would make a 60 feet version of this, the saloon would be like a palace.
That's such a well designed,and appointed ship.I'll look for your slow and full tour when you can in the future.That's everything you need,and my only 'want' is a separate dryer,and a fold down upper are for low bridges.Good gosh is that an awesome buy at '49 Euro'….LoL.(I looked at your extra stuff and didn't see a diff price,but know it's just a comma off)Happy Hanukkah,and Merry Christmas to Everyone.A Festive Kwanzaa included.May all your years be happy,and your travels safe throughout.
Those pilot house settees really should turn into beds when you need to house guests. Some of them do, but it's really easy to build that way and an awful lot of boats don't think to.
Also, that thing at the bow is not a "lovely seating area." That's way too grand for it. It's a "cute lil bench."
But I do like the boat, it's nicely designed for the most part, and looks like a really comfortable liveaboard for a smaller family. (Wouldn't fit ours; we have five residents plus a couple of young adult offspring who come home to visit.)
Correction! There is actually a separate washer and dryer in the master cabin, not a combo unit. This is very impressive for a boat this size!
I like the materials used. Everything looks very refined!
Nice, but would have been a better review video if you had shown the engine room and how much room to service it all.
Not to my taste. The main salon with the aft kitchen looks cramped. The cabins look spacious enough. I would not want to travel too far off shore with just the one engine though.
Plenty of places to sit so must be entertaining in port as only two cabins.
Good Interrior especially for bathroom and cabin also good full size fridge. Range is good too. Good Presentation

These are awesome trawlers
Nice, but we never got to see what the yacht looked like
No walkaround is the dumbest thing ive ever seen. You have to go dirty and wet through the middle of the boat.
On a serious cruising yacht the engine room is a must see. Otherwise a nice tour. Mastercabin layout is nice. Not a fan of the double helm chairs if getting into rough water. The key benefit of a good helm chair is to avoid fatigue of the captain. When in rough seas you want to have the chair hold you in place. Seems that double chair would be like sitting on a bench and you would tire quickly of trying to avoid sliding side to side.
Checks ALL the boxes for me! Stabilizers, washer and dryer, two staterooms with two roomy full heads, lots of refrigeration, sufficient range and fuel economy all topped off with the fly bridge that accommodates an aft crane and tender home.
1/2 a Mil
a true blue water boat that size should have a get home engine.
How many kilometers it run
What’s the range in miles?
Love your videos! I do wish you would slow down and let us savor a bit….
Such a wonderful boat just beautiful but where did they get the poop colored sets. It need that changed to a pattern or better color. Class it up more.
Would have liked to have seen the engine room. Very pretty boat. The quality of the North Pacific trawlers is on par with the best.
How does it hold up in trans Pacific voyage
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