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41 thoughts on “NOUL NOSTRU TRIMARAN!”
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Has the Outremer already sold?
Can't wait to see your trimaran
If It's Really Carbon Fiber…What the Hell is That 1950s Grandma Blue? Oyster White, and Chrome, Chrome, Chrome.

White Leather. White Kitchen, Polyurethane Cutting Boards Think Ralph Lauren Meets Dr Chrome, and Mr White. Stainless Kitchen Utensils, and White Cutting Boards. Pans….Copper
Two Faucets, on One Sink…? Stay Away From Charter Look!!
Make Sore the Kitchen Sink Nozzle is Hose Compatible.
Make Sure You Amas is Sealed, Maybe Three Sealer Compartments in Each. You Can Have Hatches Within Sections of Each Amas, But Make Sure hatches Can Be Sealed.
BLUE 100% it will look great and keep up better. It looks so great with that wood and copper!! Y’all are building MY DREAM boat! Love
y’all! From Georgia USA 
I think white cabinets would be the brightest. But for some color use the blue below the leather cushions.
My Mother had a copper sink and I will put one in our kitchen next autumn. Love copper! And those blue cabinets!
Omg I could not sleep in one of those! Lol Have you slept in one?
Carbon is so dark, white for sure!
All good
like the blue with the walnut great contrast warm & cool (You’ll be constantly cleaning the white). Can’t wait to see it on the water

Aloha, where is the BBQ
I'd just like to remind you that it is easier to install sleeping area fans,as it's being built.They are very nessessary for comfort
But I totally get it. 15-20knts is candy!
I honestly don't think the trimaran will last in their hands for more than one or maybe two seasons. I just hope Riley tests its speed for us though, but maybe without risking the rest of his family.. I think within a couple of years they'll settle with a Silent Yacht that would act like an actual self sufficient house on water.
I think the white will make the place feel bigger but I feel that most boats have white interiors and I feel that the blue will make it feel more cozy and like a home, you should add some white in places as I feel it makes it feel more bright and fresh. I do agree with most people about the leather though It would look amazing but ouch, though cleaning would be mush easier. Maybe have the leather but have covers you can put over it when need could be good
That new Rapido Trimaran is going to be so hot that within 12 months of delivery their will be a new baby on board!
100% White would look Beautiful!! Bright and bigger looking! Change hand towels and dishes to change colors.
You can change pillows and
throw blankets for adding colors.
The other looks dark and dungeon.
Leather will be sticky and mildew.
Black will add heat.
Hope you add AC air when it is to hot.
it might be faster but????? it dose not look as comfortable .its like a race yacht v cruiser
I'm sorry but how can you put the crew in the side floats? I thought your were joking originally..It will be like sleeping in an MRI scanner bobbing on water. They wont be able to sit up and what happens if they are ill in the night or need to go to the bathroom?
Thanks for tjat
Wax that copper to make for easier clean up. Its gonna be lovely.
Why have you not sailed the Philippine islands yet??
White with teal accents. Interior
I like terracotta with yellow accents. exterior
Under way I would only want to sleep in the windward ama, out of the water. Also mentally, being with my weight on the right side, would make me feel doing the right thing while asleep.
youre one of my fav couples on Youtube, keep up doing the good mahi (work in Maori)
I find Sailing so nostalgic, so I loooveee that your teaching all of this to all of us, even though its just basics its so good to know
Yaaasss come to New Zealand ill meet you on land and take yous for a tour around Hawkes Bay, cause thats where im from. can i show yous my Maori culture the food the language x You wont regret it.
3 times i watched this video , cannot wait to see it , im glad for u guys
i highly recommend you get a starlink for your new boat?
why is the ship so small? i think you need a ship with bigger room for a family of 4, at least with a bigger galley, and not to mention family and friends or crew visiting?
Overall cheesy.
Sonny and Cher of sailing, great awsome couple. Great vibes!! Great times ahead.
My surfer son ruined our leather suv seats by dripping salt water on them. So maybe with two boys something more durable.
Crazy. We are all a part of this. We watch (850K) and they monetize. And then they can talk about colors and whatever for their newest boat. This is sooo far from the original Vag. videos…. I love you guys BUT are yr kids going to be on board with the way u have already splashed their faces everywhere? What if they are 12 and say, wtf take my face out your boat decor video…
More content about sailing. Less about yr Patreon, YT monetization priviledge?
Anyone notice Darwin is a parallel incarnation of David Attenborough in a toddler’s body? He makes me smile as does your whole family.
I was thinking about different ways to use the amas hulls, making them sleeping spots is genius use of space!
It’s to small , living on a boat you need room . You need more space for living with kids