Interiorul unui iaht ancorat în docul mării. Interiorul arată confortabil și mai ales luxos. Se pare că a fost o petrecere înăuntru. Vreau să petrec timp pe un iaht ca ăsta într-o zi fierbinte. Ploaia și vântul sunt atât de puternice încât zgomotul ploii care cade pe sticlă se aude foarte tare. Iar sunetul valurilor aspre poate fi simțit în interior. Interiorul iahtului este puțin neliniștitor din cauza vremii, dar îmi place foarte mult. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– Exemplu de proces de producție a „SUNET DE VIS” =wGIichSdA4M Program folosit – 3dsmax – Premiere Pro – After effect – lumion – Photoshop My Channel Click – ?sub_confirmation=1 ○ Toate videoclipurile sunt de la Dreamy Sound. Sursele parțiale sunt utilizate numai care nu încalcă drepturile de autor și sunt utilizate în scopul utilizării loiale. ○Reutilizarea audio/video nu este permisă.
Sunete de ploaie pe un iaht într-o noapte furtunoasă | Ploaie pe sticlă | Valuri aspre

24 thoughts on “Sunete de ploaie pe un iaht într-o noapte furtunoasă | Ploaie pe sticlă | Valuri aspre”
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Ahhhh a chance to dream… Thank you very much I think you did a really good job. I would love to be on board a nice safe cozy little ship so modern. And then to have the beautiful rainstorm. You did a nice job I'm here to say thank you… Thumbs up to you for sure
I love this. I wish I could afford a boat or have a rich friend with one!
A loud, screaming ad, 5 hours in, woke me out of a sound sleep. Thanks for nothing.
bro I have this on almost every night it is amazing I love this so much and everyone else watching will also love it because I have been watching for the past months love it so much everyone subscribe and like this video if you see this!
This is what rich people use to sleep when they go bankrupt
Beautiful yacht room but rain sounds like hail…🙉🙉😻
Stay safe and sleep well, everything is gonna be allright
Pls make the background black. Please
can i maie a suggestion a asmr company and more bost asmr
Everyone who is reading this, I wish you a healthy, happy, and joyful life! ❤🙏
fight me bro
Yo no soy capaz de dormir ahi
I have 1 question.. I do really love this, but I do not know anything about a yacht and what do they call it where they are parked, the mooring ? or is it the mooing ? oh that's a cow. hee haw never mind, what are those cube looking things supposed to be on the left side? is that outside on the dock, or is it part of the boat or yacht ? I honestly dont know. it looks cool but I just wonder what it is. thank you
Why the Yacht is not even swaying
and he sold it to his wife
Wow the yatch didn't even move
Does this yacht belong to 007 James bond?
mobile data is the same as wifi if you got mobile data use it if you got wifi use it
and find the person that didnt give you the advice