Informații și contact VIKING: Ai cerut mai multe iahturi de pescuit?! În sfârșit, o barcă de pescuit de familie i-ar plăcea foarte mult soțului tău! Consultați turul său de pescuit sportiv VIKING 64 CONVERTIBLE din 2022, în timp ce explorăm toate noile funcții și surprizele ascunse. Unele dintre caracteristicile mele preferate au fost Flybridge-ul care nu se poate părăsi niciodată, Gyro-ul gigant, depozitarea lansetei și echipamentele ascunse în Saloon, Galeria Depozitare-to-no-end și Comfortable Master. Acesta a fost probabil cel mai lung turneu Helm al lui Rico de până acum și camera mașinilor de care, evident, i-a plăcut foarte mult. Hai sa mergem la pescuit!
Prețul pentru un Viking 64C este de 6 milioane USD+
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Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: .html ○ Facebook: //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA GEAR FOLOSIT: ○ Camera – ○ Dronă – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ Yacht de croazieră accesibil: ○ Catamaran Silent 60: 0:00 Introducere 0:17 Exterior 5:05 Prora 7:34 Flybridge 10:05 Căma 13: 57 Interior 19:55 Cabine 25:38 Sala mașinilor 28:54 SPECIFICAȚII 29:52 Ieșiri Mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
6 milioane USD 2022 VIKING 64 CONVERTIBLE Tur cu iaht de pescuit sportiv / Barcă de pescuit de familie

22 thoughts on “6 milioane USD 2022 VIKING 64 CONVERTIBLE Tur cu iaht de pescuit sportiv / Barcă de pescuit de familie”
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Good Morning! The Real Family Fishing Yacht is here! Let me know what you thought of it
$6M boat and you don't even get an automatic anchor… because it is not meant to be used that way..?
Viking has always put out a quality product…..but comes at a serious price. 1 and 2 person showers no thanks that is my time.
Great idea would be to interview Captain and Crew members ask them questions about sea life, working aboard these vessels, so on.
This boat was made for fishing???
Now seriously who has 6M to drop on a boat,unless your a drug dealer or a mafia king pin,,it's worth maybe 900k
She lost all the fishermen from the beginning
definitely very impressive, but I have to say that for that kind of price it's not a whole lot of boat compared to others you've shown on the channel. I get that it's a very high performance, pretty well refined package, and that comes with serious costs, but for me something doesn't quite 'click' with how much it's priced at. It's not the best example I saw but something like Pearl 80 comes to mind as a comparison
Can just one of you talk and not both.
Just beautiful!
Not a sport fishing guy but this is a very neat Boat. I do enjoy fishing but more for relaxation I don't See the fun in fighting a fish for 4 or more hours. Leisure and relaxation that's the go.
BUT another really informative video from the best duo on the internet. Keep it up guys.
i love the look of these, even if i would rather own a different type of boat
I don't know, even with all the fancy stuff I don't get the huge price tag. I see catamarans like the silent 60 for half the price that I'd much rather have than this thing.
She opens the cupboards only loaded with paper plates and paper bowls and then expects to find a dishwasher. Fishing leaves no time for dishes!
You know some Husbands might like this boat. Wives can be the Captain, can they not?

I prefer to store the rods outside the living area since they can develop an odour. For $6M I'd buy a Bering and still fish from it.
Beyond big, beyond cool, beyond your wallets.
i just lost brain cells watching this woman. boy george meets cindi lauper. should have boat knowledge to give a tour
I'd love to know what that boat show was and when it was? Thank you. Really enjoyed your fabulous channel. Gardis in CT
Breathless wow
Lean Mean Fishing Machine! I would love if you would do the new big Bertram so we can compare them. Bertram is back and hear they are amazing now.
That's a boat that doesn't know what it wants to be.
Whoops,you missed under stove which is a dishwasher,duh !