Marinar începător salvează o femeie goală la 3 mile în larg – Delfinii ajutați

Marinar începător salvează o femeie goală la 3 mile în larg - Delfinii ajutați

Îl intervievez pe Koz Khosravani într-un port local din SoCal. Acum câteva luni, Koz naviga cu prietenii când a zărit o grupă de delfini la aproximativ 3 mile de coasta Californiei (lângă Santa Monica). Delfinii i-au îndreptat atenția spre ceea ce el credea că este o mână de om care ieșea din apă. La o inspecție suplimentară, Koz a găsit o femeie goală care plutea în apă timp de 12 ore în apa rece. Koz a orchestrat salvarea și femeia a fost salvată. Știrea de la Inside Edition Koz mi-a exprimat că se simte foarte norocos că a urmat cursuri de navigație ASA prin școala Blue Pacific Yachting cu puțin timp înainte de salvare. Mulțumesc susținătorilor mei de pe Patreon (sprijin pentru artiști/creatori independenți). Alăturați-vă la Camere: Panasonic G85 Editat pe Final Cut Pro X Muzică de la Epidemic Sound Luați o parte din echipamentul pe care îl folosesc aici: Cea mai bună dronă pentru banii tăi este, fără îndoială, Mavic Mini 2 : Camera GoPro: Microfon voce off Audio-Techica: Încărcător USB pentru motociclete: Cameră Panasonic G9: Tabletă Samsung pentru navigare:​​ Instagram @mrJoshPost


47 thoughts on “Marinar începător salvează o femeie goală la 3 mile în larg – Delfinii ajutați

  1. Fascinating story. Do you think the dolphins intentionally led Koz to this woman? Could be. They’re smart. Then Koz did everything right and saved a life. Amazing. Subscribe for more vids. 👍

    Also, camera was a bit out of focus for most of the interview, Ugh. Nonetheless, I had to share this incredible story no matter what. Have a great week wherever you are in the world!

  2. I assure you Sir are are hero. I understand your sentiment that your not a hero, but you were there and did what need to be done to save a life. Job well done.

  3. He tells this as a totally gripping, coherent, chronological story. How many of us could tell such a captivating tale – in a language that isn't native to us?

  4. Everyone’s giving glory to the man and dolphins but it was God that saved her. We have free will and we sin, her free will put her in the ocean, but God saved her in His perfect timing, after she had the chance to finally cry out and pray to God. When we lose control we finally begin to pray, sometimes that is the biggest blessing that can happen to us. Bad things happening that cause us to cry out to God are blessings, bc otherwise we are too lazy and ‘busy’ to give God a second thought. Talk to God, all souls will go to hell if they are not born again.

  5. Hope he never has to buy a drink in his marina again! Novice or not, that lady was lucky it was this chap (and the dolphins) that found her.

  6. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing this story is! Great job doing everything you need to do to be a responsible sailor! Well done sir!

  7. Excellent all the way through from man who recognized this needed to be on tape with this man telling lo this rescue without uncessary interviewer comments. Interviewer not being intrusive allow this man space and time to tell it ball.

    Wowza!!! My heart was beating soo fast while he was describing how this came about. Bravo!!! Everyone of you are soul connected with this women and her family now. I get the very strong feeling has changed many lives…certainly of this women and novas sailor. I would love someone to follow and write then share how this has been the catalyst from that point on of how this has changed their lives and which csused them to grow their souls.

    I am very much wanting Johnny Depp to sonehow be involved in someway making this into a modt epic story filmed movie. Talk about an authentic Aqua women. Her will and her conversation with GOD is priceless. Where did he say I should go to watch more of this event please? Mo Green

    And please someone in wonderful www world who has the meansvand opportunity to bring this to the attention of John Depp, please do. I should love you see his production and directing of this.

    Much like someone who puts a note into a bottle and launching it off into the world, I have faith this will reach those who will make this happen. mo

  8. This guy is great. Some people are so genuine, it is obvious without even knowing them.. he is definitely one of those people.

  9. I wonder… was she on something? Skinnydipping in open water as opposed to a more enclosed lake.. just makes me wonder what was her state of mind … pretty D … and S… even one is a good swimmer

  10. This gentleman would do a much better job at Saving America than Donald would ever do. For one, I find him humble, methodical, and with great outgoing personality. He has a great future ahead of himself, apart from a new developing Passion…Sailing. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I have no trouble believing the dolphins absolutely led him to her – could be coincidence, but could also absolutely be an intentional group effort by these highly intelligent creatures. 
    I bet they'd been hanging around her all night keeping sharks away.

  12. Koz doesn't see himself as a hero and I think that is natural, but that reaction just proves to me that he is a real hero not only for saving the woman's life, but also for the way he went about becoming a safe and responsible boat owner and captain. How many boaters put in that same scenario would've handled it as he did?

  13. What a beautiful human and so modest. It truly was an act of fate that brought him and the dolphins together to direct him. Dolphins are mammals and have a very similar brain 🧠 to humans and can learn all sorts of feats and sign language skills. Koz was right it wasn’t her time. She also knew that, what ever the motivation for entry the water her survival mode kicked in. Thank you for bringing this empowering story and what a great interview. He was allowed at all times to continue his train of thought. He is testament to responsible boatmanship doing the courses, teaching his guests and adapting to the situation. He is a Hero only he doesn’t know it ❤️👍🏼

  14. it’s really nuts that he turned the boat to look for her and didn’t just assume that he must have been wrong. so unexpected and just not something you would think you’d need to do.

  15. He is a hero and she is an amazing survivor. I think I’d give up pretty quick. I can just feel the anxiety thinking about being in the ocean that long. I really do think the dolphins led him to her location. 🐬

  16. This hero is not a young guy, but he is obviously VERY sharp, and that contributed greatly to the success of his rescue. Just listen to all the details this guy is able to remember! It's also a very good thing his sailboat was not one without a motor. Having to tack to come alongside the poor woman would have been pretty tricky, I would think. She was very unlucky, first, and then, ultimately, very lucky!

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